The funnier part of the story, if we must go digging through old shit, is what happened with Roger Ebert.
Upon his return to America, Gallo took a defiant stance, defending the film and finishing a new edit that clarified and tightened the storyline. A war of words then erupted between Gallo and film critic Roger Ebert, with Ebert writing that The Brown Bunny was the worst film in the history of Cannes, and Gallo retorting by calling Ebert a "fat pig with the physique of a slave trader." Ebert then responded, paraphrasing a statement attributed to Winston Churchill, that "one day I will be thin, but Vincent Gallo will always be the director of The Brown Bunny." Gallo then claimed to have put a hex on Ebert's colon, cursing the critic with cancer. Ebert then replied that watching a video of his colonoscopy had been more entertaining than watching The Brown Bunny. Gallo subsequently stated that he had been misquoted, that the hex had actually been placed on Ebert's prostate, and that the whole thing had been meant as a joke which was misinterpreted by a reviewer, also admitting that he found Ebert's colonoscopy comment to be an amusing comeback.
Originally Posted by pass tha blunt moron
I can faggot my way to any corner of the world.