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Old 07-12-2012, 04:11 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post

1. Have you read the Qur'an?

2. Have you ever met a Muslim who has read the Qur'an?

3. Do you know why they call it The Religion of Peace?

4. Have you read the Qur'an?


Read to, is not = have read...

1) only portions of it, for a college class

2) yes, several. But I went to college withmuslims who were several statistical deviations more intelligent than the average muslim, so mine isn't a good sample size.

3) It's a pun. Salaam (peace) and Islam (submission) sound similar. And it's also obviously orwellian, because there's little peaceful about historic islam.

4) Again, only portions of it , mostly dealing with islamic slavery. And of course, it was english translation. I'd rather have my foot cut off than learn arabic.

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Old 07-12-2012, 04:21 PM   #52
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cobson reads the corn'an
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Old 07-12-2012, 11:52 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by BLACKDANIELS View Post
but think about it why are jesus and mohammed so popular when they have no special powers

Because you don't need powers when you take everyone's powers away.

Originally Posted by ElGallo View Post
I wish God were real so I could punch him in his Smug face.... Fuck that asshole..... Thanks for skittles though (mainly the green ones.... those are great)...... Stupid invisible man and his infinite universe.....

I don't know ElGallo's story or what his fucking problem is, but has anyone else noticed he literally does not post a bad post?

What's with that? I find it vaguely disturbing, on some level. 100% quality posting? That's suspiciously queer, if you ask me.

Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
You're stupid, you see. But it's not your fault. All of our minds were packaged with rootkits early in the game. Silent sleeper cells, Trojans, lying inactive, patiently, waiting...

...for the control order that will come, at some point. Again, for it has certainly been activated on you a few times already. And it will come again, and again, and yet again; whenever someone wishes to manipulate or exploit your marinated tender vulnerable face.

You've effectively been bred as livestock. Of course I am talking about the emotions swirling chaotically inside your brain, and the brain of every human thus tenderised. Massaged like Wagyu cattle, lovingly fed the grass and beer of romanticism, idealism, chivalry, ethics, loving thy neighbours, giving in order to receive, lying for the benefit of others, the offence of inoffensive questioning of intentions or qualifications or logical validity, faith when all else (where else = logical validity) fails, how to behave in polite society (lies for the sake of 'peace'), diplomacy (lies to 'avoid' conflict), etiquette (laws to control behaviour, ostensibly unwritten - orly? immaculately conceived!), the outrageous injustice that is the justice system (which selectively applies illegal laws that should not even exist; and punishes the poor for crimes rich people don't need to commit for fairly obvious reasons; and fails to punish the rich when they commit them for the sake of it, because they can; and which takes away the liberty of those who respectfully disagree with the state's illegal crimes ordering them to kill X ethnic citizen, or kill Y enemy as part of an invasion force attacking a nation on the other side of the globe, or not ingest Z poison which is only a poison because the justice system has blockaded the non-poison whilst opening the floodgates for the poison / $$ / control / power), heredity rights (lol), religion (lol), love (lol), violence being not only an acceptable response to verbal 'insult' (real or perceived) but even a mandatory requirement (or are you not a man?), and endless - and I really do mean endless - other illogical idiocies and vile lies that are provably ridiculous, which a very brilliant and very evil Society ploughs directly into your brain from a very young age.

Without anyone - ANYONE - asking the single question that should be asked about everything. It's the only question that ever matters.


WHY? were you brainwashed with the ludicrous idea that everyone has but one soulmate; and then, if you lose your soulmate (lol), why were you told "there are plenty of fish in the sea"?

WHY? were you brainwashed with the ludicrous idea that it's honourable and heroic to be killed - and to kill other, honourable heroes (perhaps of a different shade of skin) - in wars fought on an invariable pretext so trivial, even cynics fail to realise the nature of their purpose? A purpose which is never 'oil' or idiotic trivialities of that sort; no, wars are fought for far more legitimate and necessary reasons. Reasons that relate to diversion, distraction, confusion. Reasons that are directly linked to that ever-present fear of those who sit atop a pyramid of delicately-balanced cards; the fear that the cards (or slaves), whom they precariously (yet ruthlessly) lord over, might actually stop being distracted. They might stop fighting with each other over idiotic trivialities. And, no longer distracted by irrelevant considerations, they might actually do something terrifyingly relevant.

