I am going to pray for you Johnny Henry Vincent. Though I admit, that is probably not your name, I will pray for you with all my heart. Chaps you too old friend, there is light enough for us all to see.
You'll do whatever you like but you should really like to do things more tangible than expressing sentiment. You should really be praying for far more worthy targets than I.
I mean, your limitless incapacity to do anything more productive than tender sentiments could be utilised in a far more appropriate fashion. For instance, you could pray for yourself to become someone whose capacity to be worthless is, actually, limited.
Who knows? Next stop could be Capacity to be Potentially Productive.
Capacity to Produce?
Production, All Aboard.
Then maybe you wouldn't live in a reality that makes you unhappy; the one where everyone you know, everyone you talk to, everyone you meet - to a man, woman and child - all are bored. Everyone will always be bored when talking to the intrinsically worthless, who peddle sentiment because they have nothing else to offer.
No one is interested in a sentiment trader. There is no market for your Christian sleaze. There is no eBay for prayers or sentiments because they have no fucking value. Like saying sorry, praying is the least you can do. And no, you cannot multiply by zero (0) and end up in positive territory.