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Old 07-08-2012, 07:46 AM   #1
Things could be worse...
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Default As always, the Joke is on the Marks who are Tricked into thinking they own the Con.

July 8, 2012 2:10 AM | Posted, in reply to Daniel's comment, by jonny: | Reply

I have been following the conversation, which has suddenly become interesting.

So how come teenagers are allowed to have sex when it can not be proven that it was consenting?


Though you may understand the Answer already, as you asked the question I will tender the obvious answer, which is:

Teenagers are allowed to manipulate teenagers into having sex with them for the same reason that you’re allowed to manipulate women into having sex with you until Society deems them to be insane (I’m assuming you are a man older than the line the Law will draw in the sand to denote the magical moment when you suddenly became old enough to have free will). It's a reverse psychology Confidence Trick. Law has never been anything more than a Protection Racket imposed without being solicited on imbeciles who are told to be afraid, very afraid; but thankfully, the Law is here to protect us!

The reason you cannot legally manipulate (rape) a 17.5 year old or an 80 year old or a mentally-handicapped individual is not because they don’t have the capacity for consent; they almost certainly don’t, but that’s not the reason Law has started protecting them (the first laws went out of their way to legislate the other way with "Honour Thy Father And Thy Mother" - anyone decently sane would be horrified at the illogic represented by the Commandments which effectively served as the first piece of legislation. The brazen evil of that commandment [the other nine are just as brazen and obviously evil] is horrifying. Why honourable parents could ever have reason to tolerate - let alone Want or Need - such a insulting Law to ‘help’ them raise children to be happy is the question I've never heard Toddler Creeps ask.

The answer is why you cannot manipulate 17 year old children into imagining they want to sleep with you. They are the human property of someone else. Wait until they "come of age", and get "free will" before you rape them with your emotional manipulation.

Children can rape children because they don't have "free will" yet. They can't be culpable. They're the human property of someone else.

Do Not Covet your neighbour's Wife, or his Children OKAY!? The JEALOUS LORD's first Laws were obsessed with commanding you not to feel certain ways. Could it possibly be a ‘crafty’ reverse-psychology play to get imbeciles to consider feeling envy when the emotion that is coveting is provably irrational, i.e. insane?

Those who enslaved the human race took “free will” away. There’s only one way to do this successfully. They achieved it. They got humans to think it was in their best interests to exploit disparities for no other reason than “cause we can”. There’s always a pretext, of course; "women are evil, etc." They need men to keep them in line. "Children are stupid, etc." They need their parents to make decisions for them, regarding marriage and how to be traded like property for money and power. "Blacks are evil, poor, etc." They descended from Canaan. Blah blah endless creation of division between humans in order to get everyone exploiting everyone whilst deferring to our evil overlords. But almost no one is innocent.

Of course we're all victims but to allow the Catholic obliteration of "free will" of children to be sold to demented creeps, they had to simultaneously create the illusion of "free will" in their snivelling robotic impulse-driven emotional slaves. So they invented this hilarious contradiction of mea culpa to 'fairly' attribute the blame for when humans are insane and cannot act in their own best interests. Crimes of passion? Killing those you (ostensibly) love? Seems insane, on some level.

Not in this horrifying world. It's 'naughty'!

"You naughty boy. You knew what you did was a bad thing, that's why you didn't want to get caught! Insanity plea? Nice try but no. Killing your 3 teenage daughters over a demented illusionary emotion loosely referred to as R.E.S.P.E.C.T caused you to lose face in the eyes of the community. What you did was sane and understandable, but naughty naughty. Here's some remedial prison rape so you learn your lesson for next time. Don't get caught."

That's the lesson those who will make you call them "Your Honour" and swear on a vile book of poisonous emotional fiction before they'll even consider your testimony, are trying to teach everyone with Law.

You must swear to tell the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth; but then if you know your 'rights', you can plead the Fifth? How does that make sense? It all makes sense to me now. Snivelling Toddlers who know they're going to be 'naughty' love these 'rights'. I never had any use for "remaining silent". If and when I ever decide to have a child, I will have a motive that I will proudly hold up for logical scrutiny. You'll be too chicken to ask your mother for her motives for bringing you into the world.

