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Old 01-13-2013, 04:14 AM   #81
Militant Quacks
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oven waxing dat ass

  took you long enough to notice that tag
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Old 01-15-2013, 05:20 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by Bobby Wong View Post
ok, if your not on meth then whats your excuse pal

You're going to have to be more specific. What is my excuse for what?

Originally Posted by nextlevelshit View Post
Dude you are clueless. Methamphetamine is about the easiest drug one can make.

You can make banana fritters pretty fucking easily as well.

Thats why it is such a problem. Yes the product might have all sorts of nasty shit in it, but there is still a lot of meth.

Yes the fritters might have occasional old school razor blades secreted inside the fritter but there is still a lot of fritter.

The fact that you talk about "real pure meth" and say there is only one way to make it just shows how clueless you are.

This is sub-correct. Meth is meth.

Alleged meth with unknown pollutants and unidentifiable substitute active ingredients and undetermined chemical compounds of unknown composition or quantity or quality, cooked by untrained 'amateurs' using 'progressive' shake'n'bake techniques that GLaxoSmithKline must be champing at the bit to take out some intellectual property claims over merchandising not meth.

It may have trace elements of a meth-like chemical compound mixed in with heaven only knows what other kinds of contraindicated poisons, but without giving you a headache with big words like synergy, if you think it's meth you're dumber than a Shake n' Bake meth producing nigger who imagines he's in competition with Big Pharma.

I can assure you there are many ways people can make meth, and yes it is all methamphetamine.

At what point do the razor blades convince you that it's not - really - banana fritters that are shredding your stomach lining?

There are a lot of drugs that require a "real chemist" but meth ain't one of them you knob. Stop talking with authority on everything when you know so little.

He does do that a lot but I do not.

And this isn't "Celebrity Chemistry" on live TV where there can be interpretations and discussion of spirit and presentation and ambience and akldjljfasljf

Chemistry is chemistry. Maths is maths. Science is science. If you weren't the victims of your government's malicious intent, you'd learn about logic in school. Go to your medicine cabinet. Crush up all the pills; uppers downers, throw them outside in a pile, kick some dirt on them pour some petrol on them, give a kid $5 to urinate on them and sleep on them overnight and - if possible - do some mix and matching with whatever chemicals or poisons or prescribed meds (we're going to use them off-label, you might say; all fuckwits should seek professional medical advice and then deep throat my cock). In the morning, take your daily regimin of heart / gastric / blood pressure medication.

Just pull the correct dose from the smouldering pile.

If something is 30% meth and 70% byproduct of some synthesis, I still consider it meth. Just like every other drug. I can't remember ever taking any sort of "pure" drug, but meh.. jesus why am i responding.

You should not have been responding. If something is 99% meth and the 1% is unknown, it is not meth-amphetamine.

You might first need to establish the identity of that 1% or you're going to learn about something you should have learned at a less terminal phase of your existence.

You'll be in good (if largely retarded, and murdered) company.

