Because he is repeating what cost him his job in his new role as a point of reference for opinion articles on fascinating topics like union contracts with bankrupt city councils?
I'm not seeing your logic...
are you saying they cancelled his show to neuter him and teach him a lesson, and now he's a good boy? Because he's still writing things like this
ON fox's website. I know you want to make him a hero and a martyr, but he didn't get fired. His show got cancelled for bad ratings, not for it's message.
ON fox's website. I know you want to make him a hero and a martyr, but he didn't get fired. His show got cancelled for bad ratings, not for it's message.
1. There are no such things as heroes and martyrs. Those who believe otherwise are children who get used like bullets in a war. #basij
2. I'm interested in how you Know what only the upper echelon at NewsCorp could know. Care to explain or is it just something you Know? Some people Know that God wants them to keep all the "women children" alive for themselves. You know what I think of people that simply Know things, for a Fact; but cannot or are unwilling to explain how they Know what they Know.
3. If I did believe in heroes and martyrs, this guy would not be one of mine. I said he lost his job over what he said in the four-minute clip above. I verified this and it appears to check out. He said this, his show got cancelled. You cannot say things like this to slaves and expect to be supported by the plantation owners. But that is all I've asserted. Everything else, you've extrapolated in a way that's Mike-esque.
4. If you think the link you posted is comparable to what he says in the four-minute clip, you need to watch that video again and again and AGAIN until you understand what he's saying. It's nothing like the personality politics in the article you've linked to.
NOTHING like personality politics. NOTHING like politics, period. He's telling you the Truth about Power that, for all your (awe-inspiring) intelligence, you're failing to comprehend. Presidents don't have genuine power, they are merely the managers of the plantation. They do not own the slaves.
Power doesn't hand over to Power, every 4 or 8 years. That's not how POWER 'works'.
Archie, I'm not Statutory Rape. I don't long for and have absolutely no need for the approval of others. I'm not pathetic.
But when I did long for and need the approval of others, you know what I did? I got it.
The reason I'm who I am now is because I got it, over and over and over again. I don't need the approval of pathetic people. Seeking (and getting) that approval was how I became pathetic.
It's a disadvantage for you that you have advanced ADHD. If you could read long posts, it would be to your advantage to read the bottom half of this one:
If I did believe in heroes and martyrs, this guy would not be one of mine.
He's a fucking Catholic for crying out loud.
Judge Napolitano is the author of five books on the
* U.S. Constitution: Constitutional Chaos;
* The Constitution in Exile;
* A Nation of Sheep;
* Dred Scott’s Revenge; and
* Lies the Government Told You.
Napolitano’s writings have also been published in the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and other publications. As a nationally recognized expert on the U.S. Constitution, he lectures frequently on the Constitution and human freedom.
The author, who describes himself as a pro-life Catholic libertarian, was a New Jersey superior court judge and is now a Fox News analyst.
Napolitano attacks "the culture in government that facilitates lying" and believes that "it challenges readers to recognize that culture, to confront it, and to be rid of it."
So an intelligent person can establish "motive" very easily. He attacks lying in government but he's a Catholic who subscribes to Papal and Bible Infallibility; which is tantamount to a concession that he believes children exist to be exploited. This is what it all boils down to; and I do mean, literally, all of it. Everything. Truth v Lying.
He's a liar who speaks Truth about the warlords that control the US government and have been machinating against the Power that never gave up power, never had it's power taken away (merely abrogated and encroached upon, because it's fucking medieval) and has never really given any inkling of being anything other than what it is: Pure, unadulterated POWER with the sole interest in manufacturing suffering to exploit.
