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Old 01-26-2012, 12:53 AM   #21
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by GAMBLE-BOT View Post
insanity defense is all about your intent at the moment or lack of any as you are insane. I could easily be wrong but I dont know a single person that got off on a premeditated murder by reason of insanity.

See this is the theory I'm toying with. My first job was at McDonalds. I was 14, got Crew Member of the Month and Rookie of the Month in my first month, Employee of the Year later - and purely because I was the sleaziest little creep in the world. My up-selling was out of control. The suggestive power of up-selling is unfathomable.

"You want fries with that."

You have to see it, to believe it. Humans are so easily led by suggestion. And this is the basis for my theory; that without Law, or Religion, there would be no crimes of passion. Because the first time I ever contemplated about killing my brother was when I read about Cain and Abel. And horrified, I shuddered and moved on.

But the suggestion had been planted there. So later, I killed my brother and raped his dead body. All premeditated. I had been fantasising about this since I read about Cain.

Now, the Law will have the fucking nerve to suggest that I am sane there? This is - sane - behaviour? I'm acting in my own best interests, am I? To rape his dead body? This is sane behaviour, according to the Law.

You see my point?

My hypothesis is that every "crime of passion" is a crime of confusion; i.e. a crime of emotional insanity. It's their passion. Their confusion. They give it to children when they're at their most impressionable, if only to plant the seed of the suggestive up-selling.

They're literally telling 4 year olds who'd never contemplated killing or raping:

"Would you like crimes with that?"

And then they follow it up by telling children, some nigger they've never met was tortured on behalf of their inevitable sins. It's human nature to sin, right? This is what they - suggest - assert - up-sell - to impressionable children.

It's not human nature. It's not natural. It's not humane. It's fucking insane.

And every single crime of passion is a crime of confusion; i.e. a crime of insanity. Premeditated insanity, isn't insane? This is fucking logical failing at insulting levels that demand their being dragged out from behind their benches and legislative bodies, stripped naked (I won't participate unless they're naked - it's not a homosexual thing, but they need to be naked - or count me out), dragged bleeding and screaming through public streets, bullwhipped until they bleed and beg for mercy, at which point you - mercifully - adjourn proceedings. To deliberate.

Then you execute them. For every crime. Because every crime of passion is their creation.
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Old 01-26-2012, 01:53 AM   #22
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I was referring to both of you.

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Old 01-26-2012, 02:25 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
See this is the theory I'm toying with. My first job was at McDonalds. I was 14, got Crew Member of the Month and Rookie of the Month in my first month, Employee of the Year later - and purely because I was the sleaziest little creep in the world. My up-selling was out of control. The suggestive power of up-selling is unfathomable.

"You want fries with that."

You have to see it, to believe it. Humans are so easily led by suggestion. And this is the basis for my theory; that without Law, or Religion, there would be no crimes of passion. Because the first time I ever contemplated about killing my brother was when I read about Cain and Abel. And horrified, I shuddered and moved on.

But the suggestion had been planted there. So later, I killed my brother and raped his dead body. All premeditated. I had been fantasising about this since I read about Cain.

Now, the Law will have the fucking nerve to suggest that I am sane there? This is - sane - behaviour? I'm acting in my own best interests, am I? To rape his dead body? This is sane behaviour, according to the Law.

You see my point?

My hypothesis is that every "crime of passion" is a crime of confusion; i.e. a crime of emotional insanity. It's their passion. Their confusion. They give it to children when they're at their most impressionable, if only to plant the seed of the suggestive up-selling.

They're literally telling 4 year olds who'd never contemplated killing or raping:

"Would you like crimes with that?"

And then they follow it up by telling children, some nigger they've never met was tortured on behalf of their inevitable sins. It's human nature to sin, right? This is what they - suggest - assert - up-sell - to impressionable children.

It's not human nature. It's not natural. It's not humane. It's fucking insane.

And every single crime of passion is a crime of confusion; i.e. a crime of insanity. Premeditated insanity, isn't insane? This is fucking logical failing at insulting levels that demand their being dragged out from behind their benches and legislative bodies, stripped naked (I won't participate unless they're naked - it's not a homosexual thing, but they need to be naked - or count me out), dragged bleeding and screaming through public streets, bullwhipped until they bleed and beg for mercy, at which point you - mercifully - adjourn proceedings. To deliberate.

