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Old 02-04-2010, 11:23 AM   #21
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by CobsonMcGoober View Post
I do think it's hof that a propaganda chief was on the list, and I for one welcome our new chinese overlords.

This is undoubtedly hof. Goebbels got a bum rap.

But lolz at Forbes. China's fortunes are intrinsically linked with the US. If US consumers don't buy their shit, China goes to shit. And if China's economy doesn't continue on this unpossible unsustainable 7% annual trajectory set by the Politburo, it's gg for those politicians and possibly for the Communist Party of China.

The US and Europe aren't going to continue to allow China to artificially restrain the yuan for much longer. And once that happens, gg Chinese economy. I wonder if perhaps the widespread internal chaos that will probably occur in China once the yuan is allowed to float freely is the primary factor in tempering US / EU resolve on this issue.

Meh. They have to float the yuan at some point - and until that happens, China is just a massive blowfish.

Albeit with an advanced nuclear military and global force projection capabilities.

Still, ranking Jintao as the world's 2nd most powerful man is retarded. I think that Forbes list is ridiculous. I'm fairly certain that the general public doesn't ever hear the names of the top 50 most powerful people in the world. But as I'm not [yet] one of them...I could be wrong. I guess.
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Old 02-04-2010, 01:36 PM   #22
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What are the chances that N. Korean plane was carrying burgers and flapjacks to Wisconsin?
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Old 02-04-2010, 03:02 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by DakotaBurnsInHell View Post
I think that Forbes list is ridiculous. I'm fairly certain that the general public doesn't ever hear the names of the top 50 most powerful people in the world.

Yeah, I noticed there were precious few Bergs, Golds and Steins on that list, so I knew it was afraud.

  ding ding
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Old 02-09-2010, 11:18 AM   #24
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Expected development but if things turn to custard and we're looking back at the timeline, today will be the shot heard around the Kingdom.

Thailand aims to seize all Thaksin fortune: attorney general

BANGKOK: -- (AFP) - Thailand's attorney general wants all of former premier Thaksin Shinawatra's 2.2 billion-dollar fortune to be seized by the court in its ruling this month, the office said in closing arguments Tuesday.

Chief of the attorney general's team, Sekesan Bangsomboon, said the 121-page final document had been submitted to the Supreme Court "to explain why the assets should be seized and we have asked the court to seize all of it."

Thaksin is living in exile to escape a two-year jail term for graft handed to him in absentia in October 2008.

On February 26 the Supreme Court will decide whether the fortune of the telecoms tycoon -- frozen in the months after he was deposed in a coup in 2006 -- can be seized by authorities.

Thaksin won't roll over and say "kay fair enuf" - but whether he can mass his supporters or find someone somewhere willing to lend him the $ he needs [to fight for his fortune] remains to be seen. We'll find out in the next two weeks if anyone rich believes he's a good investment and bankrolls his efforts at Civil War.

one time.
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Old 02-10-2010, 10:40 PM   #25
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SoiledLinens is an unknown quantity at this point

Anybody get shot today?
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Old 02-10-2010, 11:42 PM   #26
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Old 02-11-2010, 02:27 PM   #27
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I got a shot of tequila.
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Old 02-11-2010, 03:14 PM   #28
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By tequila, I mean anti-HongKongDonk antibiotics.

Tequila would be faggot. Only faggots and sluts drink tequila. I like it in Mexican restaurants though when they put it hella strong in the margarita. And sometimes if you plan ahead, you can forget your plan which was to get the bartender to put in doubles or triples in each margarita. Then you're like on your 3rd margarita and you're "whoa it is just me or are these margaritas like...ONE TEQUILA TWO TEQUILA THREE TEQUILA FLOOR ahhah".

HoF fun. This is because alcohol is awesome. Best drug ever and people that love alcohol and brag about how much they drank on the weekend and how trolleyed they got and how they urinated on a police car and spent the night in the watchtower and face assault charges in November but what really makes them pimp is how they be all baller about the Po-Po and how that's just how they roll - when they urinate on a big night out on the brewskis.

Love those guys. Men's men. Boy's boys. Capitans of industry and Slut Fucking and lying about Slut Fucking. Champions of faggotry. Eaters of kebabs. Assaulters of women many parallel universes out of their league. Who are walking with me. That's right dumbazz. I walk with the hot bitches like Gambowl. That's how I rollz.

