Bob gets a cinn vid still, haven't forgotten. Car won't start still, and I can't time it without getting it running first. Damnit..
Impossibly enough, I may have the culprit- my spark plug wires were totally fucked and in the wrong order. Fixed that and found two blown fuses, I am really confident she's up tomorrow. And getting Dan if true, to go celebrate and all. And puke up cinnamon by the tablespoon.
You have some nerve tine, you are damned funny/clever but your justification for hating me is stupid and happened a long time ago. Get over it. I trashed your gay articles when you put them up constantly and told a bunch of newbs not to fall for the copy and paste jobs, AND I RUINED YOUR FUN. SO SUE ME! Obviously I have sung your praises in earnest for years since, you hold one hell of a grudge.
And your stupid gay stories werent' that good either.
I don't know how I feel right now pike. You I think are at least fair and haven't decided if you like me or not, but you also do not pretend to. Cob I know likes me and he also respects me enough not to lie to me, that counts for a lot. Tine well at least he doesn't pretend to like me, he openly despises me, I the one who ruined his fun. TWO YEARS AGO. No energy for this.
I don't know right now.
You live in a dark, weird fantasy world where you actually believe this, and god knows what else.
And that, combined with a complete lack of social decorum, is why you feel like you dont fit in here.
In fact its really the total lack of decorum and social skills thats your only real enemy. The fact that you actually think your treatment has anything to do with "gay cut and paste stories" is baffling and a bit horrifying but certainly not why people are throwing up their hands and saying "this guy is simply too fucking awful" behind your back.
You just treat people badly Mike. Youre manipulative, negative, hostile and aggressive.
And youre not good at it either, there is no sophistication to you, no philosophy, no cultural agenda. You just splash around and say a bunch of morbidly stupid shit then lash out when people want no part of it, or you.
Youre a paranoid, hostile catastrophe and the worse you act, the harder things are going to get for you.
So go ahead and QQ more about how you feel sniggered at but until you actually start contributing some real content here and stop being an attention whore, youre going to always feel like people treat you like what you act like; a novelty.
Every single supporter of child killing and raping, who cannot respond to logic or counter logical points, and simultaneously refuses to accept sanity, must DIE. Period.
You live in a dark, weird fantasy world where you actually believe this, and god knows what else.
And that, combined with a complete lack of social decorum, is why you feel like you dont fit in here.
In fact its really the total lack of decorum and social skills thats your only real enemy. The fact that you actually think your treatment has anything to do with "gay cut and paste stories" is baffling and a bit horrifying but certainly not why people are throwing up their hands and saying "this guy is simply too fucking awful" behind your back.
You just treat people badly Mike. Youre manipulative, negative, hostile and aggressive.
And youre not good at it either, there is no sophistication to you, no philosophy, no cultural agenda. You just splash around and say a bunch of morbidly stupid shit then lash out when people want no part of it, or you.
Youre a paranoid, hostile catastrophe and the worse you act, the harder things are going to get for you.
So go ahead and QQ more about how you feel sniggered at but until you actually start contributing some real content here and stop being an attention whore, youre going to always feel like people treat you like what you act like; a novelty.
An obnoxious novelty.
I am going to sleep on all of this. Not angry, a bit disappointed really, but not towards you at all, I'm disappointed in myself. You speak the truth and I waited a very long time for that. Now the only relevant question i have (for myself really, though anyone please do chime in) is where do I go from here? Help me become a better man...
Honestly Mike I thought you had a great idea with the private social group / blog thing, I just had no idea it was going to be the type of party where a few stupid jokes provoked you into removing it all.
Im guilty of the same thing btw, polarizing situations and all that. The middle ground, where you tell me to fuck off and youre trying to do something essentially positive, that would have been a really suitable response. Because then its like, 'well, ok tine, you can keep being a cunt and remove all doubt as to your quality as a person, or you can respect that this is someone trying to be real and simmer down'.
So by communicating your issues, if only once, before slamming the gauntlet down, you would have put the onus of responsibility on me to not be a horrible asshole.
And in all seriousness, if you want to move this entire convo to a new social group, or just start a new one and wipe the slate clean, Id be perfectly happy to respect those boundaries now that Im fully aware of them.
We need more cup
If he's a real living soul and not an engineered dupe of some kind anyway (hate dupes, unless they happen to be amazing, of which I know only one-and may his spirit live on in our hearts)