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Old 10-10-2012, 07:58 PM   #71
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At the very least Marti needed to be removed and placed in 408's forum. He's too fucking stupid and tedious to leave him be on here. Marty's redeeming quality is based around the fact that he is so stupid that people manipulate him constantly.

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Old 10-10-2012, 09:56 PM   #72
Walt Jr.
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Reppat: rofl that news headline is god whoever did it? blank?

I made the headline, and it is obviously satire (not just of how media outlets handle headlines, but of Jewdonks banning too) and parodying the almost always misreported entertainment that Americans like to call news. I purposely spun the situation with that headline just like Fox News etc. would have for ratings, and in this case, I did it for max lulz.

On another note, Skatz hasn't suddenly become serious. The nonsense has always been the only thing that makes sense here. I made the breaking news thing as a joke and a trolling device. I thought that was obvious, Scooter. There is a toddler lesson to be learned here about how the news can easily be manipulated and spun for the ones reporting its benefit. The discussions about the Newsroom etc. a couple months ago really did in someway inspire that headline.
Originally Posted by gay sex View Post
LISTEN while youre busy driving your cocaine submarine, i was out here defending the idea that all star survivor is better against scooter who thinks its a bad idea, JESUS CHRIST YOUR JIMMERY KNOWS NO BOUNDS

Originally Posted by neverstop in a PM
. . .
But whatever, yes I can be a huge canadian faggot and you can be terrible yourself but theres no reason we shouldnt be able to co-exist at the very least, ya feelz me??

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Old 10-10-2012, 10:08 PM   #73
Lord Bathrobe
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Read that in Walt Jr's voice and it was hilarious.
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Old 10-10-2012, 10:27 PM   #74
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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not reading it is better BABOOOOOOOM WALTER
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Old 10-12-2012, 09:41 AM   #75
Things could be worse...
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nb. notatoddler, I've glanced at one of your two PMs and I'm not ignoring them, but in responding to them I have to talk about stuff that is painful and unproductive and I'd rather not. Of course that doesn't mean I won't, I'll get around to them but I don't think you understand what I'm asking for. It's possible I didn't understand either. But I'm pretty sure I understand now. There's just no pressing need to dip into vassal horror and betrayal and Power's shrewd rezoning of logic into illogical and transforming all their little cretins into the most horrifying little shrewd demons imaginable (but oh-so-compassionate!) - I don't want a way to protect my Self from firmware corruption because if your firmware gets corrupted, there's a reason and it's not something that makes sense to pursue 'solutions' for. There aren't any solutions for that. There aren't any good workarounds. My Chromebook is corrupted. My MBA is corrupted, now kaput. 20 PCs and laptops (INTEL and INTEL, Inc (AMD) all corrupted in laughable fashion. And what's more, no one was ever confused by the irrefutable evidence I submitted of the problem. They merely didn't view the problem as a problem. The amount of times I recoiled in horror after I'd spent countless hours amassing evidence of the corruption only for someone to ask me again what the problem's just...

I understand now. I'm not psyched about redundancy. I'll respond when I can.

Then again, when you're not psyched about redundancy and you're not reduced enough to be a Mike, there are implications that may mean I'll respond if I can.

I'm pretty sure I've solved the Human Condition now. Sure they've been conditioned but then I'm not sure it's possible to condition someone to do what they don't want to do. I'm also not certain it's possible to help them un-imagine their imagined misery if they don't imagine there's a problem so much as a world of opportunities in their insanity. And I think Mike is literally evidence of that phenomenon.

Mike and a few billion others who breed opponents to defeat. But they'd prefer to defeat you. They're merely forced to make do. Humans have never been humane. This is what I was uncomfortably pondering on the other day. Asserting that they can be is moot when they don't want to be. Proving that being humane is more optimal means what? In a world where no one values evidence not because they cannot understand it but because they don't value what they don't want to use. You can show them tricks how to exploit each other but you cannot show them how to play together for mutual prosperity. I understand now. They're filthy little vermin who don't want to "make good". They want the opposite.

They're the most horrifying sociopaths alive, but then they always have been. Compassionate bloodsucking leeches who simply worry when you haven't asked them to and are trying to get the fuck away from their filthy Consideration of you. It won't bother them that you have not solicited their filthy Concern and they will brazenly and piously spit on your face and insult Decency by asserting they simply Care about you far too much to respect your unequivocal assertion that they should fuck off and stop stalking you. If they cross the fucking ocean that isn't there by accident - in the sense that it's strategically located in between those who love me and those who will learn about how I feel in regards to that sociopathic lie (if their glazed-eyed greed convinces them they're martyrs who must come to the 'rescue' of their pursued runaway property) - they will discover their prized golden goose isn't laying golden eggs anymore.

But they might learn about how a garotte is theoretically supposed to be used, the hard way.