Conquerors of whores with missing teeth and yeast infections. Who turn into stunners on Monday when they're telling how they scored massive big time with this smoking stunner with a body to die for just cause they spent their bricklayer's weekly salary on a night out buying $9 BOURBON AND COKES MATE.

Where was I? Oh yea. Bitchez be bitchez and this bitch I been playing y'all cause I'm a playa mad skillz playa just mess with the bitchez emoticions coz I can ya feelz me?

This bitch be telling me she has the HongKongDong. I laugh cause I be like all baller and shit and I'm like - hah so bitchez you bee telling me the HongKongDong has gone and caught scuter?

Bitchez be so stupid this bitch be like "Maybe. But I don't know who I feel more sorry for - oh that's right, you're both fucked."

If that shit makes even one iota of common-sense or anything to you, you must be Gambowl and "ONE OF THE GIRLS" ahhahah. Like with a pussy and shit cause no way that shit makes sense. At least to a man who is not crazzy like the bitchez.

I said you be stupid bitch don't ever call me again unless you be clean and it be for booty call - gotta play the playa game to be the playa dogg.

So I went me down and got shot up good with anitbiotics cause HongKongDonk is like "ahhahaha fuck you STDs whooo what you gonna do big scary HongKongDong?" - well I have it on good authority [cause I bee telling myzelf this story of what happen to me back in HongKong when I was playing my dong too LAG like a poker loose-aggressive player with 29/24 6max VPIP/PFR and just splashing it like the playa [pardone the pun] that I beez.

Anyway one night I got super trolleyed dudez like maybe more drunk than anyone has ever gotz drunk in shitory - like I may be Superman cause I blew 0.335 so like 1/3rd of my blood was alcohol. VBut that's how I rollz. Don't remember much of the night obvc till I wake up in my baller hotel roomz which was upgraded from Premier to fully sick mad rad Suite totally baller dude you would have been like "whoa dude. whoa so so baller dude" and I'd be like "i know right, that's because Wendy down int he caisino VIP department wantz to fuck me so she fully compz me all sorts of cool shit like half prize tickets to club entries and Disney on Ice and shit that not my scene dogg buty my btiches be like "ohhh Disney oooh legz splits yannow?" ahahha

so I wake up in my baller suite and there is just nakkid women scattered throughout. this is like a jewish orgy yo - naked bitchez be bitchez though so i wake up all the bitchez and be like "yo btichez get the fuck out before i throw you the fuck out" - one bitch gets lippy with me says i Promised her $1500 at strip club for sex what a stupid hore nvr paid for sex in my life never will - fucking hore. LOok at me I yellaz at her - do I look like a man who payz for sex? LOLAZ" she tried to grab my wallet so i beat her down - fucken hores who try to scamm you dogg watch out for hores.

anyway i fuck so many ridic models dogg that night that i lost count, all like 10/10's maybe some 11/10's dude. girls most guyz be killing their mother to be just hooking up with and i'm like fully doing anal shots off their bum and highfiving other hores who are just trying to mack on me - as you can expect.

anyway couple dayz later my Johnson Mk IV starts getting a bit skittish. fuck docs man docs are quacks. I'm not no faggot that neds docs until my dick be falling the fuck off yannow? I let things slide for a week and one morning I wake the fuck up middle of the night and my fucking dick dude/ no joke. My dick be falling the fuck off, or so it seems with the delusions and the fever 47 degree fever dogg. they say people die at 41 oer 43 but i had 47 and lived dogg. just a fighta i guess. got my pop's genes - he was good street fighter back in the day, quite feared in Niwillumbi - 1400 residents no one would even give cheek to my pop he was such a fighta dogg

anyway doc puts me in ICU cause my Johnson Mk IV was all like "Houston we have a problem yo' lozl - never been more scred in my life - cause you know, without my dick i could not live. what would be the point? I live for the bitcchez buyt they be bitchez.

