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Old 10-15-2012, 06:50 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Hillbilly Jim View Post
i wonder when the cops show up if she will tell them what happened

Don't think the cops show up. It'll be a probation violation though.

  state the obvious some more
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Old 11-04-2012, 06:10 AM   #22
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Default What's the price of cheese in Nerumburg?

He reached inside my shirt and started tickling me. Normally I am very ticklish, especially when Josh does it to me. When he wants me to do something all he has to do is get his hands in my sides and tickle me and I'm totally helpless and at his mercy. That's even when I have a shirt on, if he can work his hands inside and get my abs and sides bare I'm totally gone. So he had every right to expect that tickling me now would get a reaction, and I don't know why, but I had no trouble at all, his hands felt good on my bare skin, but I wasn't convulsed with laughter and helplessness the way I usually was, I just lay there like a log.

Josh kept the tickling up for a while, but soon he wasn't tickling me. “Fuck it,” I heard him say, and felt his hand softly touching my bare pecs. I have a real good build from working out with weights a lot, and my pecs are pretty awesome. I knew Josh sort of envied my body, he was always commenting on it sort of sarcastically, calling me muscle-stud and stud puppy and I had just taken it as good natured kidding. But now
I was starting to realize it was something more - Josh had a boner for my muscles. He started out feeling me up very gently but when I still didn't move he got bolder and pretty soon both of his hands were giving my pecs and abs a real workout. I could hear him panting and it was clear he was turned on and getting off on feeling my naked body. My cock started to swell, and as he continued I soon had a full hard on. His hands got bolder and went lower and lower and soon he was groping my crotch through my pants, feeling my hard on – “Fuck yeah, man,” he breathed, “you're digging this.” He was groping my cock with one hand while he worked my pecs with the other. Then his hand left my crotch and I heard a zipper go down and I let my eyes open a crack so I could sneak a look at him and saw my buddy Josh kneeling over me with his tee shirt pushed up and his pants open and his hard cock in his hand. He was jerking off while he felt my naked body and played with my hard cock.

I couldn't believe this was happening - my best Buddy Josh was groping my hard cock and digging it. My boner throbbed and twitched as he squeezed it. Then he said, “Shit, dude, I can't stop now, I've got to have you,” and he undid the waistband of my pants and unbuttoned the fly and moved off the bed so he could pull my pants off. I didn't help, I still didn't want him to know I was awake, so he had to struggle a bit, but soon he had my pants all the way off. He moved onto the bed next to me again and pushed my shirt out of the way some more, then resumed his exploration of my now nearly naked body with his hands. I could hear him breathing heavily - he was really turned on by what he was doing to me. I figured he was probably not looking at my face so I let my eyes open a bit again, just enough to see him. He had his tee shirt all the way off now and his pants pushed partway down and was working his hard cock with one hand while with the other he explored my body. He was really paying a lot of attention to my pecs, rubbing and squeezing them and when he started working my big hard nipples I couldn't help moaning, it felt so good. He froze. So did I. “What the fuck,” he muttered – I guess he figured at this point if I was awake he'd gone too far to turn back and slowly his hand started working my nipples again. My cock was throbbing and swelling and oozing fuck juice like crazy, I was so turned on by having Josh feel me up.

Josh's hand moved down my abs, tracing the cuts of my six-pack. Then he slid his hand inside the waistband of my briefs and gently explored my crotch bare, slowly wrapping his hand around my huge hard cock. “Shit yeah, dude,” he breathed. I have a big one, about nine inches, and thick, and most guys look envious when they see it hard. It's pretty awesome. Josh is pretty well equipped too, I'd seen him hard lots of times, but I was bigger than he was, bigger than most guys I've seen hard, which is not that many.

I felt Josh pulling my briefs down to expose my erection. He pushed the tight white cotton shorts down just far enough to expose me completely, then hooked the tight waistband under my balls - I loved that, it's what I do when I jerk off, I like the tight elastic cutting into that tender spot under my balls at the base of my cock. Then Josh spread my legs apart as far as they would go and explored my thighs with his hands, rubbing his hot horny hands up into my crack through my shorts. He was making sounds that told me he was really turned on and getting to the point where he didn't care what happened. I felt both of his hands on me, one rubbing my pecs and abs, the other stroking my cock. If he kept that up I was going to cum and I was thinking it was time to wake up.
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Old 11-07-2012, 06:06 AM   #23
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Default Re: Sonatine Why don't you inhale less food? Why no answer smarty have a

Why no answer smarty have an answer for everything whether right or wrong.

Facing the truth is a bit tougher isn't it........How old are you? How much do you weigh? Those two items often go together. Eventually the third item comes into play. Old, fat and ugly/lonely. Nothing wrong with any of them as long as you don't judge others. You hear fatso?.....You hear ugly?...... No one is as good as you, but no one is a bad as you hear buddy? good!
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Old 11-07-2012, 06:07 AM   #24
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Re: Sonatine Why don't you inhale less food?
Why no answer smarty have an answer for everything whether right or wrong.

Facing the truth is a bit tougher isn't it........How old are you? How much do you weigh? Those two items often go together. Eventually the third item comes into play. Old, fat and ugly/lonely. Nothing wrong with any of them as long as you don't judge others. You hear fatso?.....You hear ugly?...... No one is as good as you, but no one is a bad as you hear buddy? good!

  resize your avatar please
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Old 12-01-2012, 09:47 AM   #25
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Default Top UFO Sightings for November 2012

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Old 12-02-2012, 02:01 AM   #26
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Default sonatine serious question

do you ever worry about keeling over and having a massive heart attack because you are morbidly obese ?

personally, I think fat people are 10 times worse than niggers on many levels

at least most black people are out there slugging it out in the hood

fat people are lazy and sloth-like wastes of humanity

if you are fat that mean you have zero self respect

so basically your life is posting ponies and eating

i would def choose to be a black guy if I had to choose between being black or fat

in closing..

enjoy being morbidly obese

warm kisses to your dangerously high cholesterol levels
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Old 12-02-2012, 02:04 AM   #27
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wow a new thread gets redirected LOL....sick life

yup you owned me as usual

I will wake up tomorrow being in shape and going for a 3 or 4 mile will sit on your fat ass you bloated pedophile

so clever

enjoy being obese
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Old 12-02-2012, 02:06 AM   #28
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actually kids quite healthy because of all them omega 3s he speys into his gullet on the reg

  rico broke you off fat with a triple blah
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Old 12-02-2012, 02:07 AM   #29
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blah blah blah
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Old 12-02-2012, 12:12 PM   #30
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literally blahed me
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