I'm not sure you understand the position I'm in with corrupted firmware and what I'm looking for. I'm not looking for anything. The denial is over and since Mar/Apr '11 I've been asking about firmware corruption and receiving "No Comment" because there is no comment that can be made in response to a question that has no answers and what's more, couldn't possibly interest a race of vermin that aren't interested in answers they cannot use to exploit. So my goose is cooked but not really. I just see no need to persist without the desire or motivation or fucking capacity to pretend I even want to continue to contribute to the blood-sucking misery that won't care when it goes boom. Maybe boom will be good, new opportunities for old tricks to be reintroduced. Snicker teehee. The possibilities are tantalizing! So much potential for FUN to pursue.

My Chromebook firmware is corrupted. That's not supposed to be possible with their Verified Boot process. I cannot download a Recovery Image and what I mean by that is that I am fucking sick to death of spending weeks doing the most mundane things without complaining or screaming - just sheer determination and intensity to manage what no one else I know would have the capacity to achieve - only to be endlessly insulted by outrageous shit that horrifies no one. They just scream when they miss their train or have to work 15 min late. A domino-effect of horror, if you ask them why they're freaking out; culminating in their missing their favourite soap or some fucking demented shit. You can't make this shit up.

A problem? What the fuck. That should be a capital crime right there. "A problem". I had "a problem" for about 20 attempts. Each attempt takes an hour or two using up all my bandwidth. Furious, I made a day of going to corrupted Internet cafes and finally got an image downloaded. I return and reimage the machine. Reimage? It's bullshit. I stick the Recovery USB and I don't even know what the fuck this means but I don't think it's normal. Nothing is ever normal but no one ever has any answers.

"There was a problem. Try again? *teehee*"

A world where that shit is tolerated is intolerable. That's far too reductive to be anything but horrifyingly faggot queer exploited women creepy bs. It's only the universal standard for "disclosure".

I must have done a couple hundred Google searches for something I see in my systems across all makes and models but for which no info has been provided except for some nondescript hardware ID code like this, only to think WTF at 28 hits, 2 results, 0 reference whatsoever on all of Google (for the DELL firmware a DELL technician placed onto my Latitude which started this whole fucking sordid journey of destructive corruption). I don't know if this is important, but if you think the answer is in those 28 hits, I don't think so. Oh I spent some time arriving at that conclusion, 18 months or so.

There's some really dark murky shit I never got around to fully investigating involving IEAK or IE Active Setup which is all creepy bullshit for ISPs or OEMs who want to customise their own secretive Windows images with custom driverpacks which - and this is the FEATURE Microsoft was understandably highlighting when I spent a couple hours on horrified reading before my Internet went down for a week or so - can all carry the Genuine Advantage Windows branding and the fucking nature of the sleaze was just...I logged onto some forum where some experts had been ridiculing my polite questions (only in a fucking world of tortured mothers could gently-phrased valid QUESTIONS be considered ridiculous and subjected to snickering and insulting non-answers in the form of 'patronising' demented non-sequitur 'advice') and I posted the links and cut and paste especially relevant sections and wrote this huge well-planned, thoughtfully-structured, intelligent post with lots of questions and logged on the next and hah! No comment. No one had anything to say. So nothing had changed but the degree of cowardly shrieking woman-like sleaze.

They're all just Mikes. The entire world is full of Mikes, morons pretending to be experts but they're too stupid to fool anyone except the "newbs" they craftily insult in order to establish their bullshit technical authority and when you corral them with direct questions, it's all "No Comment". Just fucking candidates for guillotining. I logged in a week later to cut / paste the post to a better forum and the thread was deleted. Just fucking...

This has been my DEFAULT IE URL for like 18 months I think, across countless versions of Windows XP, 7 (Starter, Home, Professional, Ultimate), 8 (Dev Preview, Consumer Preview, RTM Enterprise), Server (2003, 2008, 2011) - I never thought to Google the URL until the other day. I kinda know the URL off my heart and was surprised to see it in Win 8 RTM. WTF? I don't even fucking know WTF anymore. No one has answers. Just inane fucking lying drivel representing knowledge they don't possess, with an outrageous slice of sneering, degrading emotional filth to 'sell' their non-existent 'expertise'. No answers in this world. No minds to arrive at them.

You can't win against exploited women reduced into snivelling, snickering, cowardly, deceit-ridden, Toddler 'men'. I'm sick of bothering. There's nothing to win. Corrupted firmware has implications I have known about since the start of last year. I can make a better video if it's important to anyone but it won't be. Because no one gives a fuck about proof. It's just another opinion isn't it? And why are they supposed to be interested in this entertainment? They're all baffled and confused. How is this supposed to be fun? Where's the punchline? Where's the juicy goodness they can use to fuck children more shrewdly. I can film my downloading a Cr-48 Recovery Image and reimaging my Chromebook - good as new! And I can film my flipping the switch and I can boot into devmode and film the fact that I cannot change the password, or set one. Or reconcile the fact that the keys are corrupted after imaging it with a Chromebook factory Recovery Image. This things don't interest me because I've done them 500 times or so, effectively. Verification is easy but motivation to produce when no one is demanding any is ROFL_impossible. They're not calling me out.

They just don't fucking care. It's not entertaining.