They might - shiver - LOOK UP.

WHY? were you brainwashed into accepting the outrageous idiocy that presents in the rape and slaughter and imprisonment of those who hurt no one (not even themselves, quite the opposite - in fact!)? Why must peaceful children who wish to smoke leaves of natural plants in privacy and tranquillity be subjected to state-sponsored outrageous crimes; and have their liberty taken from them, and thrown into pits of filth and violence and sexual molestation, mental asylums where the doctors are as useless as the ones wearing white coats, but a great deal more violent with their government-issued batons?

WHY? were you given books to read, by your brainwashed parents and by a Society which ostensibly cares for your best interests; books which amount to filthy, illogical provable lies and traps? Which books? Literally any book you read until you were a teenager, and probably most (if not all) read after the point where reading is brilliantly negated, replaced by Jersey Shore and computer games. Literally every single book you've ever read is full of lies, which everyone (who wasn't rendered retarded by them) is now fully aware were fairy tale lies - but you didn't know that when you read them, and many believe the lies their entire lives, and no one - NO ONE - is questioning why they were given the books to read in the first place. And at such an impressionable age!

Here's the top ten most printed books:

10 Most Read Books In The World

10. Diary of Anne Frank - 27 million
9. Think and Grow Rich - 30 million
8. Gone With the Wind - 33 million
7. Twilight Saga - 43 million
6. The DaVinci Code - 57 million
5. The Alchemist - 65 million
4. Lord of the Rings Trilogy - 103 million
3. Harry Potter series - 400 million
2. Quotations of Mao Tse-tung - 820 million
1. The Holy Bible - 3.9 billion. 3900 million. 3,900,000,000.

What do all these books have in common? No, the answer is not irrelevance or diversion - though that would not be an unintelligent answer; merely an incorrect one.

The answer (and there are some books which are as poignant in their absence) is very simple, and very obvious.

But you've never thought about this, because Society has made a boob out of you. You've never questioned the illogic, which Society brainwashed into your impressionable mind at the only age at which it was...impressionable. Your mind is full of FUCK because FUCK was what it was intentionally filled with; for purposes that cannot be rationalised away, they cannot be explained away, the reasons why you were brainwashed by Society are inherently obvious.

WHY? have you never questioned Society's brainwashing you throughout childhood with the ludicrous idea that people are inherently good, or inherently evil? When they are neither good nor evil, but merely irrevocably selfish. Edit Friday 13th 2012: This was before I'd realised the idiotic error I was making in imagining the idiotic religious version of selfish (narcissistic, which = Self-less) was gameplay optimal.

WHY? have you never questioned a Society that tells you psychopaths are to be feared, when psychopaths are merely handicapped and limited from feeling empathy? Why have you never realised that the true danger is not represented by handicapped psychopaths; they cannot possibly be as dangerous as Psychopaths Mark II. You know those scary fuckers; the sneaky dangerous fuckers who only feel empathy when it suits them; in order to manipulate the emotions of others, and to rationalise their ongoing psychopathic behaviour. The pursuit of their own self-interest. Loving selectively. Forming friendships selectively. Feeling empathy selectively. Nothing is more dangerous that that kind of animal.

You want an example of such a predator? A terrifying beast provably more dangerous than psychopaths? Look in the mirror, dipshit. Fuck me. I'm a really fucking bright motherfucker. I forgot to pursue this brilliance right here. You fucking sociopaths are the worst, because you're selective psychopaths. You feel or pretend to feel when you believe it suits you. When you no longer value the carcass of the human you sucked the life out of with your Love, you show your true colours.

"It's not you. It's me."

