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Old 10-23-2012, 10:25 PM   #821
Bobby Wong
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i dont remember wow magazine being quite so homoerotic
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Old 10-23-2012, 10:26 PM   #822
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i do not live in chatsworth california guy
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Old 10-23-2012, 10:27 PM   #823
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btw i even tip the deli people who slice my turkey, i do it up right
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Old 10-23-2012, 10:27 PM   #824
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Old 10-23-2012, 10:28 PM   #825
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Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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and they wont upsell me they literally will just pull the freshest even if its not dietz and watson or boars head, best 2 dollars ull ever spend idiots
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Old 10-23-2012, 11:02 PM   #826
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by Rum Dick View Post
Again if scooter wants transparency re skatz all he has to do is give me the green light. I'm not annoyed post private conversations without the other participant's ok. Also really I doubt scooter even remembers the insane pms he forwarded me re the creation of skatz.

I have nothing to hide except if you think I was sane then that would be funny.

The Toddler insanity was out of control and it was because of you, and where did I ever blame you? You were at funerals, which are more important than Skatz. This doesn't mean you weren't to blame, it means that "blame" is a Catholic construct. You were the reason but you were not to blame. So no one ever blamed you, did they?

But the insanity that is you posting this:

Originally Posted by Rum Dick View Post
Let's just poll it up - scooter's vision v. The way we have done it the last three years. If Scooter wins we go back to and blake and gare are banned until 2013, but if the way we have done it the last three years wins then we stay at and tell somebody to go pound sand

When I have never once blamed you for being the legitimate reason for that week of insanity you cannot begin to comprehend, is a little fucking insane isn't it?

Did we or did we not have a firm agreement that I would set it all up and you would take over complete control?

I set it up, and I'm left hanging. I have never suggested once that you should have remembered to respond to my emails pleading with you as I'm trying to juggle the insanity hitting at me from every direction, but then I've never received any evidence of these funerals either.

You want to pretend that it's out of line for me to say that, after the insanity I just quoted you state above?

I went to a lot of effort to setup the site, Sonatine helped; and then CHAOS because when I launched it you weren't there as we'd discussed. I hate all this shit, and I was treading water as dozens of Toddlers did not attack me but each other. I'll tell you what Rum Dick's emails will contain; my raving screaming insanity that is NOTHING but the function of believing everyone when they lie with malice and without perceptible motive.

When I broke down and threw the admin account to Cobson because he happened to be talking to me when my sleep deprivation and capacity to cope with the insanity snapped, the first horror I had was that I should have thrown the keys to Sonatine. I literally wasn't thinking about anything but INSANITY. I was reflecting the INSANITY of all of you.

The innocent victims of that week were limited to Tapper, I think. And possibly Sonatine. You should see the screaming insanity Tapper had to endure from me. Pure SCREAMING insanity. The fact that he even talks to me now makes me gulp on occasion.

But when it came crashing down I trusted NO ONE. Least of all myself. I was literally screaming for a consensus for who would take over and privately fielding lies lies and more lies as people slandered each other and you fucking little Toddlers can be very convincing because you're insane? And without motive that I could appreciate at the time, I believed all of it. What motive could someone have to make a long and detailed case for why Sonatine was going to use his admin powers to fill the forums with Trojans? What motive could someone have for revealing - in confidence (vomit) - that everyone was setting out to root-kit the forum as Ion's mole AND EVERYONE WAS LITERALLY SAYING SHIT LIKE THIS.

You're all filthy fucking liars and I'm almost in tears trying to 'play' off everyone's determination to assist. The threads will still be there. I even bumped one in disgust at myself. But I had snapped. You fucking little vermin snapped me.

I'll tell you what Rum Dick's correspondence contains because - hilariously ironically - when I still screaming insane he came looking for me to apologise for not being there as planned and I didn't blame him. Guy had family shit, what could be done. It was just one of those things. And so I ranted and ranted and everything I ranted can be sourced to all your filthy Toddler lies.

I'll tell you what Rum Dick's filthy little Damocles Sword attempt contains and he should post it, because I'm the real fucking deal. When I say I have no malice and therefore no Need for Deception, I mean it. I have a clean heart and a clean mind and Rum Dick should post everything he has and I'll post everything in my email accounts. And it will literally destroy Skatz because all you little fucking Toddlers lie.

I'll tell you what Rum Dick's 'powerful' correspondence is going to contain. My screaming insanity that was nothing more than the reflected product of everyone's lying. Oh it's not going to be pretty, but nothing - nothing Rum Dick has - is going to be as ugly as what Rum Dick doesn't have. My screaming insane rage I screamed at my friend Tapper who I FIRMLY believed had destroyed my site because of reasons tendered to me from lying sources that made plausible sense to me. Really embarrassing dark shit that made a perfect dark 'sense' to me, in a world of filthy fucking deceit-ridden vermin.

And only the innocents get burned. Tapper, Sonatine, I cannot really plausibly assert I was an innocent except I was. Because I had no malice. And everything I did was for a forum that all you filthy little Ions convinced me was warranted. A place where people could post, be witty, have fun without fucking demented Toddlers snickering as they poison the stew with their *teehee* bullshit. Pretending they don't care when it's the most important thing in their lives.