I can imagine Power (if Power even cared, which it doesn't obviously because Power doesn't get emotional - their emotions are used to retard all of you but then I think you've always known that amirite teehee? Filthy fucking shrews) - I can just picture Power being all bewildered and insulted - chortle - like offended and shit hahah. Just horrified at the pathetic little ant trying to shove and push and shoulder his way through a cast iron wall. "What the fuck did you think that was going to do? You think we don't know how to Secure your boot process?"

I have respect for technology's capacity to insult you. I don't really mean to dabble in redundancy; I just don't know what else I'm supposed to do. But I do think it's funny when imbeciles imagine Power to be stupid all the time when Power is like "whoops! that was a silly boo-boo to make! we'll fix that right up for you so that you're safe and secured again!"

But who knows with you deceit-ridden vermin. I wonder if even the vermin could know when they're representing or pretending to be representing or imagining or imagining they're imagining a feeling and this is literally how insane all this emotional babbling bullshit truly is. But then you all knew that? Or didn't you? Do you even know what you know or whether anything you know is True?

Do you even care.

I suspect that caring isn't something that you do so much as pretend to do when you imagine it suits your insane ends to utilise those means. Fucking failboats - you're literally so used to shooting yourselves in the foot you get exasperated when power insults you, but not really. You're just annoyed that your entitled downloading of free Softpedia software has been temporarily interrupted (Softpedia is where coders write computer programs for the sheer joy of giving back to you).

Back. Giving. I crack my Self up, as if those who are motivated to give free things away could possibly be obsessed with uncovering Mike's terrified private folders of lewd - but it seems plausible to you, that Microsoft could write exploits into everything purely accidentally. And Apple lies to you for your benefit. This is all perfectly sensible because you don't care about what makes sense; you only care about whether you do it too and whether or not you'd like to. And you would. You little hussies.

You'd like to be evil, wouldn't you?

Yes. Yes I have seen the mischievous horrifying glaze come over a Toddler's eyes when they see the potential to be bad. Oh oh so much fun to be had. You would like that wouldn't you. You really, really would. That's what you care about. The rest you're just pretending or killing time with or using as a means to an end which will be you doing what you've always wanted to do and that has never actually been "to be Decent or Good" or even "to Win". That's not what motivates humans who have been reduced to you.

You'll never be safe and secure from those who assert that they will protect you. But you know that. Not even if they're Google and probably would like to protect the defenceless, in a sane world. But this is not a world where vassals permit Protection they don't appreciate. It's not very impressive if it didn't rock their world, is it? Bah. Disinteresting. Fuck off Google. Remove your boring security. Give us our exploitation. NOW!!!


They only respect those who make them suffer cause that shit - whoa! you see that - they didn't. That shit they never saw coming. Nearly killed them but that shit was COOL. This is how Toddlers see malice. They appreciate their mothers ruining their lives with emotional refuse dumped into the toilet that was their toddler impressionable. They appreciate their government lying to them and killing them in wars but mostly it's their children who die and what else would children of Your Own be used for amirite? They appreciated me when I was destroying them with ruthless contempt and undisguised disgust for everything they represented and all their endless mystical, demented noose. All that shit was cool. They screamed for more.

But actually try to get them to act in their own Self-interest? ROFL. They'll punish you for being such a 'mark'. Then they'll snicker at your horror because WTF, mutual advantage? The concept is fucking beyond their capacity to fathom, except it's not. It just doesn't interest them. They just want to rape. It doesn't matter if it makes no sense to rape you, they grew up in a whore's twisted dark world where the game is played by the White Man's Rules and those rules make no allowance for mutual advantage because they don't want to win together - they sneer cause Humanity? ROFL what a goof! Let's all hold hands and go through the finish line together? hahah - they snicker and I was horrified. Did they not get it? I would try to explain in more simple, reductive terms. They'd ridicule me even more. Then they'd just get bored.

They understood it before I came along. It's just not what they're into. What am I goiing to do? Rant and rave and whine like a ginga who can't get a girl to get psyched about exploiting him? I'm not going to colour my hair for them. I've done that. I can be the honeypot they want me to be. Fuck that shit. Humans and I are motivated by opposing ideals. I want to win. They don't. Why is winning so important? Why would I imagine it to be what motivates imbeciles who never win shit. They aren't motivated by winning. They just want to use their whore mother's tricks on Humanity-at-large.

So they only want to rape those whom they can Confidence Trick into loving, trusting or having faith in them - and so they respect the moral authority of power's right to count on their unwavering support in tracking down and negating anyone who dares fuck with the symbiotic relationship 'enjoyed' by Power and the vassals Power reduces into thinking they're on the same side. But the vassals aren't fooled. No one is fooled except for those who cannot see their motivations coming.

Together, the powerless and the Power they gave their power to, will obliterate you! Hahah.


Or they'll get burned playing the game. Big whoop. Get power or die trying. What's the crackhead hippie on about? Humanity? Pfft. Can we exploit that? Oh. Fuck him. Yawn. I've bored so many people. They don't get interested in what doesn't interest them. What do I want from them? To be good? Fuck no. I'm not their mother. They know this, but they're too stupid to understand that I'm actually saying something about their mother. They imagine I would want to be. She fucked them good. They know this. They're impressed. She's fucking cool. Can I do that?


