was kind of hoping i'd get the boot so mikey can see that the internet is not all that serious and you don't need to make twelve dupes and use a proxy to post on a site where no one likes you
creepo listen up and listen good- stop cyber stalking me and obsessing over me and every post I make at every forum you fiendishly monitor me on. you are a loser, a never was, never could have been. focus on your own life for a change.
I was hoping someone else would pick up on it but you understand what these academics have done? I'm torn between them doing it intentionally v simply too stupid to realise the fact; but they have literally eviscerated "Bystander Effect". It doesn't exist.
They proved this, in front of your eyes whilst ostensibly discussing "Bystander Effect". I think it's intentional.
Well they can't very well tender the reality of the obvious, can they?
What do you call the theory that says the entire planet is teeming with horrifying predatory, snivelling rapists who molest Their Own, sidle up to Power to suck Power's cock, and couldn't give a fuck about a incapacitated woman or a dying toddler bleeding out in the middle of the road.
Whatever that theory is called, is the "Syndrome" or "Effect" they just proved under the guise of explaining "Bystander Effect".
She even called him "Sir." 6 seconds. You're a snivelling race, humans. I know all your vile shit. I know you're all sociopaths. I'm declaring War.
On an unrelated sidenote but then who the fuck knows anymore, you should definitely do what this guy advises and in boredom, I looked. Whoa. WTF.
Bystander Effect my fucking ass.
I've solved all your fucking noose. This explains you, and billions of others.
For the human species, in terms of sheer brilliant genius insight (as it relates to value), there might not be a more irrefutably true tweet on the whole of Twitter than this one below. It's truth that affects every human being on the planet, on a personal - private - level of huge. It's profound and there's not a shred of logic you can bring to bear against it because it's a logical, watertight proof. It's truth. Do you understand what I'm saying? About how it cannot be refuted? About the implications it reveals to those who think a little ahead of the moment or outside of the box / bubble?
You live in a world where people who do this for you get electroshock therapy and shit (for their sake, of course). Or killed. Or worse. But Kim Kardashian has 8 million followers or something. I'm not going to show you an example of what she Tweets. You're all probably her followers anyway.
This is my point and why I'm drilling the value of Truth v Lies. Your mother raped you insane.
for the record i don't follow kim kardashian. but i do follow kendall jenner.
My boys, we are at the end of an age. We live in a land of weather forcasts and breakfasts that set in. Shat on by Tories, shovelled up by labour. Now which of you is going to be a splendid fellow and go down to the Rolls for the rest of the wine?