Obviously. But then why are you stating the obvious? You stupid Toddlers. You're all victims of your mothers who raised you with Love and KISS. You've been kept stupid, simpletons. But I know how shrewd and certain you are. Certainty. The hallmark of an imbecile too stupid to realise they don't know all of knowledge. They know less than what they'd know if they knew nothing at all.

This is a society that prints as many copies of a book as there are humans to read it. 3.9 billion copies of a book where the overwhelming premise (if one can be coaxed out of the idiotic contradictions and idiotic provable nonsense and the idiotic evil and stupidity of an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present God who continually changes his mind, kills innocents including children, curses the descendants of an evildoer, kills the wives and children of a man purely for an egotistical prop bet, replaces them after winning with the belief he is rewarding the man's insane loyalty...and so on and so on)...3.9 billion copies selling a premise which is provably idiotic, and very - VERY - twisted and vile and evil. In fact, nothing can possibly be more evil. Because it sounds so sweet and innocent.

Yes, I'm talking about The Golden Rule. As sweet and innocent as a smiling paedophile, approaching a child who is about to have their innocence stolen from them, and their life ruined for ever.

WHY? have you never questioned it for it's complete illogical invalidity? Why have you never realised the true nature of every religious tenet?


WHY? the fuck would someone tell you to do that, when they damn well know the Others are not going to do unto you as you would 'have' them do?


WHY? the fuck would someone tell you to give them something (whilst telling you what you are giving them is worthless, of course), with a promise of impossible riches (of incomprehensible value) at some point down the line, in return, after you have given?

Say, have you ever come across this peculiar request elsewhere?

Sanely brilliant for 21 months and counting.

Originally Posted by Hillbilly Jim View Post
what pisses me off is that teachers are so terrible that they teach you how to read like a moron
if they would teach you how to speed read when you are a kid america would be number 1

You were right, old boy. I was too focused on the corruptive content. It's not to say I was wrong, but you were definitely right. I just had no idea how stupid these Toddlers really were.

Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
It's not the speed at which they teach you to read; it's the reading they teach you to read with.

I mean, yes it would be great if everyone could churn through at my 700wpm with 98% reading comprehension (12 years ago, and those have been 12 high-impact years). And yes, teachers are so fucking dumb it's hilarious. Except not. And parents are so fucking retarded it's hilarious. Except not.

Little error in memory there. I used to do that a lot, suspiciously heavily slanted to one side of accuracy. How creepy. I never set out to deceive, this is almost certainly religious corruption distorting everything to one (ostensibly or perceivably, almost certainly idiotically) distinct side of correct. I actually did a 700wpm but 'conveniently' forgot that it was at a fairly low comprehension in the 80% range or something with low retention as well. Kind of important, those comprehension / retention aspects.

Nobody wants to be like Mike.

But that's all a distraction to the impossibly insightful and telling point Jim raised. This course I completed was 6 hours.

It might have been the most valuable 6 hours of my entire life. And what's more, it was surprisingly fun. But I declined half a dozen attempts by teachers to get me to do the course, and only agreed at the last moment when I learned it was to be conducted at 4pm (when no one else would be there to ridicule me for hanging out with the geeks).

How peculiar that we live in a Society where "learning" subjects you to ridicule. All I gave a fuck about was popularity because I'd been bright my entire life and punished mercilessly for being 'bright' enough to ask questions like "Why?"

So I literally despised all learning and intelligence and hated mySelf for not being able to completely eradicate it. All I gave a fuck about was being happy. And I thought being happy meant I had to please. So I did this course, ironically, only to please the teachers who were harassing me to do it.

6 hours. And I was in the bottom 50% in terms of gains (largely because, unlike you, I could already read). But there were kids who went from like 200wpm (effective) to 450wpm. In 6 hours.

How peculiar that in 12 years of school, those who ostensibly wanted to educate you didn't teach you how to read or comprehend or retain or teach you the first thing about Logic? You studied Physics, advanced Mathematics, but not Logic. How peculiar.