They snicker. What a tool. They think I'm bragging. So they taunt me to do it. Show them I can hurt them.


They sneer. What a waste of fucking time.

This is the Human Condition in a nutshell. I'd smash the shell open if I could. Let the light into their dark filthy backroom deals but they love all that shit. It's fun.

They are so fucking transparent. I can't believe I was confused by their demented noose. They say shit like "tight conspiracy theory" whilst rolling their eyes. It's just what they do. This is what is sneered at by those who lie to your face non-stop, at a rate so ludicrous and non-threatening it's impossible to even get emotional about; but they'll sneer at your 'paranoia' for imagining two parties could conspire to deceive a third. "As if that could ever happen! What a crackpot loon, oh you're too much; tell us another one Tinfoil Hat."

It's a conspiracy to imagine that those who lie to your face in order to kill you in wars that don't need fighting might have killed you to trick you into thinking you needed to fight the same war. In this demented world of reduced sub-worthless imbeciles capsizing the planet in their rush to the side of Evil v Good because Good doesn't scare them and Evil is terrifying so it's Pascal's wager in the minds of the insanely stupidly shrewd; wanting to know why there are no answers to the most warranted questions imaginable makes you a 'loon'. You will need help. Professional, mental help.

Your lunatic 'friends' who stalk you will inform you of this fact. Because they're so fucking idiotic they would imagine it's a good idea to pay for those who bring you pain, to leave you alone already ffs.

Imagine that I was bringing you suffering. And that you were paying me to stop every time I did. What do you think you're incentivising me to do?

Vassals can't do logic. They just know they can when they piss and spew their emotional insanity all over you. I'm not suffering. I just see no reason to continue lying to my Self about the colossally negative Value of this vermin species. See an idealist isn't an idealist; I never actually realised what a 'mark' I was when I was arguing for Sanity to prevail over self-destructive Shrewd. I had allies, I supported them when they made good or even better arguments than I could make for Decency. I had no idea how fucking twisted you robots truly are. You see, robots that argue for Decency aren't actually arguing for anything decent, except by inadvertent happenstance. When the other side does something Decent, they heckle, ridicule, scorn them for being so stupid and goofy etc.

Thaksin and the Illicit Drug-funded Soros globalists who dictate to and/or influence CNN to brazenly lie to you (YouTube "Syrian Danny" for a 'clue') - these guys are bad fucking news. Except...

There just isn't any fucking Good in this race of snickering, giggling little rat leeches. I swear to Decency that when people brazenly assert that God Is Good, the only thing preventing me from killing them where they stand is my distaste for being Decent if being Humane requires Unpleasantness. I disgust my Self for my incapacity to terminate the infestation of rats who scream insanity so grotesque no other rats even blink an eyelid. I don't even know if there are any rats who aren't filthy, excrement-flinging, horrifying, faeces-devouring, deceit-obsessed, rabid cannibalistic 'predators' (in their 'minds'). I have no idea? Are there any rats who aren't obsessed with taking 'advantage' over every living and breathing thing that moves? I'm not entirely sure anymore that I'm not a freakish 'corruption' of corrupted mass-produced light-bulbs that could glow indefinitely but aren't coded to want to. It's not profitable. I skipped past "Quality Control". Whoops. "That one is going to attract some moths."


The normal light bulbs might even be envious of the stalker screamers I 'attract'. I don't really know. I think I'm the only person who tells Truth that I've ever met. Everyone else tells Truth as part of the overall con, to make their Lies more convincing. It's a tradeoff. Mike's not very good at that particular aspect of the Game. Snicker.

But then no one actually is. They can only ever run game on Their Own. That's how much power they have, the power to shoot themselves in the foot by reducing the humans they value into worthless images of themselves. Eh, they figure. That'll have to do.

It's the same old shit and it never changes. Vermin just vomit the repetitive horror up from the same meals for 4000 years imagining they're being super-extra-crafty in regurgitating slave 'tricks' first used in The Ten Commandments - and we've gained not a fucking single EQ point since "Thou Shalt Not Covet".

"Says who?"

Your JEALOUS LORD. He's commanded you not to. No reason. Just don't do it. Whatever you do, do not be jealous OKAY!?

"Fuck you. You can't tell me what to do. I'm jealous, look! Hahha. Sike."

You have the Right to Remain Silent. Really? I thought one would assume they always did? I don't need Power to give me the Right to rape you. If I wanted to, you'd be raped. And there wouldn't be a thing Power could do because you'd want me to rape you. See I know why you need your pretexts to do what you really want to do. You can't make a convincing argument to get away with doing what you want to do, so you're compelled to be Good (or as Good as you're forced to be). But this is not your ideal. It's your workaround to the Solution that is your dream.

The Dream is to be bad. Every dream of vassals is always intrinsically fucking disturbing. They just want to Lord it over everyone else. They don't want to win. They want to make everyone else lose. This is the only winning they want so what the fuck am I supposed to do? Snap free will? They cannot be convinced because they can see the obvious optimality in mutual advantage but their problem is with the mutual part. Where is the fun in that?

