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Old 12-15-2012, 04:03 AM   #11
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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vince real talk if you were next to him before the bolivian police closed in would you look into his eyes and say we ride together, WE DIE TOGETHER
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Old 12-15-2012, 04:10 AM   #12
Things could be worse...
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I'm fucking pretty much inside the head of this world's insanity and you should know, it's fucking horrifying.

This worthless booger in Humanity's nose is doing two things here and they're the hallmark of every exploited female Toddler in history; they attempt to superimpose their values onto you (it's not going to work but the point is not you, nor is it McAfee; these insects do this to their children who they Confidence trick into loving and respecting them, and all their insanity gets handed down in emotional degradation or do you think DJ CHAPS wanted to grow up to be that...thing he is?) and they also run the same old - the oldest - trick of all the tricks in the moronic Book; which boils down to accusing others of doing what you do, failing how you fail, being malicious the way you plan to be malicious etc etc. It's like stabbing someone and crying out that they've stabbed you. Just fucking Toddlers pissing their female urine all over the world but mostly dribbling down their legs onto themselves and their children.

You cannot bring logic to a debate with the screaming insane. There is nothing you can do except be humane.

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Old 12-15-2012, 04:11 AM   #13
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by gay sex View Post
vince real talk if you were next to him before the bolivian police closed in would you look into his eyes and say we ride together, WE DIE TOGETHER

No that's what you would do. And it's why you have vassals.

I could never dispose of worthless fools. When I finally could, I disposed of all of them. They're all valueless. If they were in that situation with you, then they're reliant and dependant and a fucking liability for you.

They're just endless liability.

