I literally cannot ever imagine that question being salient in any situation, in any location, with any party or parties involved, in any possible context.
So no, it's not the salient question. Because sex is what Christians have turned a mediocre pastime into a madness people kill and die for.
I disagree. When I worked collections a very large black man named Keith told me to be careful who I fuck proper, and who I just bang. He said "If you don't want em hanging off yo nuts, DON'T fuck'em, just bang'em. You don't have to put up with all the bullshit if you don't want none."
Unless you only have one speed, this makes perfect sense.
Im sorry but if both videos arent live by midnight PST I dont see any reason not to toss ape back in his fucking cage.
Back off with all the negative energy
Why are you are trolling me when Jewdonk is trashing you night and day and hosting true human sleaze in the form on limitles, all on one site, just taunting and begging for you to care, yet you spend your free time harassing me?
wtf, explain that one.
I bring your home love, limitles says "keep your young children away from sonatine" and yet here I am, being harassed.
Also I clearly said I will not be having such a video out in the open, and I have gotten -0- assurances from ANYONE that my privacy will be looked after. I will not have something so publicly damaging floating around, period.