You fucking fun-obsessed reduced screamers. You cannot save your stupid fucking face from getting noosed, so your idea of a decent "workaround" Solution is to get yourself power to do what those with power did to you. Until then, you'll be good. Sigh. But only because you have no choice. It's the choosing that made me realise the Truth about your filthy horror. When given the option to be bad or good, you choose to be bad. There's no getting away from this fucking Truth. Babies are born sane but who says they're born 'good' if when you show them all the options, they default to Bad and they might not be remotely confused about the degree of profitability - their perception might be skewed but who says my desire for everyone to win isn't the skewed perception?

"What about the future generations?"

Snicker. They couldn't possibly be expected to give a fuck.

Have you seen ANY evidence that anyone gives a fuck about the future? They pretend to when it suits them. Because it suits the future generations, the Truth is in the pudding. And the polar caps melt and doesn't register a fucking flicker on their emotional radar. They didn't have children for the children to be happy. It's horrifyingly demented that I would assume they could even give a fuck. They didn't have children for that reason. Their lies only fooled me and their children.

I understand now. It's only justice in action. Pay it forward, it doesn't matter who you throw your emotional grenades at; someone threw them at you! What are you supposed to do, throw them back? That's fucking dumb! That's not how you select targets to destroy! They think I'm fucking retarded. They'll throw destruction forward because that's what snivelling, cowardly, reduced cretins WANT to do.

Fucking YouTube. That would be some dark bullshit in support of whomever CNN was supporting. CNN never covered this story; at least, not in the weeks before I threw my remote into the TV in fury at another filthy brazen 'report' of outright lies - so easily proven but proof? When you've shrunken the minds of humans beyond anything capable of being humane - proof is considered a "he said, she said" headache affair for vassals. This is what I've idiotically thought but no, I'm not sure that's true. I think the Truth is far more disturbing than stupidity. Everyone is living in Fantasy. I reckon of the half dozen people who read this, none will have a clue what I'm talking about and if you don't then...everyone is living in Fantasy having been lied to and accepted lies as Truth. At which point, the dominoes start falling towards Insanity. Nothing you perceive will be real from that point. An exponential lie of perception, bought wholesale as Reality by the victims of...everyone.

Everyone lies. This race needs to be flatlined_________________________________________ ____________________________

And here I was thinking Thaksin was pure evil only because he was resorting to pure evil to gain the support of cretins who will never support Good because why would you support the opposite of you? I don't think Thaksin is that evil anymore; and Yingluck is literally not who you'd imagine the sister of a callous power-hungry amoral winner who shrewdly kills his own fucking imbecilic vassals for his own ends. But he was just doing what the cretins made him do....I mean, if the means absolutely wants to be the means....I mean...

What's a power-hungry nigger supposed to do?

There is no Good in this world. I'm not sure Evil is the construct so much as Good is the delusion that everyone knows would be Utopia but they only use the construct of Utopia to distract suckers into becoming exploitable in their version of Utopia where being bad is the fucking SHIT. The end game. The ideal.

On two occasions now, Yingluck's Cabinet Ministers have shocked me with actions that are irrefutably sane and impossibly decent. This is the 'enemy' right, but I don't have enemies. I think I assumed everyone was the same unless they were confused. There is no one like me. I've never seen any evidence of this. I just lie to my Self to cope. But I was fighting insanity not those flying the banner of it. If they flew a different banner, I'd be on their side. But when they fly a different banner, no one is on their side except me. Everyone screams for their sanction. The Education Minister and the Finance Minister. These are Thaksin's guys, the 'enemy' (ostensibly).

I think they're as confused as I am about the Value of The People they fight for. The People aren't going to respect that. They screamed the loudest in scorn and ridicule that Power would make moves that benefit them or for the sheer decency of it all. Bah they hate that shit. It's fucking weak and pathetic. This is The People I'm talking about. Fucking vermin.

I swing from enemy to ally to enemy depending on what banner you are flying. I'm pretty sure I'm completely alone in this 'peculiar' line of thinking. I've never seen another person who only cares about Winning. Everyone, literally everyone, is almost exclusively preoccupied with making the other side lose. And all the 'sane' voices that were crying out against Thaksin's lies and the Red Shirt cretins' horror and the Christianity that defeated Decency in Thailand in Apr/May '10....using the same old tricks, children on the battlefield, hijacking the entire country and holding it to ransom because they have demands damn you, listen to their demands or they'll sink this fucking planet if they have to - fire, burning, wanton destruction, arson, carnage and rage - just demented fucking screaming horror - Christians! Christian Soldiers had taken over Bangkok. The horror was....

You don't negotiate with Christians because their demands are not what they want, Abhisit gave them everything they wanted and they accepted and the next day NO DEAL hahah - they blamed Abhisit. And everyone went "Wut?" It's all a huge joke. They want to destroy. They don't want reasonable compromise because they haven't a fucking RIGHT or a CLAIM even to fucking breathe. They don't want to work. They don't want to produce. They're protesting undesirable welfare conditions. They want all the welfare and for you to die.