G. S. Godkin wrote the following about Leo XII, who succeeded Pius VII in 1823.
"He was a ferocious fanatic, whose object was to destroy all the improvements of modern times, and force society back to the government, customs, and ideas of medieval days. In his insensate rage against progress he stopped vaccination; consequently, small-pox devastated the Roman provinces during his reign, along with many other curses which his brutal ignorance brought upon the inhabitants of those beautiful and fertile regions. He curtailed the old privileges of the municipalities, granted new privileges to the religious communities, and enlarged the power of the clergy to the extent that bishops and cardinals had the power of life and death in their hands. He set the Inquisition to work with new vigor; and though torture had been nominally abolished in 1815, new kinds of torment were invented, quite as effectual as the cord, the thumbscrew, and the rack of old times."
Humanity struggles and inches our way forward, the Church / Power pummels us back.
It's immensely frustrating when you assume I lack the capacity to understand vested interests; the man is almost certainly a piece of shit, but he's not lying about the warlords who control the drug trade and they're going after fresh water now which means they're not about to win, they've won.
They haven't actually Won, but then I might be the only person other than le Carre and DASSK (who is now potentially compromised) who is Selfish enough to intelligently appreciate optimality in the pursuit of Self-interest.
Only those who do not have Self are confused about Power and Position and Public approval and Pleasure.
He's telling you the Truth about Power that, for all your (awe-inspiring) intelligence, you're failing to comprehend. Presidents don't have genuine power, they are merely the managers of the plantation. They do not own the slaves.
Power doesn't hand over to Power, every 4 or 8 years. That's not how POWER 'works'.
He's telling the Truth because the Catholic Church is on the ropes. They missed their shot at managing the world's pain after doing a spectacular job of manufacturing suffering for 1500 years. But power has now shifted into the hands of those who control Pain 'Relief'.
Judge Napolitano is an imbecile. But you can learn a lot from imbeciles when they're desperate. Do you think a Catholic really cares about Truth?
If you cannot separate what a man says from what a man is, you're just another vassal brainwashed / conditioned into thinking in terms of personality politics; i.e. the feudal ages / patron system / democracy / etc.
Archie, I'm not Statutory Rape. I don't long for and have absolutely no need for the approval of others. I'm not pathetic.
But when I did long for and need the approval of others, you know what I did? I got it.
The reason I'm who I am now is because I got it, over and over and over again. I don't need the approval of pathetic people. Seeking (and getting) that approval was how I became pathetic.
It's a disadvantage for you that you have advanced ADHD. If you could read long posts, it would be to your advantage to read the bottom half of this one:
2. I'm interested in how you Know what only the upper echelon at NewsCorp could know. Care to explain or is it just something you Know? Some people Know that God wants them to keep all the "women children" alive for themselves. You know what I think of people that simply Know things, for a Fact; but cannot or are unwilling to explain how they Know what they Know.
3. If I did believe in heroes and martyrs, this guy would not be one of mine. I said he lost his job over what he said in the four-minute clip above. I verified this and it appears to check out. He said this, his show got cancelled. You cannot say things like this to slaves and expect to be supported by the plantation owners. But that is all I've asserted. Everything else, you've extrapolated in a way that's Mike-esque.
So wait. You're going to in one breath berate and insult me for claiming to know NewsCorps mind (which I assert is profit based), and declaring that I am making assertation that I can't back up.. and then.. you proceeded to make an assertation about the mind of news corp that you can't back up. You verified this where, exactly? how? When was that broadcast? When was his show cancelled? Did he issue that statement before or after he knew his show was cancelled? If before, how long before? Show your work, please.
NOTHING like personality politics. NOTHING like politics, period. He's telling you the Truth about Power that, for all your (awe-inspiring) intelligence, you're failing to comprehend. Presidents don't have genuine power, they are merely the managers of the plantation. They do not own the slaves.
Please don't make assumptions what I do and don't comprehend. I understand him just fine. I wasn't addressing the content of his message ( which is god, and why I brought up Network in another thread). I just disagree with your premise that he was explicitly fired for it. If you going to make that claim, prove it and show your work. Otherwise, the far more likely scenario is he was fired for poor ratings. Just like every other television show ever.
Sorry that I'm pissing all over the narrative that you're trying to make for this video, it really is besides the point of you posting it.