Micon and Druff both pounded the fuck out of Vwls for months over her big scam with icfishies
calling her all kinds of names and labeling her as a slut and a thief and badmouthing her for months
I will never understand how she 'forgives and forgets' that organized campaign of slander
lol too funny she volunteers now to co-host Druff's show when he and Micon were working overtime to fuck with her life and her livelihood for a long time
"Queen of Skatz and only female member"... something along those lines.
Join Date: Feb 2010
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There were apologies and forgiveness on all sides for that fucked up shit. I don't like bad blood. Also, it was not a "scam." And... I've answered this question before... yet you still harp on it. Literally years later. If you let things go and move on, you'll be a happier person and will need less Jim Bean.