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Old 06-08-2011, 11:49 PM   #31
Mayor of the Walmart Parking Lot
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boom roasted
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Old 06-08-2011, 11:51 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Jewdonk View Post
lol it's not a 'deadline' in that respect, and I am not campaigning for elected office here.

It's a reasonable proposal that shouldn't take more than a few minutes to consider and decide on.

I have no idea about the hierarchy here or the protocol involved.

It's not that big of a deal. I'm just looking for an environment to post in and contribute more regularly without having to combat an onslaught of faggotry in every single thread.

It's not rocket science. Ban terrible trolls and enjoy more content and build a forum that isn't based around nonsense and shitty dupes and other brainless crap

pretty simple formula actually, and you would be surprised in the increase of quality material when you take more of a hard-line stance on useless faggots

I agree that your proposal is indeed reasonable, and in theory should not take more than a few minutes to consider and decide on. But what I'm trying to communicate to you, is that our fearless leader scooter often is gone for weeks at a time. SO these kinds of things take time, it's just the nature of the way things work here. If it were a for-profit business, then obviously it would be different, but we're not, so I think administrative details are low on scooter's to do list. High on his list are thai whores and Desoxyn

However, some of the cornerstones this forum is built on are nonsense, brainless crap and useless faggots, and I'm not sure we're ready or willing to take a new direction towards quality posters and content. That's why we need to run this by scooter, to see if your vision for the site and his mesh.

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Old 06-08-2011, 11:56 PM   #33
Bobby Wong
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Originally Posted by Jewdonk View Post
It's a reasonable proposal that shouldn't take more than a few minutes to consider and decide on.

Here's a reasonable proposal: 2k tomorrow morning via western union for 20% of nothing.

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Old 06-09-2011, 12:03 AM   #34
rum dick
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Originally Posted by CobsonMcGoober View Post
yeah, tyde, 24 hour deadlines when dealing with scooter just aren't practical. He's not a hands on owner. I think you have another misconception about this site. It's not like DD/nwp, venom or Boris, in that it's not for profit. There are no ads, as you may notice. We don't need the hits. We'd like the hits, but we don't need them. This forum was basically created to troll ian, and give a place for the IST to thrive, and for IST's brand of humor to thrive. That's all we really care about. I like you, and I like your posting, and would like you to post here, but you don't have any bargaining power, because Skatz humor will survive, with or without you, with or without hits.

So I suggest you just be patient, and wait for 4-6 weeks for scooter to process your application.

Warm Regards.

It is my understanding that we were to make the greatest poker of all time. A place were our hilarity would not be stifled or censored. And maybe make a couple of dimes along the way. Course I was supposed to help run it but my modship died in the womb due to a temporary bit of oklahoma induced insanity so what do I know. Other than how win flower shows, fail bar exams, and rule the road in a golf cart built for two with four cupholders stuffed with steel reserve.

  coronado god
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Old 06-09-2011, 12:07 AM   #35
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you're just a kid with a dream dave

  your not you're
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Old 06-09-2011, 12:08 AM   #36
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Old 06-09-2011, 12:22 AM   #37
Hillbilly Jim
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Old 06-09-2011, 01:31 AM   #38
Bobby Wong
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Originally Posted by Jewdonk View Post

Oh Marty, did I make you cry? Did you run to one of your aim buddies and snivel about how I was poking fun at you? Does being a pussy and a tattletale somehow count as a knockout in your book?

  sniffing butt hairs
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Old 06-09-2011, 01:53 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Jewdonk View Post
Blake, ship me super mod so I can upload some sweet gifs into the emoticon library and other assorted funny imagery.

also, its time to get serious about bringing in some new fresh meat

I won't be posting at Venom much (if at all) anymore because of the terrible trolls who are jamming me up and stifling my creativity.

Lately it is a dead zone with virtually zero activity. Gee I wonder why ? (think about it)

I am cool with China and Serial and most of the posters there, but unfortunately there are a few idiots that have been given the green light to hijack threads with the same fucking bullshit. I refuse to put up with these ignoramuses anymore.

These slope brows are allowed to run wild, and it's pointless for me to even show up and post in the first place now.

All I want here at Skatz is the right to ban (5) posters of my choice which can be redeemed at anytime during my tenure here.

There is nobody posting here right now that I would ban, but that would quickly change if I start posting frequently. The leeches will instantly come out of the woodwork and attach themselves to my nuts in a matter days, and that is unacceptable.

Since I don't have any vested interest here, I would like to talk about buying a % of the site for (X) amount of dollars which could be negotiated in the near future. Maybe a couple hundie for a limited partnership of sorts

I'm sure we can find mutually agreeable terms

Also it's important to note that I have a pretty good working knowledge of VBulletin after running Tyde for almost a year

You can limit my controls so I am not in danger of going on Jim Beam ban rampages, but I want the ability to edit questionable content dedicated to trolling me. I have no interest whatsoever in running around deleting posts, but I know the routine trust me.

Suddenly the whole forum and 75% of the threads become about trolling me and everybody loses. I mean its BORING now. How many oral hygiene, checks from mommy, and tv stand one liners can you put up with ? I am burned out on even replying to any of these fucking chumps and the simple solution is to let me make the call when it comes to shitcanning them.

We are only talking about a handful of them anyway (who will remain nameless at this point), but I think I have been more than reasonable when it comes to dealing with the constant harassment, and developed a pretty thick skin considering the barrage of torment from some pretty creepy motherfuckers.

The most frustrating thing for me is not having a platform to express myself creatively without intervention from obsessed weirdos who have difficultly completing a sentence, let alone forming an original thought.

If they were funny or clever or the dialogue wasn't so devoid of brainpower, I would happily engage and unleash the hounds, but I think most of you would agree at this point the quality of trolling is tired, and played out, and just plain fucking pathetic

Just sayin

fwiw, i vote yes on being mod with the ability to ban people or edit posts. could be entertaining.

  tyde can have custom tilte his own sub forum BUT NO ADMIN OR BANNING POWERS
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Old 06-09-2011, 02:03 AM   #40
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bob you fucking turncoat
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