I watched the entire video because I _want_ to believe but I saw literally nothing that isn't more likely explained by military bullshit.
The idea that an alien species could perceive value in a planet of 7 billion drooling imbeciles too moronic not to fall apart when someone SAYS something super mean! or too moronic not to be capable of identifying Truth when someone delivers it (having long since learned to block out all the meanie!) is ludicrous bordering on WTF.
Why would they perceive value in what only has value if every filthy abortion that wasn't aborted by needy victims of religious misogyny were (mercifully) scrubbed off the face of this otherwise beautiful planet?
But then if they were here on a humanitarian mission, they'd have intercepted a few thousand years before now. I don't think we're alone in the universe; I merely believe we might as well be. No one likes unpleasant things; I cannot imagine why aliens would be any different.
I mean, I can think of only one thing of value left. If so, good on you aliens. Take 'em. Save them from needy Toddler sociopaths. Kill us all, if there is a (non-sociopath, non-Toddler) god (of sorts).