I blushed with embarrassment at the image fail, as I have marketed myself as something of an authority in the specific field.
Then I blushed with furious rage at the discovery that Lightshot have betrayed my trust, and sold out like Awesome Screenshot. "1-click shareable link"? Lies, villainous lies! To make the unacceptable even more vile, the image URL itself says some nonsense about domains not being registered with ImageShack.
Almost so livid, I was flirting dangerously with non-functionality, I managed to suppress my internal (colourful) dialogue for just long enough to uninstall the filthy traitorous extension. To further drive my point home to the liberty-takers masquerading as extension designers, I proceeded to Unlike their Facebook page.
I do not think my actions were an over-reaction. But I'm too blinded by the bitter aftertaste of a nauseous betrayal to effectively debrief, as things presently stand.