That's the compromise they'll accept. You should have seen Abhisit's face, the fury, the steeled eyed contempt for animals who demand that you give them what they are extorting with violence and threats to procure and when you do, nah it's all a bunch of lies. They don't want it hahah, but what did anyone expect? They just want EVERYTHING, they want IT ALL, give them an inch and they'll burn every mile of road in the fucki0ng nation if they could. They're bloodthirsty, drunk little cretins WINNING when they're destroying everything you have built. It's your fault of course. Why?

Fuck you.

That's why.

I had friends like this. They will kill every goose to get the golden eggs that they don't understand a damn thing about because they're all like Mike. They're a bunch of little, snivelling Mikes who have never produced a damn thing of value in their filthy lives, so they just want to take from those who do because they're entitled - they'll kill all their children if they have to, go on! Call their bluff. They're itching to show you what they're capable of doing. What do they give a fuck? It's why they had children in the first place, TO USE.

Burning, destroying, back-stabbing, vile tiny sniping beasts. No decency. Not a shred in them; they're proud of this fact. That's their 'edge'. They repay quarter and mercy with terrifying insanity - their edge is that they're more horrifying than anyone else. This is why they'll win. They cannot lose and I finally understood why. They're winning. And when it's all destroyed...

They'll have Won. Capital W.

But why? Where's the sense?

Sense? This is their sense. FUCK YOU. That's why. It doesn't need to make sense. They all have PTSD. Mothers. Their lives are dies which have been cast. You either liquidate them or they will destroy everything that moves.

They'll lower themselves below anything imaginable and cover themselves in refuse and filth and shit, roll the fuck all up in it and in misery (try not to notice the smirks), they'll stagger up out from under the boots they'd thrown themselves under (to the horror of those who wear the boots) and they'll scream and cry and sob in their agony at being so mercilessly victimised. They'll be covered in blood and refuse and feces and misery and CNN - oh my god CNN I can't believe I found you - look at me. Look! I'm covered in horror and exploitation. The enemy must have done it. Look CNN, look!

nb. CNN never 'looked' for anything else. Why should you care? CNN had a motive, yes? Guess who was CNN's motive? _____ Wrong. No you don't get another fucking chance. That's not how life works for fucking tools of 'utility' that have very dubious value when 'used'.

But then you didn't ask for another chance. You didn't want the first chance to get it right. You don't want to be Right, the Red Shirts are you and you know it. It's all a game for you. Then the shrapnel tears off half your face and it's real but until then it's all a big game for you. I understand now. The suffering of others cannot be felt by you. Except when you sneakily imagine you can feel it to fool...well, me. Your children. And you. No one else is fooled. But then you nailed your target market and got a queer bonus to boot, that you don't really know what to do with because you weren't expecting anyone but Your Own to faceplant at your shrewd.

This is a race of incestuous vermin. The evidence is literally everywhere you look.

The cackling is just terrifying. Their lies are unfathomable. Horrifying and then, you have to laugh. No one is actually horrified but me. They're all just pretending. It's not about Good v Evil. It's Evil v Evil and everyone is pretending to be Good. I worked something out about all you fucktards. You all actually believe there is value in Evil's shrewd tricks. Oh you tell yourself it's ghastly, you'll never deign to dabble in such Selfish games (a clue I missed) - you're a good person, no really. You'll run this demented line until it becomes rhetorically surreal that you'd assert the insanity but then it's not for the benefit of who is listening.

I know you don't really want to hurt anyone, you dribble this crap non-stop I have no doubt even you semi-believe it. But you sympathise or aren't traumatised by those who do Horror, and use their children as human shields. You don't approve no. But you sympathise. After all, you know you're in a position where you can afford to be Good - and bingo!

Hah. I solved your dumb fucking insane shit you gooks.

You can afford to be Good.

Bahhah I cannot believe I missed that shit for so long. I'm a moron. But you morons. OMG. Evil is not what you 'resort' to when you 'have' to. There's no winning that can be won that way. But you know all this already. Your sociopathic preference is not a Guilty Tool of Last Resort, it's not your fucking Lifeline, there is no fucking Profit in shooting your Self in the foot. But I'm going to stop because you're all too stupid to be reasoned with. And of course whenever someone is too stupid to be reasoned with it's because they don't are not looking for reason. They're looking for reasons to be unreasonable. They only fool everyone because no one is fooled except 'naive' children and 'naive' geniuses who were happy to play that game but I don't play games where no one can win and where the losses when you lose are traumatising. That's - exactly - what you do. And what's more, it's all you want to do. You're not stupid, but of course the truth is that you're all so - so - much more stupid than that. You know the Truth, but you don't want to be free. You want to rule the roost. You don't want to escape, you want to be promoted up the Chain. You don't want liberty, you want to enslave your fellow slaves.

You don't want insane and horrifying rules to be abolished, you love those rules but you want them not to apply to you.

