Tine, with all due respect, banning me a minute or two before I could put my farewell post together, on the same day I got wind that I am losing my biological father is, quite frankly, very low class.
I care not however as caring at this point would be both irrational as well as illogical.
Here is the post that I had to put together on the fly in direct sunlight that vaugnh literally could not extend to me an additional 2-3 minutes to finish....
I don't know what else to say, except I saw this coming, and really would rather things not go down as they are shaping up. Not my decisions though, they are yours collectively.
One step at a time...
Essentially I predict this is going to be my last post here and at skatz for the foreseeable future and hmm...I am not affected by it negatively, though a part of me keeps screaming I should be angry at my mistreatment, I have learned it's actually very easy to control the internal screaming. I can be in control so long as I WANT to be, it's actually that easy.
I'll be available if anyone wants to chat, but I'm not forcing the issue.
Here for your guy's viewing pleasure are pics I took two days ago on a whim. The week prior I was living on expired cake mix out of the box and day to day I have been improving in every conceivable way imaginable. Physically and mentally I have progressed while almost out of the blue I have emotionally REGRESSED.
I understand something Scooter said and this is sinficant-WE create emotional reactions OURSELVES, and when you realize this it literally washes away useless emotions nearly in one fell swoop. I used to think being overly emotional was a blessing, reason being my emotions allowed me to feel things no one else was capable of.
That was, hands down, the pinnacle of my insanity.
Wish you ALL the best, and I mean that.
Scooter, it feels very good to graduate. I had all but lost hope you know...
aka 408mike
aka Statutory Ape
aka Apes of Wrath
I am and will always be THE Ape of Nanking!
Thanks all, take care.
Sweet Baby Grapes
Also thank you Cobson.
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
Blaming your behaviour on drugs or going out of your way to point out that it has nothing to do with drugs is more or less the same fallacy
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
Everything has to be focused inwards, but then I'm tired of repeating my (somewhat obvious, yet brilliant nonetheless) rhetoric.
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
You don't repair reputations. When you deliver value, you get a reputation for your consistency. When you deliver urine, you get a reputation for that. Reputations are valueless. They are merely something that happens as an irrelevant part and parcel of being known for delivering.
The only people who place value on reputations are those who want to exploit one when they get it.
It's very Christian, this obsession with reputation and respect. The only people obsessed with public opinion are those who are a horror show in private.
I did not put two and two together sooner and I am not sure why. Months ago I would have seen this right away. No wonder you've begun to despise me. It's certainly justified.
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
Of course, power exists only where there is Trust and Love, Fealty and Unconditional Loyalty. You might be barking up the wrong tree, if that's what you're seeking. The median age of posters on this forum is not 3.
Its definitely not easy to always know exactly what you mean, but always worth the effort to figure it out.
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
I just don't give a fuck.
I know what you are saying finally. No hard feelings I hope.
Originally Posted by SkyNigger
I was giving my Self my time. You don't 'deserve' my advice, but then was not giving you the cold hard Truth for you. What that has to do with whether or not it has value for you, is irrelevant. My motives have never been to rescue you. Other, more relevant lives, are at stake.
I am fine with this as I greatly profoundly benefited regardless.
Here's to Consistency John and when we meet again, I hope smiles replace the nonsense and all to the benefit of the greater good.