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How do you know she is brilliant when her english is that of a 3rd grader and your thai is .... ? Seems like maybe she is selfish and not brilliant. Seems like maybe you are questioning the wrong portion of your assessment of her ?
Um you are giving your age away my friend.
We live in the AOLer Era. Her written English is equivalent to most girls her age; well it's a little poor there but she's panicked and hyperventilating in the insanity called "love".
Her conversational English is fluent. She's one of the most brilliant girls I've ever met; I know this because I spent like seven hours straight in shock at how perceptive and insightful she was emotional manipulation, complementary currencies, parents raping their children to manufacture little slaves who 'please' and the nature of the State as a Protection Racket focused almost exclusively on domestic exploitation and Terror.