i like Wongs idea, I just happen to have...certain needs and sadly I feel like I genuinely NEED a really nice phone at the moment. Look, I've never *NEVER* owned a single really nice smart phone (or any smart phone for that matter) so this has gotta be a winner as I will probably have the phone for a half decade or so.
I scored with the latina because she's always had a thing for me and to be honest, things with **** have been fairly dull. I wasn't sure how much I'd dig a vegan and honestly I can't fucking stand it, and the sex was extremely boring (the girl has a pleasant body to admire but she's just too lanky with no tits to speak of) while Adrianna is volumptuous- she's almost literally perfect, nice and curvy with great tits and a very pleasant personality, upbeat attitude AND NO KIDS which for a latin girl of 22 is amazing. and she loooooooooves my dick, she cherishes each moment she spends with it I swear on my life.
so anywho I dropped the hammer on both a bad ass knife (I have a thing for knives, this is my third one) and a bad ass flashlight (I was hell bent on getting a stinger streamlight buuuuuuuuut this bad boy won me over for somewhat obvious reasons) and right now I am highly highly tempted to pull the trigger on this guy for day to day use. Just not sure I want to invest so much, but it's just an amazing amazing knife.
Sorry been, this time my sobriety is for real. Wong was right, in the past when I tried to "sober up" i had literally no idea what sobriety really meant. Now I do, it's a path I am walking alone and I am truly blessed and very lucky to have the life that I do, to have a chance to live again...being sober truly is priceless.
sonatine thanks for the input, you have some valid points but then again I asked a fairly simple question. You could have given a simple answer...either way the HTC won me over. Also I am very close to landing a full time job as an apprentice electrician, I have my fingers toes and eyes crossed on that one. I wanted to learn how to weld and try to make a career of it but electrician is just as good IMO.
Oh, and 164/78 is how you spell winning folks, down from 198/84 a month ago and several people including two physicians are ecstatic over the change. I am truly blessed to be good at the things I do well and God willing I will continue to be a force for good in this world.
respect the legends in this thread, The Magnificent Bobby Wong, Godatine, VaughnP, Rumtum Dick, Glary Sex, Indiana Slim Jim and of course my friend Hosey Mchosenstein
I literally just rented The Dark Knight Rises (which kicked ass) from redbox and it was my first time using the thing. Redbox is fucking off the chains folks, off the hizzy for sure.
we really need some kind of a great movie thread to discuss current and upcoming movies both for rent and in the theatres.
I am interested in attending culinary school but that's kind of a dream that may come true. More on that later, I still need to tell the story of Adrianna and also rum dick to answer your question in my vision I only saw Sonatine, Gay Sex, Cobson and Bobby Wong. I hope that doesn't burst your bubble in some way but I'll explain at some point and it will all make sense.
No, Bob didn't screw me or even like/trust me if that matters (and with good reason, believe me.)
dah dah dah dah dah, dodododo oooooh yeahhhhhhh here it comes again
whoooooooawuuuuuu yeah hey hey hey hey!!!!
here comes the rain again
falling on my head like a memory
falling on my head
like a new emotion
i want to walk in the open wind
i want to talk like lovers do
i want to dive into your ocean
is it waiting with you?
not sure if this cuts the mustard but I spent nearly three hours across three stores and finally settled on this bad boy Wong. no phone yet, I spent my money on tools instead.
I finally settled on a 28oz because the nearest size was 23 and it seemd too light. Also the Vaughn California Framers were either too short too long or too light, this bad boy is the perfect length weight and it's built to last (couldn't buy a serious hammer with wood, I thought the steel would hold up better)
and I got some gloves and a couple other things. probably going to get a cheap pre-paid phone of some kind, it's about time I wake up to the fact that I am never going to be upper class sporting fancy thousand dollar phones and what not.
I like my hammer. It's the first tool I have bought for myself in my life (with my own money I mean.) AND I SPENT THREE HOURS HUNTING AROUND DAMNIT. I'm not taking it back.