Originally Posted by
also i've been watching spartacus on netflix and it is amazing
you should get a Spartacus wristband and intimidate the fuck out of these fools
to wit.
speaking of wit, I posted this fucking glorious lengthy comment on this girl's Facebook all about Spartacus and the street and shit.
then, when I was neurotic coming down, I deleted it cause Thais don't get non-literal shit. and I didn't want her to get the wrong idea.
then I felt stupid, cause nothing is more guaranteed to give someone the wrong idea, than deleting a comment they've either already seen, and/or have a copy of in their email inbox.
cliffnotes: I didn't sleep with her. but then I probably wasn't going to anyway. which makes the whole deleting comment debacle somewhat ridiculous. so i have to convince myself that my hilarity wasn't funny. but I just can't do that dogs. I just can't. sigh. life.