The protagonist in that book they make you swear on is quoted as saying "Judge not, lest ye be judged". That makes perfect sense if you understand the horror of the Golden Rule that lies at the crux of Christianity. It's all a Confidence Trick. Everything, all the insanity, the lies, the deception, the endless preaching at others to do what you have no intention of doing, it's all a 'naughty' player's 'cheat' sheet. Tricks to freeroll suckers (and no sucker like a newborn) into pleasing their masters.

All the insanity of creeps makes a lot more sense once you appreciate that the exploited take ownership of their exploitation; they know it’s not justifiable, that’s why they have “faith” (and smirks) as their prepackaged counter-argument to your horrified logic.

The Abrahamic religions made narcissistic emotional Toddlers out of everyone. You all know so much more than you let on. I’m quite certain most people know a great deal about emotional manipulation, but they all think they’re ahead of the game with their filthy discretion, circumspect, privacy, secrets, confidentiality and horror, horror, horrifying makeup they all use to coverup their private shame. Which is, more or less:

They are leeches who do not want to contribute. They know their position is not logically justifiable. They just want what they want. It's how they FEEL. They will kill you, burn everything they cannot use, murder your children in cold blood and keep all your virgin "women children" for themselves.

Read Numbers chapter 31. That's Christianity. The entire Bible is pure evil but the 'sweet' is a demented Confidence Trick. They have not forsaken all that they hath, have they? So Jesus said they cannot be his disciples. Of course, if you're reading it, it's for you.

Not for them. It's their Confidence Trick.

That's what they idiotically have been led to feel, in any case.

It's why they 'teach' their human slaves to PLEASE them instead of teaching children to act in their own best interests and protect themselves from filthy emotional Confidence Tricks like love. It's why they've printed 8 billion copies of the most horrifying emotional toxic literature ever written in history, for their children to read. They all think religion’s corruption of children’s pure minds with their evil parables and blueprint for “How to Feel Like A Sociopath” (also known as The Holy Bible, Qur’an, Torah etc) is in their best interests.

It’s why everyone sneers or cringes instead of being outraged when children get pathetic and tragic and obsessed in ‘their’ sickening puppy-dog love, but children don’t imagine these exploitative emotional poisons do they? Their minds have been infected with these insane ideas. Why, I wonder how that could have happened? Didn't they have parents to protect them from emotional exploitation?

It’s your passion! Society's passion. Everyone's filthy passion. Not mine. I'm sane. It's the creeps' filthy passion which they know they cannot justify so you'll get 'confused' by reading this poorly written but perfectly logical rant and 'confused' by reading Alone's brilliantly written and perfectly logical blog posts and 'confused' by a single sentence of brilliance from John le Carre.

"Love is whatever can still be betrayed."

Every parent is a horrifying sub-beast creature. They raise their children to PLEASE everyone else. They never explain logic. There isn't any logic. There's no ration or reason or sense. They use violence and force and emotional coercion to 'persuade'. They're making slaves. AND THEY KNOW IT. I literally just worked that out in full, only today. You're all guilty, everyone who pretends to be 'confused' about the most simple things. Only small children can't see your insanity coming. Because they are sane.

Emotional Toddlers give their poisonous emotional passion to children to exploit them. It happened to them when they were children. It’s “their turn now”.

Laws are written not to deter, but to ensure ‘crimes’ of passion. Those who write laws have to keep all slave-owners pleased. To control everyone they had to parcel out the evil to snivelling imbeciles to give them ownership of their own exploitation. But human DNA is not coded to live in slavery. They had to circumvent this obstacle. There was only one way they could manage it. They had to convince your mother it was a good idea to exploit you. So they had to convince men it was a good idea to exploit women. So they convinced other men it was a good idea to exploit other - civilised & peaceful - races. Pretext?

They rejected their JEALOUS LORD (aka you). The Golden Ram the Chosen People fell flat on their face to worship is the clue. They didn’t actually ‘buy’ any of the idiocy Moses was spinning, they simply feared Power and wanted to be partners with Power. So they give away their power and then the snivelling little Toddlers and their big terrifying Brother are - together - going to destroy you! Ha-hah.

Toddlers are imbeciles. The Confidence Trick was played on them. They know this, but they're so vile they "pay it forward" cackling privately at their 'shrewd'. That's how religion does it. That's how the Golden Rule illogic was tricked into something more self-perpetuating than sane.

