so bob are you sitting down in a well supported and comfortable position at this very moment? I hope so, if not please assume such a position as your current reclining technology will allow because today I saw....the worst, the absolute WORST most shoddy bullshit- I'll let the pictures tell the story, see if you think what Mike and I are thinking.
back story- here are pics taken of the Oleander Hobo Enclave after the "contractor" who is in charge of the land here (he is the brother in law of the owner of the property) "fixed" his original shoddy work for the time (meaning he had done shitty work already, came back to fix his bullshit and made the problem somehow worse by actually building a fenced enclosure to add security to the privacy his idiotic cyclone fencing provided) so Mike and I bid on the job and I come to find out our offer was never really even considered by the owner- THAT is how in love he is with this moron just- ugh.
"before" pics (here is what i was working with when I bid on the job $900 to remove the Oleander remove his idiotic cyclone fencing rotor till the area and plant appealing shrubs of some kind, clean up all the garbage and debris and make sure no trace of hobo's moving forward)
So my bid of $900 was tossed in the garbage (Mike couldn't believe the owner didn't go for it) and instead $2500usd (NEARLY THREE TIMES OUR BID) is...spent as such...
wait for it
(those really are actual oleander SPROUTS already coming out of the stumps- if the plants could speak, they'd say something like THANKS!)
I mean if you catch the sun just right it gleams from the cyclone fence just so...
three times our bid mind you
Mike spit milk out his nose when he saw the first one.
Wong I will be back over there tomorrow and I can get the guy's number and license # (I heard from two people he's a GC, he just can't be I refuse to believe it) and I think this guy needs roasting. Let me verify first he's not a real life forrest gump and the owner is actually just taking pity on the poor guy because in that case I have no beef *BUT* if this guy is really a GC or posing as one he's a fuckin out and out thief and I hate people like him. I would be all for a recorded roasting like no thieving scumbag has ever been roasted before if you are willing to be the roaster. I am fairly certain he lies his ass off to the owner and kisses his ass and plays the victim role " well things beyond my control went wrong but look at what got done! and NEXT TIME I SWEAR ON EVERYTHING I'll get the whole thing done!"
three times our bid dude, I mean when it all sank in I actually got pretty bummed about the whole thing. the job was a gimme as I have a lot of repertoire with the various tenants (who are all LAWYERS mind you) and the bid was super fair, the least the guy could do would be to make the place look decent you know but he's far too arrogant for that, he literally milks the owner bit by bit and this is just ridiculous.
you wanna roast him we do it tell me when and what you need and let's tar and feather this dumb fuck.
fuck I'm all worked up here Mike just chatted about my leg (I was at 9palms this morning helping a master gardener move some 200lb redwood tables up a hill for storage and slipped and the table we were carrying came straight down onto my left leg, lower outer tibia people heard the shriek I made over 400 yards away and I swear on my life I thought I broke my leg. it's super swollen and purple but I can put a little weight on it...) and glanced at pic 1 again and exclaims "people I tell ya...what a shame..."
I actually got a half of new amsterdam vodka to drink while I get some computer side work done tonight...I mean three TIMES our bid and the piece of shit even left the horrific cyclone fencing up like he's proud of his work and won't take it down ugh
gay sex what do you do at times like these? i need guidance
just so i'm clear, like two posts after this, you admitted to being a meth addict who bought tainted meth two days ago right?
and you feel that this makes you average? you're delighted?
ape's rep comment
sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ: I did not write any of that
what part of what i wrote was inaccurate? you admit to buying tainted meth two days ago and that you have a "crippling addiction"
Originally Posted by sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ
it's a lot worse than that Bob, the batch I picked up two days ago wouldn't melt till 300 and then (of course) about half turned into a puddle the other half stayed solid up till about 330 340 the solid half liquified and surprise surprise the (presumably good) portion started smoking. *sigh* so I devised an at home method of filtration basically I turn the good into liquid on the side of a dish the parts that don't melt down I return for swap the stuff that's legit is actually quite amazing but you must realize I honestly have *no* idea what I'm putting into my body EXCEPT THE FUCKING ISO how ironic is that? The stuff I think is legit doesn't melt down until 30 degrees past the chemical melting point which means only one thing- the meth was first melted down and cut chemically and then another dealer added iso as bulk bullshit to get weight up.
so yeah, when you're faced with a crippling addiction that won't let you sleep eat or think of ANYTHING but that substance (when you're out or running low) having to jump through hoops and hoops to actually acquire anything just fucking sucks so much that I am forced to build strange things late night when I'm jonesing and have nothing to do. Here I built this cat water recirculating thing out of parts I found in the garbage can and recycle bin last night, it works flawlessly (function over form mind you) and the best part was the cost- extra super FREE baby. I love free shit, finding weird odds and ends and making things out of what's found seems to be a thing we do...couldn't pay me (literally) to sit in front of a television for longer than 10 minutes at a time but I frolick around in spare parts bins and shit gluing drilling sawing sanding to my hearts content. Everything works too (so far) so I haven't lost all my mental faculty just yet...sure it's coming though.
you also say that you are doing about "average" and that you're "deligted" here
Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by sʇןɐs ɥʇɐq ɥsıʞɹnʇ
Dave let me tell you something- on mothers day I drove out to acampo to see my folks new place and help them move a bunch of things and my mom had planned for me to stay the night and figured I'd leave in the am. I couldn't do it and I actually slept in my truck and left the following morning. I feel so guilty and ashamed for how shitty I treated my parents and how disgustingly bad I disrespected their home that I cannot ever sleep in any home of theirs again. I explained this to my step dad and he understood, shit will never be forgiven or forgotten. This shell of a human being who is out for himself only and is lazy and uncaring and has no integrity or moral character isn't me nor will it be. I am not marty, I can see my flaws (finally) and I have worked hard to become the man I had fooled myself into believing I was when in reality I was a joke. Now I am merely average trying to make my way in this world and I am delighted at that so spare me the criticisms until you at least weigh in current data.
so ape tell me what i got wrong or should we just chalk this up to tainted meth
You know why people hire reputable licensed contractors? Well one of the reasons is because reputable licensed contractors carry general liability insurance and workman's compensation insurance so that when one of their drug-addicted unskilled laborers drops a picnic table on himself the property owner is protected.
Congrats on the new bike seat mike. It's real shiny. Did your rich ethnic lawyer lady lover buy it for you? Regardless, are you happy with seat's quality?