Originally Posted by
Bobby Wong
just got inspired and stuck 12 oz of bacon in the oven. who do those fuckers think they're fooling by getting rid of 1 pound packages. if i wasn't addicted i would boycott that shit.
Real talk, one day last week I bought a couple of store brand packages of bacon and they were 1lb, usually the way I go, but they had a major sale on John Morrell bacon the next day and I quickly learned that these swindlers have converted to the 12oz fraud alert too. I still bought 5 of them though.
On the bright side, bacon is usually .34 an oz or so here, but these packages were only 2 dollars. I think I am going to have a 3lb bacon party.
I am on a weight cut again. I literally eat shit like bacon, mayonnaise, infinite fried eggs, cottage cheese, etc. all day to go along with my standard chicken breast, occasional rib eyes, whey, and what not, and I easily lose fat. KETO DIET SWAG, SON.