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Old 08-31-2012, 06:00 PM   #501
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by DorkStar
Also did anything ever come of that BJ scandal thing, where your friend betray your trust as you had proof of cheating / non random / diff house edge.

If you cant talk about it, or dont want to, thats fine not really my business but I naively hoped a casino or someone would go down for this and I have heard nothing.

If you can say anything publically would love to have a thread about it in the main forum.

I hate pms btw I wanted to ask you in main forum but not sure of privacy issues

I suppressed that horror.

Just...omg. How did I fuck up so...he gave me evidence that confirmed literally the most wildest conspiracy theories that even I didn't really believe in. And he said "That's the tame stuff."

He was a good guy, I mean in doing his job he took like $40,000 off me for the casino he worked for but when we got talking through the nights on Skype he realised the reality of the role he was playing - I didn't give a fuck, he was just a cool guy to chat to but over time he became more and more guilt-ridden as I nonchalantly pressed him to confirm what I pretty much already knew but had no evidence for.

RealTimeGaming could set their games to do - you know - whatever code does when you code it? ROFL at the entire world getting confused about the capacity of code coded.

Without my asking him, he called me in a panic one day cause he wanted money after being forced to fly to the US a couple times to contest custody with his ex-wife who wanted to force him to bring his two kids back to the US (from Costa Rica). I'd seen dozens of pics of his two little kids over the months of night-long chats on Skype. I trusted his story, he was straight up saying he was broke but I wasn't buying his story about having an ethical crisis and how he couldn't do the job anymore etc. I didn't believe him because he'd never shown me anything I didn't already know about the RTG backend.

But I told him to send me something that would make me too stunned to say "No."

Hah. The sickest thing is that I am a moron who is brilliant but my GOD DAMN "THINKING POSITIVE" OMG. I FUCKING CALLED IT and fucking...betrayed him.

He sent me stuff that people would pay 6 figures for. Stuff that people get killed for. I was shaking, because suddenly my life was in danger as well. I mean, I was happy because I was basically living to fight these crooks (whilst trying to survive Aun's brilliance) but I was still scared. I shipped him 3k. The following week, he tried to pay it back by rigging the games in my favour but it didn't pan out cause he was only putting the payout on like 103% which is printing money...we had a few cracks but I kept busting and he wanted to keep going so that he didn't feel he owed me and my shrewd little filthy mind thought "actually he makes a good point" and suddenly I wasn't keen for him to pay me back anymore.

He didn't mind. He was just trying to "get square". Like, he was a good guy caught in a bad world of horrifying sociopaths, criminals and leeches.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out what to do with this stuff he sent me. He gave it to me after I swore black and blue FOR MY EYES ONLY and I meant it, obviously. I didn't intend on making it public, at least not for a long time but I don't know what happened, I mean Aun was making me crazy, I was already's inexplicable but one night my SINGLE ally in the war against corruption in that industry - I had huge support but they were all compromised and backstabbing shrewd vermin that hated Bryan and therefore supporting me but they were raping the defenceless on the side, of course - I only had one guy who'd never given me reason to doubt his integrity.

I literally would have trusted him with my life because he'd never been compromised and he'd never - ever - shown a single inclination to falling for Bryan Bailey's (CasinoMeister) lies.

One night he was really depressed and talking about how he was going to walk away. No one had any ammunition to use and the cause was lost etc. And I think - I mean - I needed him as an ally or I'd be alone. If he fucked off, I didn't know what I'd do. I was frightened and Aun literally had reduced me to something....less than who I am. I had a moment of Truth and decided if I couldn't trust him, who could I trust?

No one. That's the fucking answer.

I was aware of what I'd promised my source and I don't treat this shit lightly so before I showed my ally the screenshots of the RTG backend, I made him literally repeat back to me oaths on his life that this could NOT be used. It was purely to show him that the evidence was there. He needed to have faith. I made him understand, children's lives were at risk. I had promised this guy not to use these screenshots. He was a source, you don't burn your sources etc. He swore black and blue and understood the gravity of the situation and what I was showing him. I redacted the RTG casino brand from the backend off the screenshots but I explained to Carl he literally could not ever mention a word of this. I was just trying to make him understand that I had a source inside and we could do some real damage like bring down a top 5 software provider and change the industry forever - theoretically.

Because once you prove that one of them have the capacity to cheat, all the others (who are all doing similar shit) will be under such pressure they'll fall over backwards to provide checks and balances and whatnot. I literally had the entire multi-billion $ industry on the ropes without the industry having a clue but Carl was about to walk away and I didn't think I could do it alone. These fucking sleazes, they're just shameless and vicious. I couldn't fight them alone.

I explained all this to Carl. I explained my guy is on the INSIDE. Keep the faith, I said. Things are happening. Don't give up, etc. And I repeated that he couldn't even tell a fucking SOUL about the screenshots. He understood.

A couple weeks later, my guy in Costa Rica is like "yo this is dumb but you didn't give those screenshots to anyone right?" and my stomach turned, in horror. I tried to weigh up the odds of being betrayed and I couldn't see it happening. Nahh, I decided. No way Carl burns me like that.

