Scoots why haven't you adopted yet? Serious question. You would make a great parent and girls would frustrate you a lot less if you had other things to think about and work on, like raising a son or daughter. The added plus of knowing you rescued needy kids would be a help.
(Title doesn't do this clip justice, watch until at least the 22 second mark)
Also, this is literally dealing with the toddler condition expressed "through the majesty of song", or probably as close as you can get to such a thing, even if kinda feygelehish:
And the last lyric, the same.
Originally Posted by gay sex
LISTEN while youre busy driving your cocaine submarine, i was out here defending the idea that all star survivor is better against scooter who thinks its a bad idea, JESUS CHRIST YOUR JIMMERY KNOWS NO BOUNDS
Originally Posted by neverstop in a PM
. . .
But whatever, yes I can be a huge canadian faggot and you can be terrible yourself but theres no reason we shouldnt be able to co-exist at the very least, ya feelz me??
But it's only infuriating because she would make 99% of guys feel worthless. I don't care for the way girls do this. Suffering is insufferable when you are a human with empathy.
The mothers of the future will be a lot like the mothers of the past 5000 years.
And by that, I mean they will be batshit insane. But then they wouldn't be if you were all sane like I am.
But alas I know how your mind 'works'.
Me Tarzan. Her Jane. Selfish bad. **to yourself** (which makes it good) *teehee*
You stupid fucks are fools who were fooled 5000 years before your foolish faces fooled their way out of a fool's ovan.
Still I bet your mothers were all treated REAL GOOD.
You know, when girls blast these filthy posters all over the Internet's social media, they're not talking about domestic violence or honesty or integrity.
They're advertising the fact that they are whores selling their worthless bodies to whatever johns are more willing to "treat them RIGHT" (as defined by the whores who are not worthless, they're worth substantially less than that).
whore (n.) - a human being preoccupied with deception, particularly in relation to sex. A whore is predominately focused on placing his or herself into a Hijack situation where they can leverage [doing what they want to do] or [doing what they need to do] into extortion. A whore will renegotiate a firm contract as soon as you have completed your side of the exchange; a whore will have stalled intentionally to set up the shrewd play. A whore is a prostitute with ulterior motives; like a prostitute with AIDS which she fails to disclose (for example). The perfect whore might be a prostitute with AIDS who is introduced by a friend at a private party and neither tells you she's a prostitute nor does she disclose her life-threatening disease; she will, however, express her suspicions that you are unsafe (for your sake). In the morning, she will invoice you for services rendered. It will be the first time she's mentioned her 'profession', having strenuously delivered prepared lies in response to any question which might have given the Truth away. She will not leave until you pay her. She will literally refuse to move herself from where she is not welcome because that's her entire game.
I don't care for Christian Hijacks. You don't have a problem with whores? Go to Manila. Whole fucking country full of them. 100 million or so, give or take some newborns and toddlers who haven't yet learned how to fail at life.