Four years, they estimate now; whether it's 4 or 14 seems irrelevant. It's melted clean through in game theory terms, and the dominoes all fall in one direction.
As the Arctic...spirals towards final destruction, all bets are off as to the stability of the adjacent massive land-based Greenland ice pack. There is enough frozen water locked up here to raise global sea levels by six to seven metres over time.
One person’s global catastrophe is another’s commercial opportunity. Governments and energy companies, notably Shell, are busy jostling to be in position to loot the oil and minerals hidden beneath the region’s fast-disappearing ice.
In a world where the vast majority of people lie very nearly all the time, there is comedic value in the term "conspiracy theory". But when scientists cannot explain why it's melting so fast, and the only entities that can profit are SHELL / BP and their associated puppet governments, I could be wrong but
Means Motive Opportunity? It's Numbers 31 M.A.D.ness.
Shell & BP are melting it. I'd bet my life on it.
How are you going to take the arms off the arms manufacturers; or the money off the bankers? This is a rigged game and game theory says you're not racing towards The End; you've raced right past it.
You're just too ignorant to realise it yet.