That's why Jewdonk was banned. He screams about how he doesn't care when it's the most important thing in his life. That's why Blake needs to be banned. He teehee's about how everyone else takes all his malice too seriously when it's the most important thing in his life. It's why Gay Sex needs to be banned. His sniveling in brazen disregard of his own PM where he demands that all his posting history be deleted over what i'm certain was a valid disgust at misapplied faggotry from blake and Rum Dick. It's fucking Toddlers who don't want freedom, they want to be the little emperors. All their whining wasn't at Ion, it was because they wanted to be the one to Ianize everything.

I'll tell you what Rum Dick's filthy correspondence contains. MY SCREAMING INSANITY having been manipulated by everyone I was trusting to be sane and tell me the Truth but they weren't. They were feeding me the lies that my mind pieced together in ways that I'm not ashamed to be posted. It'll be embarrassing for the scum that led me to believe that Tapper held dark personal malice for me, that Sonatine had dark disturbing intent to steal poker account passwords and ruin peoples' lives, and all my screaming was the product of TRUSTING those who had no motive to lie and my error - my guilt - was in failing to perceive that they had no motive to fear transparency. Their assertions that they had all these undisclosed legitimate reasons to be circumspect and coy and vague and hints - all these filthy little hints and "that's all [they] were prepared to say; [I] was to take what I was from their vague and they were just helping me out".

You sniveling rats.

Post the transcripts Rum Dick. You sniveling rat. Let's get everything out into the open and I'll tell you what you're going to see. Vitriolic screaming fury and rage from me, the emotionally insane VICTIM of the vilest little filthy creeps imaginable.

I'm not proud of my behaviour whilst mentally insane. SOme of it is horrifying screaming. All of it is insanity. It cannot burn Tapper and Sonatine. It shames me.

But it will burn a lot of people to the ground. Because I had no motive to be imagining those who I was led to believe had dark, criminal dangerous intent to have dark, criminal dangerous intent or they wouldn't have been working with me and given powers that made the allegations and the innuendo seem plausible to me when the allegations and the innuendo was flying at me from every direction and ALL OF IT WAS CAUSED BY RUM DICK who claimed - and was believed because why would he have a motive to fuck up everything - that he had family affairs to attend to.

So I screamed all the fury and disgust I had for the innocents who I'd been led to believe had a motive and means and who I'd given the opportunity inadvertently to destroy peoples' lives. I don't like to destroy peoples lives. Make me believe that someone else has taken advantage of my gullibility and I will believe that I am culpable for the destroyed lives that wouldn't have been placed at risk if I didn't trust those I trusted.

By the end, I trusted no one and I wanted most of you to die. Quite deservedly, with the exception of Decency (who I wanted to die) because in privacy and filthy deceit games, Decency is always victimised because Decency isn't using the Secrecy and the Privacy and the ostensible requirement for semi-disclosure to attack the Filthy. The Filthy are attacking Decency.

POST THE FUCKING SHIT RUM DICK. BECAUSE IT WAS RUM DICK WHO WAS TO BLAME. Post it because you fucking moron/s, I have no malice and no motive to be insane. So all the insanity and the hatred and the horror at believing I was betrayed by those closest to going to embarrass....?

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Old 10-23-2012, 11:09 PM   #827
Skatz Plebeian
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so when am i getting the reins scooter?

  are you luigi?
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Old 10-23-2012, 11:21 PM   #828
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Originally Posted by Steerpike View Post
even tho i'm not mentioned i've never been in contact with any of you weirdos via email so i must be in the clear

Dude if the messages would not destroy over people's reputations id already have posted them. The messages ain't just about scooter acting like an overly emotional methed out whackjob. Basically the poker forum spin off world wont be the same afterwards. But if scooter wants transparency all he has to do is say the word. And gare - you, Blake, Jim, Vaughn, and bob are in the clear.


You might want to check with those guys whether they are in the clear before you presume, in your STUPID toddler narcissistic dementia, that you control all the information. Gmail doesn't delete emails.


Jim is in the clear beyond inexplicably failing to show for awhile and being used as 'evidence' that there was some demented conspiracy going on, run by Ion.

Bob is in the clear unless he's one of the many Anonymous tipsters.

Vaughn literally became the only person I trusted at Skatz over the last few years because he kept his beak clean. His beak = the Vaughn account name. Now that his true colors have been shown, how are all the usernames I didn't recognize - have never attempted to ascertain the identity of - weren't his contribution? His lack of ethics has been proven. It seems pretty fucking clear to me.

Ah you might wanna check with Gary how in the clear he is.

Blake was refusing to take the account and not slandering anyone which is why I publicly pressured him to take control.

All you filthy little Toddlers that are in the clear, are the ones who are going to be the ones who are responsible for all the PRIVATE messaging with their dupes.

That is why I hate Privacy.

That is why I despise those who value Privacy.

So the question will be who values Privacy?

Not Tapper.

Not I.

blake values it
gay sex values it
rum dick values it
vaughn values it

who else is obsessed with Privacy? Anyone who isn't is in the clear.


You fucking Toddlers think you're so smart. Sneering your filthy little private malice.


Privacy is not to blame. Those who value privacy are the guilty. Faceplant in your stupid demented shame.

  How dare you.
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Old 10-23-2012, 11:23 PM   #829
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bravo bravo bravo !!!! more more more.. lets destroy people over internet forums. I have yet to see it actually happen. I didn't think it would be possible. The possibilities! Ohhhhhhhhh the train wrecks we have before us.
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Old 10-23-2012, 11:25 PM   #830
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