Originally Posted by
Apes of Wrath
You can not force your perspective onto others Scuter.
What an idiotic thing to say. Do you read anything I write?
Either the human race has the ability to re-imagine sanity (which will require their getting a grasp of the concept of logic) or they will not.
Of course I could force my perspective onto others. Do you think the people who create websites like this are
brighter than I am?
I'll prove to you how 'bright' I am. I'm not even bright. I'm just brighter than all the imbeciles who would react to this website like the imbeciles they are. None of you - I'm almost certain that none of you - have the first clue about motive. You would look at this website and not know what I instantly know because it's instinctual. The web site's existence doesn't create the problem. Guns weren't held to the heads of 13 year old girls "Sign up or die".
Humans can't understand logic like this. They'll think if this website didn't exist, 13 yr olds wouldn't be looking for men. No. That's like the gun debate. Guns don't kill people, religion kills people. People kill each other more efficiently with guns but you can take the guns away and all that does is cut down on gun deaths. You imbeciles with your pitiful delusions of power. You have no power. You're all emotionally insane. You'd understand how ridiculous the gun debate is by contrasting the deaths at 9/11 with the deaths on your roads with the deaths by firearms and you'd realise it's all a big joke.
On you. The joke is on you.
I'm consistently horrified at the insanity of all of you. None of this is my opinion. You want to see proof that no one gets motive? I'll put this Nerkoo.com stuff on ThaiVisa or any forum you like and watch everyone get angry at Nerkoo.com. As if they're exploiting children. Hah. You dumb creeps. They're just the weapon. It's wrong but it's a distraction from the real issue. What's the real issue?
Answer: Your mother is a Whore.
The motive for these little girls to be looking for men at 13 starts a little younger than 13. No, even younger. Younger still. However young you think the problem starts, you have to go younger. This is a world of exploitation and you should instinctively see optimality and jumped the queue to 0. I would, in their position. It's why I 'Win' but have never won. You imbeciles just want everyone to lose. You're all too in love with your mothers who made / make you feel Special when you don't realise that's the poison that exploited you.
I don't even remember writing this below, I only found it looking for the screenshot of Nerkoo.com horror. This is brilliant writing but TIME isn't your friend. The publishing houses of the world are not idiots. You're the idiots. They're merely stupid.
The logic in this rant on TIME.com will never be countered. It cannot be countered. So humans who read it will have a choice between Sanity and Insanity and they're going to pick Insanity but they're going to be awfully nervous about it without really understanding why.
I'll tell you why. Because you cannot justify what you WANT, and you fucking KNOW it. I'll tell you even more. You cannot be stupid enough to imagine you still want it if someone tricked you into wanting it.
Can you?
Oh. Well that's just insane. Welcome to the Human Problem. They get exploited and the insanity becomes theirs. It's all they have.
The things I say are not countered, except by myself. You fuckers aren't any help. The things I say are deemed offensive. Women find my arguments
offensive towards women. Do you understand? These imbeciles are breeding
OFFENSIVELY. It's a breeding race now.
and get a grasp on logic Your emergency is not my emergency or zizek's etc etc. Just because you see humanity facing X Y and Z and these impending calamity's spell certain doom in your mind does not necessarily mean the next man feels the same way.
ROFL. Just a little tip. Don't tell others to do what you cannot understand.
It's illogical that you imbeciles cannot see the doom coming. It'll illogical because you're incapable of making the logical argument for why there isn't an emergency. It's not complex, you morons. All you care about is taking advantage of others. Everyone lies to their closest friends and family. Everyone lies to themselves. Everyone wants anyone else but them to wear the liabilities for their insanity. Corporations are running riot across the globe. You imbeciles cannot understand how this goes dot to dot to boom in a world where resources are being depleted faster than is sanely sustainable for what...a decade? Two?
Try one year. Or two. That's how long I estimate you have before the guys who have control of the $1,000,000,000,000 / annum illicit pain 'relief' industry will also control the fresh water supply of the world. You don't realise how their minds work. You're not bright enough. They're not bright but they're incredibly intelligent and efficient and their minds are sharp as tacks. Little shaky on the emotional side because they just see an angle and nail it. They're going to nail your face on this water business and I had no clue about it until jim came back to post about it what, 2 days ago?