You twisted little horrifying shrews. You know the Truth but you aren't motivated by what the Truth can mean for everyone, you want to establish the Truth and then obfuscate it for your exclusive 'use'. Oh god you deserve a God that murders you. The Devil is so sane and decent and the voice of reason in the Bible but you still know he's bad because he's the 'sucker' you don't want to be; the guy in the right who LOSES to the guy in the wrong. The Devil tsk tsk. You don't want to be that guy. You learned from his example. Bahah fucking robotic turds.

You know the Truth and the Truth you imagine you will use not to be free but to enslave everyone else who you hide it from in your drunk-with-power glee. You're so convincingly stupid because you don't actually realise how easily Stupidity can be represented when you totally understand that you're reducing those you value. You just aren't motivated by value. Pleasure is your fucking moronic pursuit.

And those who scream at you in horror, you snicker at! Because you're not motivated by such things. You're not motivated by Happiness or Profit, everything you do is a means to an end and you have another payoff in mind. You only fucking give a flying fuck about FEELING GOOD. And if everyone had to die for you to feel good all the time, you wouldn't fucking blink. You probably fantasise about shit like that. What the fuck would I know. Liars don't ever tell the Truth not even when they're speaking what isn't false. It's a lie to setup the Intended Lie that is the payoff. Your 'truth' is an investment in your lies. You can afford to be good. Hahaha.

The mistake I've made for my entire life is in assuming you want to profit but that you were tragically confused. Aha. That's not your fucking problem, is it?

You all know all of Knowledge already and this is why you're lucky I don't fucking terminate you. You don't want what you say you want. You just be a vile little shrew like the whore that shat you out of her oven of deceit.

You all think I'm just running (demented) game like a gook who doesn't know how to play. But I have played with you fucking gooks and the line of destruction trailed out behind me in traumatic suicide-inducing horrifying misery. I have proved this. And I don't mean that I'm asserting I don't have to prove my street cred anymore since I've proved it, but you do. You fucking little rats. You're so horrifying. You don't want to be good. You're only good because you're afraid to be bad. You can afford to be good, but when push comes to shove. One day, perhaps? Yes. Yes, one day soon.

I have solved your fucking dumb noose.

Your silence (upon being proved incorrect about something) is deafening. You're not trying to be correct, you're trying to force the perception that the other side is in the wrong and not you. You not-so-secretly want to be in the wrong. You want everyone's perception of you to be at odds with your Reality because when Jesus Christ said "And ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free" he was not talking to masses, was he?

You fucking horrifying house niggers. Favourite pets of the masters that rape and exploit you. "Yeah but he likes me more than yooouuu!" Horror. You're like the little CoG kids that sent me reeling in horror for a decade or more when they got up one after another and swore their rapists were the most bestest parents in the world. Their piety omg. The indigancy of being rescued by humans who feel empathy. How dare they! Hah. You're them. Well they're dropping like flies but then so do all of you. You're all the same image. You all view Truth and Secrets and Privacy and Exclusivity like a filthy snickering schoolgirl who wants you to know she and her BBF has a secret involving you but they'll never tell yoouuuuu!

Good heavens. You're so ghastly it's unfathomable. All your bullshit is level after level and when you rip all the denial and lies (told to your Self in order to be convincing sociopaths) away, the bare naked Truth is as obvious as the fucking shit which has stared at me in the face my entire life. And denied. Because it's too fucking horrifying.

But you're not confused. Your misery is not a function of your circumstances. Children aren't born good, they're born sane. But then if making them bad is as easy as showing them how to be bad, then children are born bad and this is as easily proved as showing a child how they could profit to their advantage by being good instead. They'll get it. They're not stupid. They'll see your point. They'll understand. Then they'll ignore the optimal line because - hah - this race of vermin needs extermination. I know the Truth now.

I'd terminate all of you if I could. That's the Final Solution. It's the only one that'll do the Trick. Honesty? Hah. They can fucking understand what I'm saying, no matter how many different ways I say it. They're brilliant. I probably insult them but then by that stage it's moot. They know I'm telling the Truth. I won't lie to them. They believe me. I still have value, I prove this to them. I make them understand they don't need to imagine that value is arrived at purely via deception and shrewd. They understand all this dumb shit and they don't need convincing of it. But they'll be giddy like "OMG you like me!?" and then they're instantly disinterested. The instant I speak Truth, when they know if I was corrupted and their victim I'd have let their lies slide or attempted to lie to them. I'm talking about cute girls, with the most brilliant minds.

I must be insulting them unintentionally non-stop because all they want to do is play their semi-cheeky games that would fool the fuck out of anyone - including you - but they don't fool me because I'm not looking to fool.

And they get disappointed. And they just walk away mid-sentence. It's fucking amazing. Conversation over. They're so fucking optimal it's confronting. It's not about value. They can have anyone they want. I was kidding my Self imagining they were compelled to exploit those who MORONICALLY imagine they are in the position to exploit them, what with their shrewd Western mother's emotional bum hurt and Christian two-faced assertions of what is Right and Good and how a girl should behave if she's a Good Girl who wants all their impossibly desired man-value. Hahhah. These girls are richer than they are. They want money maybe but it's not really what drives them. These aren't good girls. But I thought they only imagined I wanted them to say they were good so that I could lie to my Self. But no. They're really - not - Good girls. But they don't see the world in terms of Good and Evil. They see the world in terms of "fuck me? no fuck you! aha. Sike."