I fired off an email to Carl and demanded to know, on his life, did he even mention the screenshots to another soul? He vehemently denied doing so. I believed him. I was almost embarrassed to press the issue, he was offended.

As a result, I did the fucking lowest....I went back to my source and I lied to him. I was embarrassed to lie but I really genuinely believed it had nothing to do with me. I fucking lied to him. I said "no way. I know how serious this shit is! Come on yo, I'm not a fucking moron. Why? What happened?"

He's like "Hmm maybe it's nothing. Just...the owner is acting weird. Asking me about my key."

There were only two people in the company with the SU backend key. The owner and my guy.

He's like "I'm sure it's nothing." I'm like "It's gotta be nothing."

I told myself it was nothing. After all my ally had sworn black and blue. But then my source didn't ask me if my buddy had sworn black and blue; he asked me a simple question. Did I show the images to anyone? And I fucking lied.

I sensed something was wrong but I tried to tell myself I was over-reacting. I hung out with Aun for a few days and when I got back, there was a 5 page email from my ally clearly written in tears, coming clean. He'd been emotional and drunk one night, etc.

If he was in front of me instead of in the US, I'd have gutted him with whatever blunt instrument I could have found. Then I'd have done things to his dying body that would haunt me in later years. The fury...

He decided (executive decision) that the children's lives, my source's life, my life, everything - none of it mattered because so many people were losing their livelihoods and their lives, ethics compelled him to override everything and take action. Ethics. al;kdfsjlj

All that is required for Evil to succeed is not for 'good' men to do nothing. Evil will succeed because IMBECILES who imagine they're in a position to have a FUCKING CLUE try to be 'good' and Fuck. Up. Everything.

His idea of 'action' was to post the evidence on the industry's most corrupt website, That's akin to sending it to RTG and demanding they comment. Max deleted the thread in literally 4 minutes and no one even saw it. Bryan fired it straight off to RTG to alert them and this all happened the day my source said his boss was acting weird about the key.

Before I'd finished reading the email, I'd cut / paste it to my guy with offers to wire any amount of money he needed. I literally believed he could be dead and that I had killed him with my fucking lying. He didn't respond. I went into brilliant damage control, the details of which are not important but basically I was in the zone. The brilliance of the damage control might have been enough; I truly think so. If nothing else, enough to protect my guy and his family by making RTG and Bryan believe the threat wasn't the threat it seemed. I made everything sound so perfect, they would have known there was a breach but they believed what I made them believe and that was that Carl had been taken for a ride and was so embarrassed he was literally pleading with Bryan to not mention it again. He'd been defrauded, etc. His wanting to see what wasn't there made him a target for some Casino Jack (long story) scam artists who saw him coming.

It was perfect. I was calling, Skypeing, emailing my guy. Nothing. No response.

A month later, I almost cried with relief to see a Skype from him. He was laughing about it all, bragging about how he handled it. I pressed him for details but he brushed me off, just talking about how he was on fire and spun himself out of trouble - "as per usual". I was relieved. He was in a pretty good mood but he was talking about his ex-wife and how she wanted his kids. I thought he was angling for cash but too embarrassed to ask so I offered him more money but he declined. He said he was okay, he was just depressed about losing the court battle for custody or some shit. I didn't understand why his kids weren't sent back on the first plane out of the country but he ignored the question.

He was telling me that he had to lie low for awhile, like a long while and build up trust again. But he was saying he'd been wracked with guilt for the decades he'd unwittingly spent doing his job very well - for which he'd been paid with love (like a Mike) - he'd been given ridiculous Trust levels but he was earning like 28,000/annum or something ludicrous in Costa Rica. This is called "good business" but then it can backfire.

My mouth watered. He was explaining how he was sleepless at night over the decades he spent oblivious to how he was raping those who were defenceless with addictions and whatnot, and he said he couldn't live with himself unless he found redemption or some shit.

The chat transcript below was for my ally Carl to make him understand that he's a fucking imbecile and that he needs to not be such a unilaterally fucking moron.

I told my buddy in Costa Rica to "be careful, okay?" or some fucking retarded cringe-worthy moronic shit like that and he lol'd and said "OKAY DUDE I WILL TAKE CARE BUT ONLY FOR YOU!!" and then followed it up with a "hahha " and signed off.

35 days later, my ally Carl decided he couldn't wait any longer. He couldn't tell me about it either. He put the source's life at risk and my brilliance and my source's brilliance saved everything. He just had to lie low for awhile - that means like 8 months, a year. FOR AWHILE. I was so livid.

35 days later, my 'ally' Carl decides he's waited long enough. He posts again after we had fucking HANDLED IT in ways that cannot be handled again. He forgot to check with me again. He was emotional, a moment of depressed emotional INSANITY. He was devastated again, begged my forgiveness.

I tried to appeal to his decency but there is no decency in the emotionally insane. What good is intent if they have no FUCKING Control over their actions?

We did damage control but it wasn't as brilliant as the first time. I was just crossing my fingers hoping against hope...I really just wanted to never think about any of it again. It was horrible.

My source sent this really strange reply. Almost...fatalistic.