Then you execute them. For every crime. Because every crime of passion is their creation.

The punishment for breaking laws is created for prevention. If you were to set the bar for the insanity plea too low, there would be no prevention as no one would ever be found guilty. So really you are just arguing to get rid of the insanity plea or laws that you can plead insane to.

There are also semantic arguments. Legal insanity has a lot higher bar than regular ol insanity. Something can be sane and insane at the same time.

I think you probably know this.. but damn man you write a lot. For shock value i guess ?

Whats tapper up to .. you have crimes of passion with him ?
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Old 01-26-2012, 03:04 AM   #24
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Old 01-26-2012, 04:01 AM   #25
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If Tapper tweets whats his account.

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Old 01-26-2012, 04:05 AM   #26
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realneverstop, but plz dont follow us
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Old 01-26-2012, 04:54 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by gay sex View Post
realneverstop, but plz dont follow us

That is fucked up because I am following Tapper and didn't even realize it. Actually I only use twitter on the commode but if it honestly is tapper then that means there are 2 people on twitter worth reading. Shout out to setofks .

  setofks is twitter god
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Old 01-26-2012, 04:55 AM   #28
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People say speed/ritalin makes you all productive but I just find after a few hours of hard concentration my brain is all worn out and I cant think no more. What is scooters trick
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Old 01-26-2012, 04:59 AM   #29
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Old 01-26-2012, 05:01 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by nextlevelshit View Post
The punishment for breaking laws is created for prevention.

Really? And how's that been working out?

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
In total, 7,225,800 adults were under correctional supervision (probation, parole, jail, or prison) in 2009 — about 3.1% of adults in the U.S. resident population. In addition, there were 86,927 juveniles in juvenile detention in 2007.

If you were to set the bar for the insanity plea too low, there would be no prevention as no one would ever be found guilty.

Sorry. Again, I'm going to have to ask you what is 'prevention' is that you're referring to?

And again, can you connect the dots between being found guilty of a 'crime of passion' to preventing its reoccurrence?

So really you are just arguing to get rid of the insanity plea or laws that you can plead insane to.

Absolutely not.

On the contrary.

I'm making the irrefutable argument to get rid of Criminal Law.

Teach mothers to make the logical case to their children for why they should (or shouldn't) act - when it is (or isn't) in the child's best interests.

Arrest anyone and everyone suspected of creating junkies addicted to emotional validation; compliments, a desire to please their parents, or avoid their displeasure. Sentence them to education, without parole; until they realise the only thing they care about is their child's happiness. Triple offenders are neutered.

There are also semantic arguments. Legal insanity has a lot higher bar than regular ol insanity. Something can be sane and insane at the same time.

Please provide an example of something sane and insane at the same time?

Insanity is the incapacity to act in your own best interests. This includes confusion, ignorance, chemical imbalances, emotional corruption (wanting what you cannot have, until you have it; etc) and all loss of control. You cannot refer to "legal insanity" as if it actually has relevance. I'm arguing that the Law creates the confusion that creates the pain that creates the emotional angst that creates the crime.

I think you probably know this.. but damn man you write a lot. For shock value i guess ?

Brevity is the soul of shock rather than wit. It's why banners, headlines and punchlines have replaced logical arguments. A banner doesn't have to "show all working".

I write long essays because when I try to edit 5000 words it turns into 15000.

Whats tapper up to .. you have crimes of passion with him ?

As a matter of fact, yes. In my exuberance, and because his mate didn't realise he was already toasted, I gave tapper's god mate Lawso too much franky one day on holiday.

Hilarity ensued. Decorum precludes my outlining the details but they included - from memory:

* A Eurasian hooker with rubber gloves.
* tapper on the floor, wheezing and trying to juggle the laughter vs breathing dilemma
* my banging my head into the carpet, trying to slant a similar battle in favour of breath (I'm a survivor)
* Lawso calling us godless liars the next day, and all manner of slurs, for our 'fabricating' reality; before walking gingerly to the mini-bar

I was responsible for the crime. Lawso the passion. Tapper just pulled out his 14" schlong at which point everyone, including the Eurasian hooker - stopping laughing.

Originally Posted by gay sex View Post
realneverstop, but plz dont follow us

I'd rather follow the real neverstop.

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