Figured out by hitting quote I can see the http blake was posting but for some darn reason, all I see is an empty post.
Copy and pasting the url into a new browser worked (unfortunately) and I don't get the joke.
Either way though I find the infraction gamble gave me egregious and want it removed please.
I offer the following as evidence-
follow me on twitter @SweetBabyGrapes
Originally Posted by Mista Cobalina
Nat Sherman's are better than Dunhill's in every conceivable way
Quoted for Scooter. Give Nat's a try, just two packs, and I swear the next Dunhill you light up you will reflexively spit onto the ground. I literally did exactly that, as I walked back into my local head shop and exchanged the disgusting things for another pack of my beloved Nat Naturals.