I asked INTEL what this IBA GE Slot was. They said, "Where did you see that?" I told them, "where else, in your BIOS!"
They put me on hold for a bit came back and said it's to do with PXE (that's remote booting obv). I said "oh rly?
They said "rly".
I said, "but I don't have Boot to Network enabled. I don't have either lan controller enabled. There's no networking enabled. How is this possibles?"
They told me to turn off Networking to get rid of it.
I repeated my simple statement above.
They told me deactivate Networking to get rid of it.
I repeated the facts.
They told me to switch off networking to get rid of it.
I thanked them for their time.
I have digital images somewhere that showed two IBA GE slots for two HP USB flash drives.