I did a little reading and I think I've seen enough. They're going to take control of the drinking water of the planet, do you know how I know that? BECAUSE THEY CAN. BECAUSE THEY'VE ALREADY DONE IT WITH THE MARKET FOR PAIN RELIEF. Water is brilliant. Get ready to get thirsty.
Do you understand the insanity of capitalism yet, you imbecile? Coercive monopolies. It's a product of capitalism that capitalism has never even been made to justify. It's a product of religion. All this retardation is a product of religion. You're going to see a Christian Hijack of Drinking Water soon and you're going to learn about PAIN and TEMPORARY RELIEF. And I don't mind not sticking around to see that because it's going to get really ugly in ways you're too stupid to comprehend.
But even if it turns out that water can remain free for the lucky few who still have adequate supply of non-toxic fresh drinking water, do you know what the non-replenishable resource levels are presently at for the commodity without which cities cannot be lighted, heaters cannot be powered, food cannot be transported, ships cannot be steamed, planes cannot be flown?
They're so much higher than OPEC would want you to believe. Price-fixing is an insane game. It's a
Yes No whoops Rape! kind of madness and there's no genuine Rape happening within 5 years there. But what do you think all the Iran silliness is about? Why do you think Iran is building nukes? To attack or defend against Christians? That's the problem with weapons, isn't it? They get used very aggressively by militaries like the Australian Defence Force.
Yes No whoops raped instead of played. Do you know how this madness exists in literally 95-98% of the 7 billion human beings on the planet?
It's simple. I worked it out. It's a function of exploitation. Girls are moderately more deceitful because they're moderately more confused. They're moderately more insane because they're moderately more exploited. Dot to dot, dot, dot. They said No and get ignored / raped. So they say Yes? No. Wait. No one has a clue what words mean anymore.
The Devil is responsible for heroism in the Vatican. Do you think this is what the priests are saying?
Funny isn't it. How they've managed to reverse logic to illogical inside the heads of the entire world of imbeciles who've been brainwashed to think leaks are bad. Tsk tsk. Secrets should stay secretive, says the gossiping creeps who get angry if you gossip their secret lurid business. They're too stupid to understand the only reason people are making a big deal about it is to fuck with them, emotional manipulation. No one gives a shit about your dumb lurid crap but you.
You wouldn't understand that if you're special. you'll just think everyone is laughing at you because you're too ashamed to realise they're laughing at your suffering (i.e. your shame). You're Karen Klein. It's all in your insane minds.
Something like 70% plus of girls are sexually molested before they're 16 but no one ever talks about it. They're ashamed. They'll tell me though, and get dumped. Because what the fuck am I supposed to do about it?
I know what to do now. But how could I have been expected to when no one else has a fucking clue? And how could I offend every girl in the world into dumping me? That's what would be required for them to let go. BRUTAL COLD TRUTH. Only brutal when you've been lied to for your entire life, believing you're somehow special because a filthy, filthy whore who believed she was somehow special (the guys who split her legs likely convinced her of this fact*) but then she's lying to herself and you and it's as provable as her advice to her son, who she either didn't want to ever have sex or perhaps she's the biggest imbecilic girl on the planet when it comes to Motive? It's actually a bit of both, and a third insanity. She's fucking lying non-stop in denial. She cannot even tell you why she had you.
Ask your mother to explain why she had you.
* That's...guys like Daddy who either split her legs himself (very low %) or split her legs for the public-at-large (very, very high %) with his imbecility in thinking force could be asserted without logic or violence - you know how many times I've heard a girl have an argument with her father? It wasn't over me. I understood that quite succinctly. These were decade-long arguments where imbeciles scream past each other. Both too stupid to understand the other's position. It's "Go to your room" vs "You can't tell me what to do" and they just yell emotional variations of that at each other for a decade whilst anyone nearby tries to think of prison break escape routes. I would try to hold onto sanity. Well I can't get involved, can I? They'd both yell insanity at me then.
Private family matter. Imposed onto me sure, but who has ever given a fuck about imposition in this Christian world? Do you understand why people cannot get a grasp on when it's appropriate to disturb? Never. But then only narcissists ever really disturb anyone.
