home isn't your parents house dumbass...home is where you grew up
you said i never left the roost, if a roost is fucking san jose ca that's a big fucking roost. though I get your point, i should leave the state and all.
kinda tough to do
San jose is small as fuck. Let me say it again...san jose is small as fuck. World = big. San jose = grain of salt. And the fact you say it is "tough to do" says it all.
Tell you what, and this is my absolute last attempt at conveying any knowledge to you, wanna know the one relevant worth giving a fuck thing tine, marty, and I share in common? All three of us had big enough balls to go see the world beyond where we grew up and did not let things like "kinda tough to do" stop us.
Real talk, if any of the three of us get hit by a bus tomorrow, at least that person can go to their grave with the smile that is earned by not being a pussy. You can't. And you won't. Ever. Why? Because you have not even attempted to learn to walk yet.
Frankly you are dangerous to keep around simply because you are a sad and damage person who will obsess about us...because...well...you have nothing better to do. Some of us truly wanted to help you but you don't and won't get it. Meanwhile, keep on being gares pet. And keep on keeping effort as an excuse not to live.
I'm done with this forum until you're gone. This place should be about hilarity and not about severe emotional impotent damage. I'd ban you myself but it aint worth dealing with gares fake righteous indignation. On second thought...fuck gare too for creating this mess.
your ego is getting away with itself thinking I obsess over ANYONE let alone anyone from this forum ( or any other for that matter)
it cracks me up how much pride you take in moving away from where you grew up, In fact I'm not really sure where you are even coming from BUT I'll say this one time- living a state, two states, seven states away from your parents means 0.0 with regard to who you are as a grown adult.
I am pretty surprised you would say something so negative and close minded to me and in the process you totally discredit all the other accomplishments your life has to offer in terms of education work experience and friendships you have made.
that I should move away sure, I agree with you, as I have for several months. I have been trying to do exactly that without success why? my liferoll can't swing it. I haven't ever gotten enough cash to get AWAY from the bay area, it's like a fucking black hole. This is why there is a saying "You'll never move back to the bay area" or something very similar.
also get laid or something, past couple days you've been a mess and venting on me isn't kosher nor is it healthy. you HARDLY know me (despite how things seem) and vice versa, how you think I am your whipping boy I've got NO clue but fair warning, you're coming across like a toddler here.
give advice, I do listen, but control the emotions dude. you're better than that.
well it is the toddler forum ape if dave cant act like a toddler in here then where can he act like a toddler
also mike i think the point our toddler friend dave is trying to make is that traveling makes you grow up as a person the location of your whore mother has nothing to do with this