Divide > Conquer > Rule. You peon humans deserve your slavery. The Catholic creeps were brilliant. But you bought into it all; hook, line and sinker. All the exploitation is owned by the exploited. It always has been. The dominoes always fall onto little children, who have no one they can exploit with emotional corruption, but they didn't have any need for slaves; they were just happy playing and having fun. It’s ludicrous that people pretend to be ‘confused’ about coercion and manipulation and pressure and emotional tricks and games of attraction. Sickening.

The reason you can’t rape 17.5 year olds the way you can rape 40 year olds is because those slaves are still the property of their exploiters. They've been sub-let or rented out for the duration of their childhoods. Once they become 'free' (hah), then you can rape them with your trickery and deceptive emotional exploitation and games. You'll be raping yourself, of course. But those who exploited everyone had to make this power-sharing agreement with parents otherwise parents would never have manufactured 'willing' slaves for the pyramids that need building, the wars that need fighting, and the whores (who won't make you pay if you understand what "paying with love tonight" really means) to breed more of all three kinds of human property.

Once they’re 18, they magically gain the ability to think for themSelves. Only then do they have the ability to give consent, says the Law. It's not that 17 year olds cannot give consent; the Truth is that no one is in the position to give our consent. We're all exploitable, no one is sane, everyone is emotionally manipulatable, we're all walking victims; the entire race is bunch of pathetic emotional basketcases desperate to please everyone we want to exploit. We're hollow and existentially miserable because we live lives of deception and cold-blooded "taking advantage" of anyone who is defenceless (or sane, because sanity can never see the horror of insanity coming).

Our parents did not raise us to be happy. We were raised to be slaves.

So unless you manipulate girls into thinking they want to sleep with you...enjoy the alternatives. I tried playing their game, I was so 'good' I horrified myself constantly. Emotional robots, they're all so desperate to please...those who they're looking to exploit. I didn't even realise who I was representing myself to be. I was just Supplying what the insane market Demanded. The horror of what I was doing damn near killed me, but I couldn't stop until I realised the reality of the horror.

The rape went both ways. We're all raping each other and raping ourselves.

I’m speaking in gross generalisations, but it’s effectively the horrifying reality. We rape women whilst simultaneously raping ourselves. We exploit children when we're too stupid to understand why we're exploiting ourselves. We all live trapped in the moment of 3500 years ago.

We all want what we cannot have (pretty girls are no different), so we present ourselves not as we are but as we wish to be perceived (I doubt few did this as optimally as I was capable of, when I'd convince the cutest girls that I was too good for them by emotionally slamming the door in their face at the first hint of attraction or intrigue or simply noticing me for the first time - you should see how the narcissism screams, clothes come flying off, validate ME ME ME). If you don't want to rape them for 'free', you will rape the victims of sexual exploitation (I don’t care how much you pay their pimps) or you will sleep alone.

There is no such thing as “consensual sex”. Not one of us has “free will”. Our parents thought it was a good idea to raise children to please. They wanted children to please them. They wanted slaves and they fucking knew what they were doing. Ask any mother why she had to breed her own children and you'll have the proof your feigned denial claims to need.

Who we go on to spend our lives trying to please isn’t our parents' problem, but they will milk their vile emotional tricks for whatever they can. They'll try to leverage their hijacking / imposition of 'giving' us unsolicited life for whatever they can squeeze out of imbeciles who all won’t hear a bad word about their mothers! Hah. The First Molesters of Emotional Infants. All of whom remain emotional Toddler Narcissists for life.

The narcissism is evolutionary. It’s the human mind responding to the onslaught of emotional manipulation of mothers who love their children and want to exploit them to their full potential. The narcissism saves the lives of children who become narcissistic. It’s an ironic tragedy that they then go on to exploit their own children but what do you expect?

They feel their bloodline is worth propagating. They’re not interested in adopting an orphaned Child of Humanity, eww. It won’t be their own child, will it. How could they love something that wasn’t theirs, to own?

They didn't 'give' orphaned Children of Humanity the 'gift' of life. How can they emotionally manipulate them, when they can't use that demented Confidence Trick of the unsolicited Gift of Life on children someone else intended to exploit? That's the key to the whole sordid horror of mea culpa, ostensible free will that contradicts the ostensible requirement for the child of the JEALOUS LORD to die for the predetermined sins of human children.