Many celebrities have died from CDI/MDI, including:
Singer Whitney Houston from drinking Alcohol beverages, Xanax, Benadryl, Cocaine,and Flexeril.
Writer/actor/comedian Freddy Soto from fentanyl, alprazolam and alcohol;
Pro westling manager Elizabeth Ann Hulette aka Miss Elizabeth from alcohol, temazepam, oxycodone, hydrocodone and anabolic steroids;
Child actress Anissa Jones from cocaine, PCP, methaqualone and secobarbital;
Pro wrestler Louie Spicolli from carisoprodol, alcohol, painkillers and lorazepam;
Hawthorne Heights guitarist Casey Calvert from citalopram, clonazepam and hydrocodone;
Actor Nick Adams from paraldehyde and promazine;
Guitarist Jimi Hendrix from alcohol and barbiturates;
Singer Elvis Presley had over 10 drugs in his system when he died.
Lester Bangs from diazepam and propoxyphene;
Deep Purple's Tommy Bolin from alcohol and prescription drugs and illegal drugs in combination;
David Anthony Kennedy, son of Senator Robert Francis Kennedy, from cocaine, pethidine and thioridazine;
Singer Johnny O'Keefe from combining several prescription drugs;
Steve Clark of rock group Def Leppard from combining antidepressants, tranquilizers and alcohol;
Actor Lani O'Grady of Eight is Enough from hydrocodone and fluoxetine;
Bridgette Andersen from alcohol and multiple drugs;
Edie Sedgwick from barbiturates and alcohol;
Dana Plato from carisoprodol and hydrocodone;
Actor/comedian Eric Douglas from alcohol, hydrocodone and temazepam;
Actor Heath Ledger from toxic combination of prescribed drugs;
Michael Jackson from propofol and two other sedatives;
Brittany Murphy from multiple prescription drugs;
The Rev of Avenged Sevenfold from oxycodone, oxymorphone, diazepam, nordiazepam and alcohol.
Slipknot bassist Paul Gray from morphine and fentanyl
New York Rangers forward Derek Boogaard from oxycodone and alcohol. [7]
Rodney King from alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana;

To make this simpler for imbeciles who struggle with complex concepts like added variables (brain freeze! awwh), no one has ever died from meth-amphetamine. Your mothers and your politicians and your religious leaders are lying whores.

Sure, people die from drugs. Millions have died horrible and miserable and long drawn-out deaths with concentric ripples of agony and misery peeling away from them during the process, but no one has ever died from meth-amphetamine. You want to find out what killed those victims, exhume their bodies and get to work because everyone is fucking lying and there isn't an ethical coroner or police officer or magistrate in the judicial branch.

Mothers are surprisingly unmoved by the scandal.

Originally Posted by WillieMcFML View Post
not fat, from oklahoma, or a meth head

When you have literally nothing of interest or value to offer, the most hilarious things must be guarded with intense secrecy.

Like your identity, and your all-important feelings.

But wouldn't you love us to fall for your sickening coy. I'm afraid, no cigar you horrifying creep of non-disclosure and alluding to clues and you positively exasperating ball of intrigue you!

and the fact that really shitty meth, is still meth

See above.

And the widely held belief that really shitty human, is still also a fallacy.

i have a buddy who's a chemist (someone i know irl, not from the internet, mikey) and he said it would be laughably easy for him to make meth

I have a buddy whose credentials make your imagined buddy a failure IRL. But the circumstances of how you came to befriend your imaginary acquaintances (just because they're not real doesn't mean they're going to throw caution to the wind, are they) are impossibly relevant and worth outlining and clarifying in detail.

Originally Posted by Rum Dick View Post
last time I was in Tulsa I went to pharmacy to pick up a prescription. there were seven people in the pharmacy line with me. I was the only person getting an actual prescription. the rest were buying their maximum law mandated allotment of cold medicine (it was the middle of summer btw). even the pharmacist looked like a tweaker.

Yes the active ingredients are so safe, you can find them in cold and flu medications sold OTC. Or you used to be able to but this is a world of imbeciles who only think what they're told to feel by their entertainment news.

But here is an advertisement for meth-amphetamine presented as a solution for pregnancy weight loss (i.e. to keep your figure when you get cravings feeding for 1.1 - but isn't it funny when they say feeding for two chortle).

Meth-amphetamine for routine weight loss.

Originally Posted by Rum Dick View Post
why did you choose to go work in Haiti?
altruism? (scooter, stay out of this one. we are all caught up on your thoughts re altruism)
for financial reasons?
why did the 18 year of Puerto Rican think she owed you a bj (aside from the fact you were a random guy having a birthday)?
and sex tourism in general- yay or nay?

It has been my experience that anyone who requires leading questions to pry uninteresting information out of their miserable silence has literally nothing of value to offer, reveal or disclose.

The strong, silent type was branded by women leeches for what should be obvious, idealistic template-like suitability for said leeches' aims.
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Old 01-15-2013, 05:40 AM   #83
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You should not have been responding. If something is 99% meth and the 1% is unknown, it is not meth-amphetamine.

