You haven't run into the flavor of this problem where OSX tells you you're not connected to the internet, when you try to DL the win support drivers?
OMG the HOURS I have spent staring in fury / contempt at the screen that appears to be downloading at 10 b/s or completely frozen...only for it to then say, after 4-5 hours, "network server problem, try again later" (or w/e)....
This is a long post but you couldn't buy anything this important to read. I will try and make it readable but then I'm not selling anything.
I think (and if you think I'm 'over-reacting' or being 'melodramatic', then you have no idea about how naive you are); but I think that any coder who writes a program which - by default - doesn't explain exactly what is going on "in the background" - should be charged with a crime and incarcerated when found guilty of either being fraudulent or being insulting beyond acceptability. It won't deter them, but since when has that mattered to "the Law"?
But seriously, they should be imprisoned for their crimes; because that's exactly what's going on more often than not "in the background". I'm talking about purchased software of course; you should have the right to continue to be the entitled tragics so many of you are on Softpedia.
If you're confused, then yes princess; people literally live to code free programs for your use. It just makes them warm and fuzzy inside. They don't live long, of course; but they die as humanitarians knowing they helped a stack of ungrateful, entitled strangers. If you don't have any problems doing it, then that's very lucky for you. And embarrassing, for you. I guess you're just not important enough? But I believe in your potential to be.
But when I over-pay the largest publicly-traded company on the planet for software; I expect it to be functional and when it's not, I expect to be shown why it's not functioning. I've paid for OS X Lion four (4) times for this single MBA:
1 - preinstalled
2 and 3 - App store charged my CC twice even when Option-Download worked to get around the ludicrous, insulting message informing me that "this app is already installed", as if I was too stupid to realise? I might be, but then why am I allowed near a computer; a car, or a floozy - if I was that stupid, I shouldn't be allowed to drive or have sex or vote or die in slave wars.
4 - $79 USB flash drive that won't install Lion on my '11 Intel MBA.
All week I've spent trying to download this ridiculous set of Boot Camp driver files. The latest Linux distributions have every single Apple driver included in their distributions. I'm finally downloading it now using Parted Magic and YamBam's URL.
Re: Linux distributions. They're free. And for you. Enjoy? You're braver than I am if you do.
I spent five weeks trying to download Mac OS X Lion (the best Linux distribution I've ever seen) because the USB Lion drive I bought doesn't work for INTEL MBA's and there is NO other way to reinstall my operating system onto my system. Hmm. No one seems to know why the USB stick doesn't work on INTEL MBAs; if AppleCare cares, they could care to be more convincing.
5 weeks. That's a really long time to be frustrated.
My internet was pretty bad. But that's not the reason why it took me 5 weeks.
I got 'disconnected' a lot when the Internet hadn't been interrupted on my other systems. I'd have to start from scratch every time, because every FREE Download Manager program is coded by guys who are ostensibly brighter than Apple's coders? What other reason could there be for being forced to start from 0% when an 83% downloaded image is 'interrupted'? But that's still not the reason it took 5 weeks.
I have the most corrupted MBA in existence and I'm prevented (by Apple) from flashing the firmware by myself (easy enough to do on my other INTEL boards). Months of attempting to beg iServe stores to flash the corrupted firmware 'for' me, have resulted in...well, let's just say I was 'unsuccessful', to put it diplomatically. I have also been 'unsuccessful' in softly requesting off them the store video tapes recording the ordeals; all those hours of my enduring their unfathomable insults with a thin smile. "We can't flash it because it will void your warranty." My MBA was a day old when it went the way of my 17 INTEL PCs. But I could flash them, myself. I'm forced to go get insulted by Apple iServe techs where I show them firmware corruption in real time (using rEFIt and the lastest UEFI self-certification testing kits - everything fails, but then I knew that already; this is for - their - 'benefit'). They're concerned about my warranty. I'm concerned about the hundreds of "<UNKNOWN>" drivers, images and firmware packages controlling my boot process. If INTEL and Apple "don't know" what they are, I want them OUT. Fair, no? Apparently not. So I tell them "Fine. I don't - mind - you voiding it. I'll sign a declaration affirming that, if you like?" They don't. They just yell at me to leave. Those creeps are lucky this is a "Polite Society", but then that's why it's a 'polite' society. Arguing and emotional redundancy is beneath me, however; so I tell them I understand and request nothing more than the store videotape or even just a hand-written note and signature stating I waited three hours etc. Then they start swearing at me, and getting aggressive. It's a little horrifying, yes.
But that's not the reason why it took 5 weeks to download.
The reason it took me 5 weeks to download, is because it's a single 4GB .app 'image' file. Which is strange, because the actual .dmg image file is about the same size (InstallESD.dmg). Installing from either Install Mac OS X and InstallESD.dmg has identical results, as far as I can see - redundancy? Redundancy is never redundancy; but those responsible for it would love you to believe so.
I opened the app, and the dmg ~4GB files to see what was SO important that I had to wait five weeks just to download it.
I've asked this question of many people now, and haven't received an answer yet. It seems a pretty valid question - don't you think?