No one gives a fuck about who they impose their insanity upon. But they'll take it out on you because they'll be embarrassed. Hah. You like that shit. You know that it's true. You'll all fucking insane. No one gives a fuck. This is about them, as in individuals. Incapable of understanding motive, it's all becomes irrational, unreasonable and insane. You will be insane if you cannot understand motive and logic.
Don't fucking embarrass your tiny mind again by telling me to get a
grasp on logic. This isn't a debate, you imbecile. I will stop teaching you if you're incapable of learning. The question of who can do logic and who cannot has been
proved. Stop imagining that you're
special. You only believe that because those who believed they had an interest in drilling everyone down to the lowest common denominator (i.e. making humans stupid) used egalitarianism to pull it off. And your mother, of course; she helped, but only because you were a gullible fool.
You didn't ask Why, did you? Whenever someone told me I'm special, I would ask them Why? They just wanted to express their sleaze, is all. Very few people can defend their positions. Like < 1% of people.
Your mother didn't tell you why you were special. She never told you the Why for anything. It's evident in everything you say and do. And when you're asked for the Why you just ignore it. I see it every day on this forum. This is the fault of those who raised you. They didn't have an interest in explaining Why. You didn't have an interest in asking Why.
I'm not special. You're simply all too stupid to be true. Your mother simply asserted her feelings that, as a product of her - and she's
special - you must be special too! And you went, "That feels good. I hope that's true."
Feeling special, you cruised along. Just feeling good. It's why humans have very little value. They've been tricked into feeling good with lies. It's called condescension. Patronisation. Insults, yes. But humans like to be insulted. You're so vile. You know they don't mean it, but it's still nice of them to say. You imbeciles. You demand creeps lie to you. Then you scream in pain when you're confused.
Dot to dot? Can you, draw lines, from dots to dots?
Not giving you the business by any means, but your outrage over perceived apathy toward "more pressing" matters is, in my humblest, a waste of energy.
No. YOUR insane outrage. There is no outrage in my writing. I'm writing urgently. You're too emotionally insane to have a clue. You tell me to get a grasp on logic moments after I take the time to gently PROVE to you that you forgot to include a logical argument with your assertion about power requiring dispersal to be some (magical?) solution to a problem you don't even understand or appreciate.
You're not in the position to give anyone the business until you can make a logical argument for why you FEEL the way you feel. I asked you a long time ago why you felt special, after you asserted that you knew you were special. Still waiting for that answer.
Humblest? Opinion? How can you even have an opinion if you cannot think in terms of anything but emotions? You mistake urgency for outrage. It's why I have to fake yell at you to get you to stop being imbecilic and creepy with your demented advice which wasn't solicited.
Oh look. Are we having a deja vu moment? # 124?
Try and
understand something for a change. Internalise. Enough with your demented externalising. Stop trying to
advise the world on what they should do when you're not really in a position to be giving even a child your opinion, are you? This is Christian insanity that you're doing. You think correction is conflict. You're too stupid to be real, and you degrade the value of me with your insanity. Stop it.
Why don't you try something more compelling than arguing with randoms online- write your own articles for print in whatever magazine or internet blog as per your choosing.
I have already answered this question.
How about you tell me why you think I could ever write better than John le Carre and I'll go learn how to write better if you make that case convincing? Have you even read a le Carre novel yet?
I think we both know the answer to that question. You're not really someone sane enough to be dishing out your advice. But that's the Christian Trick and it's how religion went viral. You will read all this logic and you will just ignore it because you know you're special. You just - can't - make the case for why. I'll tell you why. You don't want to learn.
You're afraid that you'll find out you don't know anything. Don't be afraid. You don't. There. I've freed you to learn. Embrace the liberty of reality. The day I realised I wasn't special was pure joy. No more pressure. No more eyes felt watching me, pressing me to 'succeed' in demented ways, money money money power power power - I was screaming back but being driven forward.
You're not special. That's as diplomatically as I can pot it whilst remaining ethical. I'd shoot for generic first, before setting my sights higher though. If I were you. Unlike you, I am in a position to give advice. If you think I am demented enough to waste my time having an emotional battle with you, I might just go over and kill you on principle.
