</p>Edwige Fouvry was born in Nantes, France but now lives and works in Brussels, Belgium. He earned a Masters degree from École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels de la Cambre.
Ultimately, Fouvry’s landscapes are born of a desire to locate patterns and coherence in the world—to bring sense and form to the random and idiosyncratic. By indexing psychological spaces in the manner of Les Nabis, the Symbolists, or even Gerhard Richter, the paintings also speak to a desire to organize intellectual chaos and explore existential questions about self and personhood. Figures frequently appear within the landscapes, set against branches and foliage rendered in exuberant, hyper-realistic colors. Naked and exposed, the figures underscore human fragility and loneliness while simultaneously manifesting mythical, even monumental qualities.
These paintings, as with all of Fouvry’s works, lie at this nexus of the solid and the ephemeral, the physical and the psychic, and figuration and abstraction.