I was broken by this stage. Things had gotten out of control and shit was spilling over into real life. I couldn't fight the insanity of imbeciles on my own side and the geniuses on the other side...not alone. I swore never to trust another fucking friend again, for the 84th time. You just can't trust people in this world, not because they'll betray you (although many will) but rather BECAUSE THEY'RE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO FUCKING UNDERSTAND THAT THEY ARE NOT THE ONLY FUCKING PERSON INVOLVED.

It's fucking insane narcissism. The "executive decision-making process" of fools so fucking moronic, they punch in to vote in a US election whilst simultaneously making "executive decisions" that the lives of children aren't worth their need to destroy everything in an emotional moment. Ethics compelled him. This is what this imbecile responded with. He gave me a lecture on ethics.

Mother of God.

But I was not without my own fucking shame. I lied in horror at myself but mostly because I thought I was shrewd and I truly believed it had nothing to do with me or my ally; after all, he was the ONLY guy I could trust in the entire industry. I was broken, it was over; my source appeared to be safe but he was through with fucking around. So was I. Carl swore he deleted what I sent him, shit happened. Life goes on.

My attentions returned to Aun.

I woke one day and there was a stack of Skype's from one of the super elite APs on BB forum asking me if I was the source for the thread posted today on CM forum, which he linked me to. I almost didn't need to look.

I fired off vitriolic hatred to Carl for his demented insanity. He was offended this time. You see? I wasn't polite.

He responded with the piety of someone who sympathised with my position, "but the issue was greater than any of us, individually". Yeah.

Bryan banned his account, deleted the thread. Only a handful of people saw it and probably no one even remembers it now. RTG continues to rape the world of those who cannot defend themselves and, with the aid of the British FSA, all the money gets cleaned through Fleet St banks (this is on - you could Google what corrupt money British banks have been caught cleaning). They're powerful corporations. They pay 'hefty' fines.

The insanity rolls on, obviously. le Carre's last novel was about British corruption, actually.

I tried to contact my friend in Costa Rica but he was never online Skype and we never spoke again. I told myself he's probably fine. He might be fine right? I'm sure he's fine. He's probably just too furious at me to ever talk to me again. God I hope so.

The alternative is that he and his children are dead.

  oh my
  best scooter post in a long time
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Old 08-31-2012, 06:54 PM   #502
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by البكم ديك شاذ جن
that would be YOU john

you know damn well as the man who pays the bills around here you can and should step in and help your friend.

let me be blunt- without gary, there is no skatz

without me, skatz circles the drain and dies

fuck right off if you are incapable of pulling the glass dick out of your mouth just long enough to be less than impotent.


skatz death is inevitable without the two of us I hope you realize this.

or don't, and good riddance.


You know, I write about corruption and shit that can get people killed. I write about stuff that is pretty serious and in defence of those who cannot defend themselves. I can't write but I fight the horror of the world as best I can.

And this is the kind of fucking shit I have to endure. This kind of insanity from this screaming fucking beast.

You can unban him if you want. If it means that much to you. Maybe I'll post and maybe I won't; I don't know but I'll tell you that his screaming is the reason this world is burning millions of child bodies every year. You think it's entertaining? I can understand that.

You're also the reason why children die.

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Old 08-31-2012, 07:17 PM   #503
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rofl yikes
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Old 08-31-2012, 07:35 PM   #504
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in the interests of full disclosure i dont really care for children.

  But you've only met Toddlers who've been led to believe they're children, by 'grownup' Toddlers.
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Old 08-31-2012, 07:50 PM   #505
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every time you pm scooter a toddler is killed
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 AM   #506
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Originally Posted by SBG
Thanks for being in my corner in your own silent/immovable object way. I distinctly remember now knowing why anytime I said something to scooter or vice versa you'd always show up and angle in some hostility toward me, which I am pretty sure was a warning that I missed.

Got the message dude, and I apologize not for the odd things I've said (like the lesbian comment, no idea) but for being a let down overall. I'm sure you've watched me decline over time and you strike me as the kind of role model type that I should also exemplify, but instead I'm a monster. An ugly horrible monster is what I turned out to be.

This work in progress is not finished but I have come a long way, thanks in no small part to the tough love I received here.

The final chapter of my life has yet to be written wong, just wait and see. Even if I have to do it alone I will do right by the gift I was blaessed with.


Please do not contact me again at any time for any reason.

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Old 09-01-2012, 12:49 AM   #507
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Sorry for borrowing your thread scoots, but I'd rather that the dead toddlers go on your tab than mine because you can probably afford them.

  I think the entire world should ban secrets and privacy, starting from the top. Oh the Vatican would love that.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:59 AM   #508
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Allahu Apebar
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Old 09-01-2012, 02:15 AM   #509
rum dick
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Really though kids are like cats...they're only cool if they're yours. And ape just start a damn forum of your own. I'm sure tapper would help admin it.

  I couldn't agree more. I have a couple billion. How many of them are yours?
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Old 09-01-2012, 02:42 AM   #510
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that wouldnt work he would make gay sex an admin since he loves him and then gay sex would get in a tizzy one day and delete the forum

  gaysex is in a permanent tizzy rip immediately never forget
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