Zero value.
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Old 12-15-2012, 04:12 AM   #14
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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so when hes hitting the nos button and ur driving away do you reference the now cancelled abc show and go, well if this isnt our last retort
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Old 12-15-2012, 04:13 AM   #15
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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[img] QXHCYeFxkjGRQUHy8gIycpLCwsFR4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKDgwO Gg8PGikcHBwpKSkpKSkpLCwsLCkpLCkpKSkpKSwpKSkpLCwpLC ksLCksKSkpLCksKSkpKSksKSksKf/AABEIAJ8BPgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQMGAAECBwj/xAA+EAABAwIEAwYDBgQEBwAAAAABAAIRAwQFEiExBkFREyJhcY GRMqGxFEJSwdHwBxVykjNTYvEWFyNjgqLh/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMAAQQFBv/EACkRAAICAQQCAgIBBQEAAAAAAAABAhEDBBIhMRNBBSJCUTMVI zJSYRT/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APFcqzKu1gQBnORZlUixQhHkWZVItqFEWRbDFJKyVCEeRYKakl ZKhRxkWZFJKyVZBlw1YdpcMkd1pzu6d3UT6wrFitxmdroeg2/3/VC8LuyUKlQjd2Vp+q4LtSeqXNjsavkkpmFLSqE7KOhRzb6BN7a 1a0TuY2BB+fXUJdWPuiBrSRpOmiNFnLdzy03HquWVmZo20adIO 87+0+o1R9O8YzTry68tVKZW4T1rSJBHy5eSAr23IKwX1wHEOEd PUa7oJwB3j9+KoLsSlzgYUjnkjaD1H6Ka4e3OBuPy6osUmktkQ CRtG0q0CxRUpIGs3VWWvatl0ddBz5JVfW0H/wCeyhGhHVChJRVZhBkIR7CjQpkb1GCpHLhMAGVAZ2wT1J6yhiw KXCq0Pg7HSfNdXlLI9w6FB7I1wD5FmRYXLAUQJmRaLV0AuXFQh qFpblaVkNQsLV0FoqFHOVdBaWwoWCZlvOuHLUq6BslzredQrAV KJZNnW86iBWSqLslzLMyiWwoQkzLMy5JWpUId5lvMuFgULLnak tsqAj4s7vQkqKmxZSqZqFsOlFv1Kny6JU3yaMa4O6bo6FMsOdm kAcuZPI8uiR1HxupbK9fMfAPABz49dBr5qRLmN8UoNaNCPaPXT 96pDVvoI1O+nkp8VkRJqTE946+cAAeiQVnnrPmjYm6GdW9JI10 kGOU9UWL6YVbbVKLt6hdoELQxSGLqmpPsixfAZIOohDVcCqtYH GNRoJ1SR1yQdVVFuVFnuMSGYlL62JzM8/2EnffEqI1iVFApzDH3InVRvrhcMokrVWkj2i7IqoUK29y20SiK JrX4h4flqmd9QzEHq0JS1WRjQadPrGvTwASpOuQo8leq04K0Go ++p6hRMoq9wLRu2t5CivKMJrY0tCoMSpbId3IVcCsMXLmowUlD UanLkWzhrFvs0RRYpCxQgve1Y1qmrNWUmKIoWwuYXa5KtFGluF oLoK2UZC3C2shUWahbAW1tQhqFuFtYVdEs0AtwtBH4fQae9UMN zBvqhZa5HOFmadMHk1o9P2U4u6AAEdJ9eaXWwAJA2B08kf2k6J L7NUVSEl5UMjSYXVnaVqubK4MI2APfOnI8k8dh8xpvufzQtG1e 13wyJkdJHjIUTJSKheFxMOkOaMriS4lzgSS45idf0C6tLJzgTK eYu4veXPYC/m7mfON0NSpvOgYGj1n0ATNwmqFnYOB2MTE8p/ZCsWE2LWAOJlxOrY0AHjzK3aYMficEVQpy6eSCUhkInWLX7i0D lr9FULp8kq0YqVVqw7xUgXlNWrCTAG/M7DxVhtsOt2f49adJgaAnwDdY8/ZIabc0CYHONJ9VceFX0aVOoHNio4Edp8U5hBAjZOECjELq2GXJ MGYJpuAMGDDoEwZEpPcvEnKdFmJh+ZrXkuFNvZsOkCmHOcAI8X E66yShKVI7qMnJtupCY0cMMxrtI031gHy3QBLSwQCHB28jKRHT eZ9ETWxFxMgkaAaJcr9BKvZxVZlMKzWdOaNMx9338VVjWLjrur 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Old 12-15-2012, 04:14 AM   #16
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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maybe get those toddler letters painted on the hood so haters know
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Old 12-15-2012, 04:15 AM   #17
gay sex
Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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andre braugher would want it that way
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Old 12-15-2012, 04:23 AM   #18
Things could be worse...
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They're the rudest fucking vermin that has ever existed. Sociopaths who just cannot stop, they love you and they know better than you about what you should do and feel. It's how they feel, you can't tell them to go away; they care too much for sucking the life out of you to ever do that.

McAfee is accused of being insane and valuing legacy.

He says he's not insane and doesn't value legacy.

This is how they respond. But they'll get offended if you're not polite. Because they're really sweet like Christian Compassionate Whores.

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Old 12-15-2012, 04:35 AM   #19
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by gay sex View Post
so when hes hitting the nos button and ur driving away do you reference the now cancelled abc show and go, well if this isnt our last retort

You missed my point. We wouldn't be in that situation together because we lean on ourselves. We don't lean on others unless we absolutely have to because begging is filthy and it's an imposition; it's about motive not about morality. I don't want to beg so I don't.

That has nothing to do with the fact that those who do want to beg should be forced to outline an actionable plan for investment (which would mean, of course; that they're no longer begging) or be put down as quickly (i.e. as humanely) as possible if they cannot. They're just terrified of death because everyone who has a motive to leech on Humanity brainwashes children to be traumatised by death and dying (it's called "Protecting" them? And it's as transparent as a Joe Fritzl parent has ever been).

Who has the motive to pretend to care about the welfare of others without actually having the capacity to realise how transparent they are?