You might first need to establish the identity of that 1% or you're going to learn about something you should have learned at a less terminal phase of your existence.

You'll be in good (if largely retarded, and murdered) company.

"14K gold" is still consider gold. Just like 70% meth will still be considered meth. Your logic fails because if real and pure meth is so grand, it will overpower the 30% of adulterants. Maybe the adulterants will poison you, maybe not, but you can't deny the potency of the 70%. Yet, you seem to.

This is such a huge failure in analysis and not something I would ever expect from anyone I might consider a bit bright. I expect better, Scoooter. Maybe the problem here is you are just too easy to understand and the faults become glaring.
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Old 01-15-2013, 05:42 AM   #84
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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Old 01-15-2013, 05:49 AM   #85
Willie McAboutThatLife
Confirmed Fatass Oklahoma Meth-head, and then let's not forget that whole thief thing. . .
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I bet you're real fun at parties scooter

go beat up more women you methed out freak

  You sound familiar. Too familiar. Like Savage Garden at #1 or the new Windows 8 jingle
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Old 01-15-2013, 05:51 AM   #86
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  guilty. keeping 'you ridiculous little frog" though. was hof material
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Old 01-15-2013, 06:00 AM   #87
Bobby Wong
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ivory soap is only 99.44% pure, that shits not even soap
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Old 01-15-2013, 06:01 AM   #88
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Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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ugh wong talking about his gross hillbilly soap operation
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Old 01-15-2013, 08:44 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by nextlevelshit View Post
"14K gold" is still consider gold. Just like 70% meth will still be considered meth. Your logic fails because if real and pure meth is so grand, it will overpower the 30% of adulterants. Maybe the adulterants will poison you, maybe not, but you can't deny the potency of the 70%. Yet, you seem to.

This is such a huge failure in analysis and not something I would ever expect from anyone I might consider a bit bright. I expect better, Scoooter. Maybe the problem here is you are just too easy to understand and the faults become glaring.

You appear to have lost sight of the real world issue. I suggest you return to where you went off-track and rediscover the rails. Hop back onto the wagon and come at the problem afresh and with sobriety.

There is no point in medicating with poison. What is your point? Do you have one? Are you trying to make one?

Originally Posted by WillieMcFML View Post
I bet you're real fun at parties scooter
go beat up more women you methed out freak

I am rejected by and reject more cute girls in a week than you will ever speak to in your entire life.

That's every week.

Go improve your Self rather than trying to rationalise your transparent magnetic compulsion towards attempting to associate your miserable life of fail and tragic awkward existential emptiness with...what I represent.

Just for the most obvious of all times, your emotional currency will buy you only ridicule here when you attempt to use it as tender. I understand you are attempting to work under the most - limited - of limitations, but go peddle your limited noose elsewhere.

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Old 01-15-2013, 09:03 AM   #90
Willie McAboutThatLife
Confirmed Fatass Oklahoma Meth-head, and then let's not forget that whole thief thing. . .
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Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post
You appear to have lost sight of the real world issue. I suggest you return to where you went off-track and rediscover the rails. Hop back onto the wagon and come at the problem afresh and with sobriety.

There is no point in medicating with poison. What is your point? Do you have one? Are you trying to make one?

I am rejected by and reject more cute girls in a week than you will ever speak to in your entire life.

That's every week.

yeah, we know you live in Thailand you fucking idiot.

that's like bragging about getting a lap dance at a donkey show in Guadalajara

and we've seen what awesome relationships you have forged with these ladyboys (who barely speak english) by reading the screenshots you have posted spewing anti-toddler rhetoric and your latest and greatest thoughts about Self and value
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#cuttingforscooter, ape dont wanna grow up, apes a toys r us kid, gaysex + rumdick = drug cutting niggers, oven waxing dat ass, rum dick only does the best drugs, scooter can't get first world pussy, willie riding steam powered scooter, willie steam powering scooter

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