This is literally all they're interested in. So when I present an argument that says "why don't we not try to destroy each other and just say that we did", they're not interested. I understand it all now. It's really as simple as this.

Where's the fun in that?

They're not interested in what I represent. I can be who they want me to be but I have been that so fuck off no. I'm not going to win because no one can win. I sure as hell am incapable of losing because the only way you can lose is if you want to play. I do not. Whoops.

They just want me to play. If I don't want to play, they walk away so fast and so abruptly I stand there like a doofus just stunned. If they're not interested, they're not interested. I'm not going to do a Mike and impose (that would NOT be intelligent behaviour unless you really wanted to suffer). These girls are very, very slick. I mean they're good, they're more brilliant than almost all of the MSNL regulars I toyed with. They'd obliterate you. But they're not Aun. And I beat Aun when I stopped trying to win and forfeited the game. That's probably winning, the extent that it is possible to win in this world. Forfeit the game. Optimality. It's not very fun but I have had their kind of 'fun'. Pass.

I win non-stop. It's not much fun though.

She might be the last girl I'll ever hook up with. I understand too much now. I've seen too much evidence of the obvious to keep denying it. There is no fucking capacity for Decency to participate.

This is what winning looks like.

She's fucking cute. The next day she couldn't come out because she had to go to school the following day. Hmm? Okay. The night she was out, she had to go to school the following day. Maybe some school days are more important than others. But I smiled because turning fluent English into pidgin isn't what Google Translate does and oh yeah, her English is fluent so she's doing some obfuscation that is very, very generic. She must have forgotten which game she was playing with me the previous two nights. You don't know how many simultaneous lines she's running. I wouldn't snicker unless I did.

It could be...I'm not even going to speculate. But I saw the intriguing pidgen and I know there's no point being confused because for whatever reason, the Game is On now.


I actually thought that was it. And it probably was. But she came back for another half-hearted crack. See if I could be talked sense into. How could I not want to play?

g/f? I'd marry her if she was sane, but she doesn't want such ridiculous insanity as marriage and neither would I. She was just But lies aren't fun so...I'm not going to lie via one of your shrewd tricks of circumnavigating around Truth.

And that's it. That's the W.

You might think that's wrong but you're lying to your Self. That's the big fucking W right there. You know winning is about destruction and I 'respect' that but I'd rather respect your little white cross somewhere out of sight, out of mind.

But what can you do. I'm not going to force girls to play my mutually advantageous game. They're not going to force me to destroy them. We're at a standoff. I win but they have fun.

Well until they're screaming. But it's all a game until it gets WAY too real for game-players. I really hate that fucking shit. I can tolerate almost all your demented nonsense but when you scream and wail at losing?

Someone should fucking silence your indecency. I'm afraid I have no motivation to do so. I'm existentially horrified that maybe that's the reason it's never been done.
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Old 10-12-2012, 10:30 AM   #76
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pretty sure notatoddler is mike, i can see how the name could have thrown you as if you are getting pm's from someone who isnt a toddler then it couldnt possible be mike but yeah, pretty sure thats him old boy dont fall for his cunning tricks
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Old 10-12-2012, 10:35 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by Annie View Post

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Old 10-12-2012, 11:19 AM   #78
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by BlankDaniels View Post
pretty sure notatoddler is mike, i can see how the name could have thrown you as if you are getting pm's from someone who isnt a toddler then it couldnt possible be mike but yeah, pretty sure thats him old boy dont fall for his cunning tricks

Is this fucking for real?

Jesus fucking christ. You should see these PMs, just more fucking Christian bullshit vomit then. I assumed it was some random completely misunderstanding what I was asking for. My thread title was "Find me something like this on the Internet" as in "Find me evidence of what is supposed to be impossible" and I get this PM from notatoddler talking about how he knows some Google Developer who might be able to do something with a hardware switch and I just thought "This guy cannot read but maybe he misunderstood something cause he's new".

So it's Mike? Mother fuck. Just a fucking screaming virus moth. Too stupid to live. Having too much FUN failing at living to die. What a fucking horror show. Natural selection yall. pfft
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Old 10-12-2012, 12:58 PM   #79
Yeah Rear Admiral
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Originally Posted by Michael View Post
SkyNegroe, have you ever killed anyone irl?

Like literally Rest In Peaced them?

(I prefer Rest in Peaced to Rested in Peace)

Originally Posted by SkyNigger View Post

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Old 10-12-2012, 01:53 PM   #80
Willie McAboutThatLife
Confirmed Fatass Oklahoma Meth-head, and then let's not forget that whole thief thing. . .
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Scuter's writing is like an At The Drive In song
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brains? no. shit!, dont be a shit for brains marty, early-onset alzheimer's, early-onset shit for brains, martin carrico aka old shit for brains, old man shit flowing outta his ears, retards have better brains than shit, sheeeeeeeet for brains, shit for brains king of 5 failsites.,, shut it down shit for brains, todd is god, tyde is god, tyde's dumber than a colostomy bag

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