Originally Posted by
Hillbilly Jim
A. thats only one thing
2. how do you know he banged her?
a. Because he's clearly supposed to be the painter of the nude painting. Look at the way he's holding the painting,
b. Also, the artist points out a connection between the painter and the chick by having those two be the only two making eye contact with the audience eta wait the homely lady in the painting above the painter's shoulder is making eye contact too....she's probably the wife of (e),
c. More importantly, the look on his face screams "verily i doth hit that ass",
d. Back in the ole days artists oftentimes used whores as their models, and that chick was clearly a whore,
e. The painting is probably an inside joke about one of the artist's colleagues banging that whore (or it's a 4th level self-portrait).