Every Christian.
Every Muslim.
Every orthodox Jew (as distinct from secular Israelis) and every Jew who identifies with Jews but lacks the capacity to make their perceived identity more convincing.
Every mother who wants to be housewife or who believes her value "as a mother" exists beyond the tiny fraction of time it should take to make her child independent of her.
Every middle-man who imagines they can profit from Humanity's demise / suffering / misery.
Every insane Toddler who looks back to the good old Dark Ages and in fear of losing their 'good' thing, will kill anyone attempting to drag Humanity forward into Utopia.
And of course, you. You don't care about the welfare of these clowns, and why would you?

The only person you're fooling is them.

Just because I make the logical argument proving why DJ CHAPS should be treated humanely doesn't mean I don't care and you do; on the contrary. It's the other way around. I do not profit from his miserable wretchedness. You imagine that you can / do.

You're a mother gay sex. You're mothering these little screaming insects. "Don't hurt them!"

Only mothers hurt those they keep alive with their sentiment, their compassion, their caring. All that emotional currency which is - to a sane person - as transparent as a mother's incapacity to give a fuck about any human she cannot manipulate or control. There are a lot of children dying every day and mothers don't give a fuck.

They will care very strongly that you do what they assert is moral in their personal community which values their right to fuck and suck the minds out of their children - because every mother knows best how to starfish fuck their way through 'life'.
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Old 12-15-2012, 04:56 AM   #20
Things could be worse...
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The things I'm saying are so fucking important it's just ridiculous.

There are a lot of smarter people than I am; well maybe not a lot but they're certainly not rare. McAfee, for one; I wouldn't have the intellectual capacity of his mind.

But the reason this world is going to burn is the same reason it's been burning for 5000 years. McAfee can't perceive it, or if he can he's playing "coy". It's right there in front of your eyes. Insanity v Sanity.

Sanity loses because it cannot be humane.
Insanity loses because it imagines it's sane.

No one wins.
Everyone screams in unnecessary pain because they cannot face the truth about their mothers and about themselves. They're just leeches who buy their own lies.

They lie. They love. They care about every single psychotic 'value' which they imagine suits their purposes. The pain of humans in suffering? If they imagine it suits them, they will fervently protest to keep them alive AND SUFFERING. When it doesn't suit them, they just get killed in their millions without comment or sentiment. Pure callous transparent apathy.

I'm talking about the backbone of Society. I'm talking about mothers.

Sanity cannot win because there are a lot of intellectually sane people. But I'm yet to meet anyone else capable of being humane when it comes to dying animals thrashing their horrific screaming like this lady who contradicts McAfee after he's just said he's not insane and he doesn't value legacy.

Mothers Know Best. She knows he's insane. It's how she feels. It's how everyone feels. You're probably not nearly intelligent enough to realise how brilliant I'm being right now, but "how everyone feels" is how your mother made you value the opinions of others instead of valuing your Self.

You were bred for her sexual gratification and laziness. Love her if you must.

But she needs to be put in the ground. McAfee's intellect is worthless against my empathy. I have one of the brightest minds on the planet right now but people cannot cope with the Reality because they want to live in Fantasy.

Quora has the finest minds on the planet posting. I swear at God, all the finest minds on the planet are producing amazing brilliance on Quora. But they cannot bring their intellect to an emotional issue, because emotion was corrupted and effectively invented for that reason.

If someone could counter my logic about mothers, you bet your ass it would be countered and dismissed and my screaming would be hidden from view (if it were screaming). They cannot. And they cannot. They just...can't.

No one can. The horror is too horrific. Mothers are too close to your hearts. The betrayal would send you straight off the deep end if you were emotional; i.e. insane.

Your mother made you that way. She raised you with love but no one asks "Why?"

"What good or benefit or purpose does love serve?"

It's not the child's. It's not the mother's either but Toddlers who want to fuck and don't want to work aren't an bunch to enlighten.

The logic is pure. No one can counter it. They just don't want to suffer so they get horrifying when they're exposed to it. I don't give a fuck about your mother issues. Logic is logic, you either counter or you accept. You refuse to accept so you attack. This is the proof of my argument.

Bah you're all too reduced. And soon everyone will be lifted up to Zero. Boom.

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