What happened to "free will"? How can mea culpa exist if humans aren't to blame? Our sinning is 'predetermined'. Inevitable. Just part of being human, right? This is how God created us, so how can it be our fault that we have sociopathic 'urges' when we're so narcissistic, we're as inhumane as leeches that latch onto anything we can in order to suck the life out of them?

Of course no one is really to 'blame'. We're all victims.

But Toddlers, I'll tell you what...

I'm sure you'll all be very confused. This is 'too long' for you to read, huh? Hah. I know all your dumb Toddler tricks. You all think you've very crafty but you should know something.

The joke, as always, is on the moronic marks who are tricked into thinking they're going to benefit from someone else's con.
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Old 07-08-2012, 08:45 AM   #2
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who has ever had to trick a woman into having sex with them. sounds like yall need to step up your pimpin
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Old 07-08-2012, 12:04 PM   #3
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God damn censors.

I literally can't get anything on most websites. Too 'controversial', I guess. This opinion piece is subpar from Voranani (a Thai educated in the US. Voranani is a brilliant writer, he's so freaking bright it's ridiculous. I learned so much about Thai politics from this genius, because you have to be a genius to even make sense of what really is a fantastical show the put on for the 'benefit' of the public and watching foreign hawkish eyes...just illusions and charades and endless escapades intended to divert attention away from what the other hand is _always_ doing. I learned a great deal about how Thais think [it's > how you do it] and how stupid they are really [it's = yours] from Voranani.

His ethics and his pragmatic ability to know when to turn up the fire and when to gently take a step back is probably without equal - he might be the only Thai journalist who smashes corruption that all the other snivelling little rats will only cover if their 'employer' directs them to attack a colleague or whatever. He's been a little quiet of late, as befits one of the most blistering critics of Thaksin who now controls the entire show courtesy of Christian manipulation of vassals and disregard for decency. But after the Thaksin-instigated riots in 2010, Voranani became like my second favourite person in the world. He's a hero and they're probably going to kill him at some point; but as if that's a good excuse to be a rat traitor betraying your species?

Filthy Toddlers. I was trying to comment, but Voranini's newspaper doesn't really care for my participation. They're just being polite.

Originally Posted by Voranani
I read that the Republican Party of Texas called for a ban on teaching critical thinking skills in the state's schools because of its "focus on behaviour modification" that has "the purpose of challenging the student's fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority"....

There's two distinct ways to raise a child.

1. You teach the child to act in his or her own best interests at all times. Nothing is sacrosanct or sacred or taboo. Critical thinking is not merely encouraged, it is demanded. The child is taught how to make decisions armed with as much of the limited information available, and thereby learns that it's far better to make an intelligent decision which might be wrong than a stupid or impulsive decision which might be right. The child is taught to question everything they are told, and never to tolerate asserted 'opinions' which have not been justified. Ration, reason, logic, pragmatism, analytical and unemotional decision-making is championed.

Thinking > Feeling.

2. You teach the child to act in it's parents' perceived best interests at all times. Unconditional love is asserted as 'owed', for the unsolicited gift / hijacking of life. Loyalty is demanded, regardless of considerations of right and wrong. Use an "Us v Them" mentality, where your family's interests override the interests of everyone else, and your family's interests (as decided by you) override the interests of individual family members. Never explain your reasons when giving orders, demand instant obedience. Do not tolerate questions or complaints. In lieu of logical reasoning, inspire / induce action instead by using emotive appeals and / or threats of punishment to teach the child. HOW ELSE WILL THE CHILD LEARN IF IT IS NOT PUNISHED? Of course, you should remember to shower your child with emotional validation and praise when it has pleased you. Assert your firm displeasure when it has displeased you.

Feeling > Thinking.

One creates happy humans who act intelligently Selfish, and this includes caring about the welfare of everyone who has the potential to deliver happiness or pain.

One creates 'willing' slaves who suffer to please everyone but themselves (and usually wind up pleasing absolutely no one whilst imagining it [narcissists are not human] is being impossibly selfish).

What's the % breakdown between the two methodologies, do you think?

Are we really going to play at being coy?
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Old 07-09-2012, 10:01 PM   #4
waaaaaaaay less gay than 408mike
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All the talk of Bieber, teenage boys and high school locker rooms is getting my loins in a tizzy.

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Old 07-09-2012, 10:56 PM   #5
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It's a pity you're a jew onestep, you'd have made a great Cardinal.

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