Anyway i was all johnny be good in a day and i was like HongkongDonk you be my bitchez.

so today when this bitchez be like trying to get back at me for fully so not ever intending to call the bitch [i don't holla back at sluts yo]- i was all cool and shit and baller and i could tell she just wanted me so bad on the phone then cause maybe my courage held her strong and I was thinking maybe i'll pop round and then i remembered the stupid bitch might have fuked some degen faggot who is STD negatives all over the place and spreading the AIDs so i hang up the infected bitch and get my laffy taffy and my Johnson Mk IV down to the bitching clinic where me and doc be like playa my playa and writs flicks and shit.

but now iI remember on way to doc playa i see a mexican bar and fully hella wanted a margarita and the bar faggit be like "we closing bar sorry Sir" - i said "look bar boi my name is Dolche and Gabbana [as I kissed my rippling biceps] do yuo have an exception for celebrities" - i could tell i made impact cuase he fully cracked up and ran out to the bak where i heard him laughing and i was confused and then i realise of course this nigger white faggot workingn pooring merlots and champers to posh-tosh types must be so stoopidc he thinks i'm actually Dolche and Gabanna and i hear the manager laughing and he be like give the man a shot of tequila on the house - and I'm like trying to chillz my temper down cause the roids make like the hulk and i not beunderstand why they both laughing intially till i realised they so moran they actually thought i was a famous fashion deisgner who died.

this life game is like easier that blackjack. which is where i headed after the shot of teqiluia which really shook me up a bit coz not like i'm a bitch for alcohol abut i think maybe combination of not being used to shots of tequila and also i think they spiked it cause maybe they wanted to seduce me when i passed out spiked and get sick on me which would have fucked them up good cause i wouldve hella woken up and "uh oh faggots" yanoow

so i missed the doc and actually had a shot of te1quila to answer your question SoiledLinens which is prety much hoflozl cause there's a few soiled linens in my pimping penthouse upgrade - cause work spreads about how im vip all over the workd and hella upgrades is my thing dogg if i couldn't fly first and get fully sick upgrades i just couldn't roll that way brah - like it be ok for the non-vip types but for me - nah man wouldn't be how i could roll dogg

I should probz be seeing that doc as I just realised i was paszed out for 2 days just sleep debt yannow cause been partying so fully sick hard just playjin gthe bitchez like every night out for 34 nights - no joke man every night we been pimping in vIP at strip clubs just playing with the strippers emoticions yahnow - the game is the game playZ

tomorrow wil lbe day4 for the HONGKONGDONG which be when i thought my dick be ggood gameo . but i got hella all the pokrez on at the casino tomorrow night where i haven't ever lost a session cause it be impossible dogg - i'm waay to good and am all just up insdie their headz and they be screaming "yo pro would you just be getting out of my head already" and i just lolz cause be like telling jordan to miss a shot or maybe kelly slater to grow his haqir back or something. just acannot happen brah

so maybe day 5 or day 6 maybe i can see doc, and i macked on this bitch last night who wanted money when she be leaving trying to scam me lke yet another hore. smacked that bitch up - told her this was for all her sister bitchez be tyring to scam me every time after sex y'all - like why would the hores be wokring in nightclubs. in australia hores bein horehoues. strippers in striphouse. normal bitzhes who i get be in the clubs. anyway i have her number so she prob has the HK Dong but fuck like i'm gonna call her cause playa i did not start that shit yannow just innnocente victim and doing pretty good job coping without being mother theresa and calling every 100 bitchez i fucks a week they might have the Dong?

fuck that. also tequila shotz are hella faggot dogg. only a faggot would drink a tequila shot. you would have some girl shit be going on in your pants dogg - just kidding brah -= just uj/k'a nothing personal pussie boi
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Old 02-11-2010, 03:26 PM   #29
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In the wordz of my playa Papa Uige "I like to post." Hope I can tack me a thank you like the Uige prior.

So appreciatez the playa dogg. Don't hatez cause I get the bitchez you be wanting to kill 4. Like if you scoredz even 1 of the hoes i fuckz, I'd be like playa go playa and been happy for yu so not sure whey you gotz to be all up in my faces saying i have morale obligates to callz the hore who has prob already spreadsz the HHKDong to 100's of faggits that fuck nasty hores like that skank who have the HK Dong and don't even word up.

slut bitcheaz be bitchez. stop white Knightz siding wif bitchezz on forums. Youi think that slut bitch be reading this and be like gonna go mack on that White Knight ahahha
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Old 02-11-2010, 03:30 PM   #30
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mama luigi will become famous soon enoughmama luigi will become famous soon enough

alcohol is literally the worst drug ever

  It's so bad you'd think it's medicinal. But you'd be stunned to find out no, it's bad and poison. Tight drug Society.
There is a room service cart in my hall. Be careful
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