Originally Posted by
Did the school never try and contact you via other means ? They went straight to the school police/escort? It makes it sound like you had put up a fight in some capacity.
Security guard. Contracted from one of those huge human services training & job placement companies, no doubt; of the sort where you pay a nominal fee if you're an unemployable joke, they give you the bare minumum token training and then endeavour to pimp you out as a [insert unqualified 'professional' here].
I may have ignored invoices which may have been requests / demands for payment, now that I recall; and there were some technical issues with some student
xxx@uq.edu.au email accounts (which were in no way isolated to my account but I remember being tilted because I was prevented from logging in to change some morning classes to evening). The invoices (if indeed, that's what they were) = nonsensical. I might have imagined they were a CC or FYI sort of thing; I can't really remember specific details, I only remember emotions and I remember dismissing them (correctly) as being not requsite of my attention.
This isn't an error. The way high achievers acheive is by prioritising, and that is only possible in a functional environment. Not that it would have mattered one iota, but you can't very well waste time chasing up everything that seems peculiar. I was commencing Masters Law at a prestigious university;
everything seemed peculiar. It's a 70-80 hr / week degree; I just moved to a new city. A girl I'd loved for a year and a half was sleeping over. I kind of had a lot on my plate.
Yesterday, I was wasting some time trying to gauge the
degree of misfortune when the realisation hit me that I might have had my own OCD robotic functionality to 'blame'. When I'm functioning, I don't fucking dabble in (what I now know to be Catholic) insanity like
procrastination. Because it's batshit insane. If something requires doing, it is provably insane to stall on doing it. There are no pros; just a fuckload of cons and the reason it's important to talk / think about is that it's a hallmark of
slaves (i.e. humans being
forced or
coereced into doing something they don't want to do and which they don't believe is in their best interests, or no longer care).
If you no longer care about your own interests, then you are insane. You will have what they call a
conflict-of-interest, because why are you alive.
But it's entirely plausible and perhaps even likely that I was the first person processed after the bullshit beaureacratic legislatory changes; either for QLD or for UQ or perhaps merely for Fortitude Valley Centrelink. And in this world of imbeciles / slaves who don't like their jobs, how else are they going to learn of such things? With Post-It Note reminders? Lotus Notes labels / flags?
You'd be kidding yourself if you believed otherwise. Almost certainly, this was some forgotten memo's 'work' and my functionality paid the 'price' for my perception being at odds with my Reality. And it certainly would not have been the first time. The early bird doesn't get the worm if the worm keeps hitting Snooze on the alarm because he or she is a Toddler who just doesn't
want to go to work today OKAY!?
It's not that I even lost anything, really. I'd have just discovered the dark Truth about Law a lot sooner, and saved a great many people from suffering at my hands. They would almost certainly have sufferred at the hands of someone else, but that's not the point.
I only care about me. That's tantamount to asserting that I care about the best interests of everyone (only imbeciles who have been confused about optimality wouldn't understand). So what I'm really saying is that I only obsess over what I can control.
My only concern is me. And this negates one of the most common 'rationalisations' / logical fails made by humans who fail to act in their own and in Humanity's best interests;
"if I don't do it, someone else will".
For being such a smart guy, why would you put 3 McDonalds awards on your resume? Thats kinda bizarre. I mean, I suppose it shows you did a great job even as the bottom..
The bottom is what I was applying for and being rejected from pursuing by shrewd managers who neither wish to compete nor do they want to be competitive, so they hire imbeciles who'll make them look bad instead.
I didn't say they were geniuses; and this is my entire beef with this vermin species reduced to insanity. All the 'shrewd' is batshit insane more often than not. It's Toddlers
snickering because they know everything,
snivelling at the more competent for being more 'fortunate' or
sneering at those who play the game the brown-nosing rats are obsessed with playing (Toddlers hate getting out-played; this happens with
love all the time) and, of course,
screaming when they inevitably do get outplayed or face-plant on their own steam (like Mike - no one is outplaying that guy, his errors are truly unforced).
Of the four,
screaming is the only one that can send a healthy mind insane. If you're affected by the other 3, it's too late.
BTW, those writing workshops. I think they're kinda lame. I enrolled in one... It is full of wannabe writers who for the most part spit out lame tripe. You might find a couple decent writers who write a tale worth reading.. but mostly NOT.
Yeah I've undertaken coursework before. Until this world understands why those who can
do will
do rather than
teach (until
teaching rewards at commensurate or better rates than
doing), teachers who can
do will be at a premium so rare their existence will be all but negligible.
That is not to say they have nothing I can learn from them; I obviously cannot write at all. I merely (occasionally) have impossibly valuable things to say. They can write without capacity to write anything either of importance or commercial value. They can teach me things I can probably learn more optimally from a textbook or w/e.
I don't always have anything worth saying. Sometimes my "incapacity" (which includes a high degree of apathy because I'm not limited via restricted...anything, except motivation) morphs with an emotional state like Contempt, Despair, Trauma, Bitterness etc etc (simultaneously); and then you get noose which isn't actually supposed to be posted - but after a certain amount of sleep deprivation, it's all "in the Hands of the Lord". Inshallah.
There is a great deal I could learn from those who cannot do but I could learn it elsewhere, if I believed there was a point. The point is I do not. There are those saying it better and being ignored; like David Cornwell.
And I will not be enduring the imbecilic 'criticisms' of a mind that lacks the capacity for critical thought. They will confuse me with someone who has a problem with criticism, and I'm choc-a-bloc full to capacity on skin-crawling, creepy irony. Eww. There's nothing as lame as an insane person imagining your dismissal of their insanity = you're insane.