they shouldn't pay taxes they can't collect any benefits from it (ss, welfare, food stamps) it's just a nigga with his $50 for 12 hour work he gotta ship back to the old country and his family of 11
they shouldn't pay taxes they can't collect any benefits from it (ss, welfare, food stamps) it's just a nigga with his $50 for 12 hour work he gotta ship back to the old country and his family of 11
You forgetting free education free healthcare free libraries to surf the internet and free road construction....
do you feel overcharged for those nonexistent taxes from selling weed? do you regularly run into illegal aliens at the library? free education i'll give you. but road construction doesn't mean much to people without cars. and us citizens are getting free healthcare 1000s of times over compared to the small amount given to illegals who are afraid to go to the hospital out of fear of being deported. btw, did you pay your medical bills for your broken ankle?