What fucking morons would you have to be to actually think Santa and the Tooth Fairy and lying to your kids about everything; fairy tales and fantasy and and sweetness and bubbles and candy floss...could actually be a productive introduction to this world of horror and killing and deception and rape and paedophilia and exploitation...

AND FUCKING LIES. Always. For ever. No exceptions. Even the truth is a lie, if only for reasons of irrelevance.

Sure, selfish parents of the world, breeding away your unhappiness with the pain-killers of perpetual cycling...sure. Keep on with all that 'harmless' delusional fantasy.

What could possibly go wrong?

I didn't realise exactly what horrors I had uncovered here, but this was insight most of you will never match in your lives. They raise you with fantasy and then play dumb when you scream at face-planting into the gravel of reality. You stupid niggers. Connect the easiest dots in the world.

I knew this was stupid but I didn't realise how evil they were. Their evil (and I'm talking about your parents and Society) is always masked by their stupidity.

Originally Posted by Hillbilly Jim View Post
listen bro in america when they teach you to read they make you sound out words you dont know
this shit slows you down so much that you end up being a retard
if you could pound out 1000 wpm you would have time to get through all the retarded shit they make you read and have time left over to read some real shit

Interesting. So learning to read phonetically is sub-optimal then?

Originally Posted by BLACKDANIELS View Post
surely the dictionary or the quran would be on the list

i havent read any of those books

And why would you? You already know everything so there's no need. People like me who know very little are 'forced' to endure the entertainment of reading. We all have our crosses to bear.

Originally Posted by MistaCobalina View Post
I dunno how reliable that list is, dawg. I find it impossible to believe there haven't been more than 27 million copies of the quran printed in history.

Do you two jokers realise I didn't compile this list? I posted the URL for fuck's sake.

But here is the answer.

My-O-My Jul 6, 2009 @ 4:05 pm | in reply to Aftab and A.G. Komolmayum

Although a lot of people may think that the Quran should be on this list, in fact there has been more copies of it printed than many of the books on this list, but a vast number of them have not been sold, which also means not read.

As was made clear in the introduction, "The figures show the number of books printed and sold but does not take into account multiple readings of the same book.", which applies to the Quran as well.

"There are a few book titles that have had more copies printed than some of these books, but a vast number of those books were not sold, which of course means that they did not get read.", which also applies to the Quran.

I should have clarified the list tallied official "printed and read" figures. Oh hang it! That's exactly what I did.

Here's the top ten most printed books: 10 Most Read Books In The World
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Old 07-12-2012, 11:57 PM   #54
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452 is hecka embarrassing bro. even the 686 you were claiming is nothing to brag about. i had both of those numbers beat back in middle school.
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Old 07-13-2012, 12:20 AM   #55
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Interesting. So learning to read phonetically is sub-optimal then?

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Old 07-13-2012, 12:21 AM   #56
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I havent read any of those book because most of them sound shit, harry potter, twilight get the fuck out of here.

Still thats not the point, point is that i think that list is a load of bollocks and i still stand by that.

But i know you like people to back up an opinion with logic so after spending a couple mins online here is what i found. Below are just a couple of books not on your retarded list with estimated figures.

A Tale of Two Cities – 200 million
And Then There Were None – 100 million
Dream of the Red Chamber – 100 million
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – 85 million
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Old 07-13-2012, 01:35 AM   #57
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dream of the red chamber is hardcore menstruation erotica you dumbazz of course it not going to be on any lists
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Old 07-13-2012, 03:51 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post

Do you two jokers realise I didn't compile this list? I posted the URL for fuck's sake.

Yeah, I didn't question how reliable YOU were, I questioned how reliable that list was. Since, you know, it doesn't list it's sources or anything. I just think, since there are around 2 billion Muslims world wide, that it's hard to believe less than 27 million Korans have been sold/printed in the last 50 years.
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Old 07-13-2012, 04:14 AM   #59
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its obvious that list is unreliable, so obvious that even the dumbest person on the site can figure it out
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Old 07-13-2012, 04:16 AM   #60
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isnt that right mike ?
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