A Cook County judge set bail at $50,000 today for a man charged with displaying a handgun to a convenience store clerk who refused to give him 99 cents.
According to court records, Christopher Tisley, 34, walked into a convenience store in the 2800 block of West Lawrence Avenue in the Ravenswood neighborhood around 3 a.m. Saturday and demanded the money. When the clerk refused, he displayed a gun.
I was 100% sure this was going to be a black guy before I clicked the link.
That is a fun game to read Drudge Report or Fark headlines and test yourself by guessing how often some random crime or disturbance is committed by black people and then click the link for the answer
I don't think you know what the proper use of slugging % is but a fun game indeed
I agree but you get the general idea
now waiting for Vwls to explain why blacks are such a huge asset to Americana and contribute so much back to the country.
I'm sorry, but defending African American 'culture' is futile. There is a big reason why morals and kindness and common courtesy are non existent now in this country
'hip hop' and rap culture has glorified murder and being a thug and a 'gangsta'
that whole subculture of nonsense has managed to hijack an entire generation and turn our youth into wannabee tough guys and foul mouthed fucking punks who are quick to commit crimes and demonstrate no respect for society