Stop giving people advice. Stop forcing me to feign emotion to get through to you. You are worthless. Do you understand how the Truth WILL set you free? Not if you're afraid of it. You'll just live in the delusions of their exploitation your entire life. You don't want to do that.
Then go about getting your work printed.
John le Carre.
I pledge to assist you in this endeavor in any capacity that I am capable of, do we have a deal? If we knock and are turned away, we'll just keep fucking knocking. Someone will answer.
What is wrong with you man? Do I have to give you my resume to get you to shut your ridiculous face. Do you think I'm someone that needs help getting things done? I need help getting emotional things done. You want to help me? DO WHAT I ASK PEOPLE TO HELP ME WITH.
Let me know if you need a refresher. There are two (2) things I've asked for help for in the last 6 months, on this forum. 0 assistance given. Just imbeciles with the nerve to ignore requests for help but they sure do love to give their opinions away.
It's not worth 2c though. If only your opinions had neutral value. Shoot for neutral before you continue to value their exposition.
It's worth a shot, and I feel very strongly people ought to be listening to you, so perhaps this is a good time to put a foot forward yes? Unless you can think of a good reason why not?
If you're asking me whether I think you should listen to me, then yes.
If you're asking me whether others should listen to me, I would say "Let's focus on you" to you. To them, I'd say "Yes".
But for you, you need to focus on you.
Originally Posted by
Apes of Wrath
Religion is hogwash, in a population devoid of pain the need for religion would evaporate in an instant.
You have it around the wrong way. And no, even when you take religion away you're still left with the problem of imbeciles who have been made to believe they're special enough to breed their special bloodline rather than adopt a child of humanity if they "need to share their love so much" they can't help but breed.
That's why everyone gets angry at me when I ask the simple question. Why.
Why are you having children? Why do you want children?
They know what's coming. They know its about heritage. They know it's creepy and they don't want to explain because they know they cannot justify their position. They just WANT to feel more Special than anyone else and they think I'm trapping them with crafty word tricks when all I'm asking them to do is explain their insane narcissism.
Ask me for my motives for doing something and I will give you them. They might not be logical, but if I'm wrong, I will be glad.
Ask you for your motives for doing something and you ignore the question. In a social situation, you would respond the same way as my creepy friends who simply announced they intended to breed and thought they could get away with it without being asked Why.
Idiots. You should see the look on their faces when you ask them Why. They're furious. They were worried someone was going to ask that question. They lash out as if they're insane. Because they're insane? They're insane for thinking that they're in a position to lecture me in a public setting. That's generally going to be a mistake. How catastrophic it is, would depend on how certain you were that you were sane. If you're very certain, you will suffer a social catastrophe that hurts everyone. People think I am stupid enough to imagine I can win by destroying someone to the point of a nervous breakdown?
But I do not permit an incorrect position to be smug. It's not possible. It's not about pride. It's about OCD which is kind of sane. I'm obsessively compulsively ordered, or I used to be. Incorrect is not correct. Why are you insisting that it could be?
(most people found the exit before the tears, but no one found a way to make incorrect correct. many people told me I was making a mistake, I even believed them; but then I was obsessively correct, in the end.)
Letting people believe in their delusions was how you became so convinced you were in a posiiton of equality when you're not really - equal - are you? In terms of your opinions' having value?
Stop giving advice. It's one of my pet peeves. Because it's filthy shit and it flies against the face of logic for insane people to believe their opinions and advice could have value. And you're an imbecile if you think I'm not bright enough to notice when Christians default into advice-giving.
It's usually right after they've been corrected. Somehow, they mistook a compliment for something that causes offence. Gosh but however could that idea get in the head of an insanely demented Special child?
Time to let go of that teat.
The bottom line, to me, is the need for removal of engineered pain from the face of the earth. This must happen and it can only happen when power is restored equally across the board.
Religion creates the pain. Power is a function of that pain. Dot > dot > dot. You've got the dots lined up but you're going in the wrong direction.
I'm talking about removing money by the way, if that hasn't been made clear yet. I have a rather brilliant idea of how to do it too, but no one takes me seriously so....whatever.
Why would anyone take you seriously if you're not capable of being convincing?
People have always taken me seriously when I talked about money and poker. It's when I challenge their sanity they get all huffy and super-extra-duper insane.