I believe you may have met this gentleman before.
He's sorry for disturbing me. This is what "apologies" are used for. They're Catholic. I've been creeped out by them for my entire life. They have no value. Your emotions have no value. I know you think they do, but your contrite, your penitent, your remorse, your regret...they have no value to me, you or anyone. They're all tools used by those who manipulate the emotionally insane. If you're truly remorseful, kill yourself.
What makes you think there can be justice? Justice is insane. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, if you cannot add 2 + 2 = 4 instances of Religious Insanity, then you're a moronic Toddler.
Justice is valueless. Penalising you if you've hurt me out of some demented idea you could profit from doing so, is worthless to me. I have no need for revenge, it has no value to me. If you are thinking "well without punishment I could keep on hurting you" then I say you must be educated. If you cannot be educated into understanding why you don't want to be a Passionate Criminal, then you must be Rested In Peace. Or I'll never be protected.
Why would I want to hurt you after you've hurt me? You think that's how the emotionally insane are deterred? You might not hurt me again. You'll just pick on an easier victim. Good for me, right?
How does that work? I could have been the "easier victim" from the last time you learned your lesson. Punishment is insane. You must educate the insane. If you cannot make them sane you must let them Rest In Peace.
Prisons must be turned into (humane) mental hospitals with education preferred to medication. You're all too barbaric and insane to be plausible. You're horrifying Catholic beasts.
"ARE YOU THERE?" Vomit. So fucking rude. Catholics are the rudest beasts alive.
I confused him a little with the lampshade analogy. In my defence, he's pretty confused. He orders me to send again (I assume he means, rephrase) because he doesn't understand. Toddlers will go "huh?" and wait for you to communicate with them rather than trying to think about what you said, in order to understand and communicate with you. It's standard Catholic Toddler insanity.
I've been up against it my entire life. They're not stupid. If you can't understand them, you're stupid. If they can't understand you, you're not making it clear enough for them. If you can't make it clear enough, you'll be insane. By their definition, anyone who cannot communicate with them is insane.
You're all very sick little fucks. You need to empty out your mental hospitals because there are sane people who simply cannot be understood by you imbeciles, being incarcerated and tortured purely because they don't have my capacity to tolerate horror. 14 years imprisoned against my will by the CoG came in for something useful after all.
How about that.
You like that Catholic Logic?
I tell him to beg for free money off his girlfriend who's probably tired of 'lending' him the money she makes being a pretty victim of Catholicism.
He responds with a request for "Catholic Classified-in-Confidence" just the two of us. His begging business. If I let anyone else know about our begging arrangement, it could embarrass him.
But his embarrassment isn't really my consideration is it? He's not very lucky, because Cherry is fucking other guys but I idly thought about fucking Cherry at that point. I probably should of but I'm just too nice a faggot. He gave me the Logic. The excuse.
Well it's none of his business is it? Private arrangement between Cherry and I. Catholic Privacy. He wasn't supposed to find out, etc.
Sorry dude!
I'd be very remorseful, about getting 'caught'. Oh trust me, I would get 'caught'. He would get the pictures. But then I'm just not that sort of a person, except in idle sentiment.
Had he been human here, I probably would have helped him. But he chose to keep on lying about a problem that he initially was hoping to hijack me with but that didn't pan out.
"DUDE?" Vomit. Even when begging, they're impatient and frustrated with you. Their time is valuable. They don't give a fuck about you. They cannot really conceptualise you as anything other than a target to exploit, fear, or both (respect).
It makes them worth so little, I could kill them without feeling an emotional speed-bump.
He tells me what to do, because if I needed something from him, I would be lost - just lost! - what should I do? Should I text him? Should I not. Hmm. I don't have permission. Oh why didn't I think to get his permission. Curses.
He's really sorry to disturb me, though. Do you think that's actually true?
He wants to know if we're cool now that he's disturbed me.
I fucking hate the insanity of this world that presents in humans giving me permission to do what I don't need their permission for. Or giving me permission to be sane? Or applauding me when I am sane (charity? I'd as soon kill you than give you charity - if I give you something it's because I believe doing so serves my best interests). You filthy creeps. This is all Catholicism I'm talking about. You're all as insane as him, you just don't realise it because it's a game of relativity and you suck at understanding comparisons.
For example, you think you're lucky when you see poverty and misery on TV. You're not lucky. They're exploiting you both in the same way. They're just fucking Africa harder. You're the gang-rape victim looking at the dying gang-rape victim thinking "well at least I got some Rohypnol and a few Thank You's when my gang rape was over - looking forward to tonight for more! One day I can rape woot."
When you 'win' you will not win.
Winners aren't winning.
They're just beating you.