Obama's LSAT score has been fairly well investigated. It's not super difficult to pin down the only Hawaiian-Kenyan-Muslim who went from Columbia University to Harvard Law School. He scored somewhere between the 94th and 98th percentile, according to a
Breitbart article where they tried, without much success, to bash his academic credentials. Sure, maybe he wasn't the absolute smartest guy in his class at Harvard, and he did receive an affirmative action bump to his application, but that is absolutely a score that documents a Mensa-level IQ. His credentials would have made even Joe Whiteguy an extremely well-qualified scholarship candidate at almost every other law school in the country, and probably around the top of the class at somewhere like Georgetown. Yes, there are people like the Clintons and most of the Supreme Court justices who are more brilliant legal scholars, but Obama is unquestionably extremely intelligent and highly qualified. You don't get to be the president of the Harvard Law Review and graduate magna cum laude just by being a token black dude.