The question is "Why?"
It should be less than 2GB. In reality, because it is a HOSTED OS online, the initial image file could be something tiny like 50MB, just enough to OPERATE your SYSTEM and allow you to freely get online (no, the 'recovery' partition does not do that - I can explain if you need one, but you should be able to figure it out). Then, no doubt many of you will want to add more functionality; and so you should have that right (of course).
And I should have the right to download a file in a faster period of time than 5 weeks. Call me finicky, but it's taken me 5 months of asking this question, and I have received zero (0) answers.
I understand that you all speak 20 languages (but Catalan? I'm impressed - I would be impressed if you could name the Westphalian illusion that is the 'sovereign-nation-state' where Catalan is the national language - hint: it's only an illusion of an illusion, like Guam = USA). Rest assured, I'm impressed either way. But what the devil got into you to make you learn 20 languages of exploitation? I assume you have weighed up the ethical implications of being an accessory to the exploitation of those - pious - victims living in the principality of Andorra? Apple hasn't. But then Apple might not be the MASTER of their own house, they might not be the MASTERS of their domain - you understand? I do. I understand literally almost everything, except when I'm lied to - then I'm confused until someone tells me Truth.
And the truth is, you would have a pretty hard time convincing me that the isolated dialect of a French principality spoken by maybe ~30,000 people(?) is commercially viable for Apple. One would think they'd be all tied up still figuring on where to put the "Back to Desktop" button in Finder; and if they have, then kindly tell my moron face where it is because I can't find it.
But Angorra and their exploitation is hardly my business.
My business is why I'm forced to wait for 5 weeks to download a file that should take 2 minutes, after which I could and should be able to simply connect to the / a App Store and pick and choose my required Applications.
My business is why, when in disgust I removed Hungarian.pkg before installing Lion, it worked perfectly right up until I had to select English (the only language I speak, not because it or I am superior, but because it's the future?) In China, who are the future rulers of the globe FYI and if you're 'scared' you're a moron (you'll be an exploited vassal much like now, but with free healthcare and less unethically-imposed 'morality' restrictions on your liberty - also, dim sum!), but in China six (6) times as many people as the population of England, are learning English right now in China.
We're all vassals, but Chinese want to communicate with the future. It's understandable.
What I don't understand is why Apple seems to have an interest in belaying the inevitable One World in their efforts to communicate in One Language? I tried to remove the .pkg files of their cultural exploitation during Installation - an option I am aware used to be an option?
Not - ALLOWED - to customize? Am I being unreasonable now, or am I the only person who is sane enough to realise silence isn't an acceptable response to this mind-boggling mystery.
Do you have a theory? I didn't, until I saw Catalan and laughed. This is the Treaty of Westphalia in action; surely? 'sovereign-nation-states' and 'multi-national-corporations'. Laws unto their own? We simply are not that lucky. We're all answerable to the Holy Roman Emperor; who has an interest in keeping us all frustrated and confused, speaking different languages and fighting wars over imaginary lines; people afraid of people who are so like us, it would blow your mind away. Except for the 'differences' which confuse you, like their inability to communicate with you; and their terror of you. To be fair, they've been told by their Dukes you want to kill them. And they kind of have been given reason to believe this, what with 3,000,000 orphans in Iraq etc. You know, they're just idiots who don't realise you have no motive to kill their parents, but that you'd actually prefer if no one suffered and then, everyone could be friends and trade, play and communicate - which is in our best interests, quite frankly.
I would tell them all of this, but I cannot speak Arabic, Farsi, Cantonese, Mandarin or Catalan. So the world hates Americans because they're idiots and they don't realise - YOU - aren't killing them. Some orphans in Iraq are growing up thinking you killed their parents. 3 million or so, should probably do something about that, unless you like hearing children blow you both up in religious hatred. You should have that option, if you do.
I've been to like 40-45 nations and people - hah - people are the same everywhere. They are so like you it's haunting. They're a lot like who I used to be. But no one is like me. And that's a pity for everyone, but mostly it's been a pity for me. This is probably too long for you to read past the first line? Poor little vassals. I sympathise. I have ADHD, it makes reading HARD and before I was diagnosed I was the most irritable s.o.b. I knew. Frustrated, contemptuous, full of scorn, liable to smirk at your misfortune, snicker at how much 'brighter' I was compared to...everyone I'd meet - who I'd then exploit, just because I could. Then I found out I had ADHD and am at peace now. I can read, think...laugh, empathise.
Don't get frustrated, it's what they want you to do. Get angry, calmly and appropriately. Because 100% of humanity has ADHD; or maybe you can concentrate indefinitely?
Post is too long? Read it over and over for 5 weeks and then you won't understand how I felt. You'll understand a great deal more than important things than my emotions, which are irrelevant.
Post is Off Topic? It's not typed in Catalan or Simplified Chinese so how could it be?
Nothing is more On Topic, than your best interests. And it's not in your interests to be forced, in sheer frustration, to find this thread and look for an answer to a question that shouldn't exist in the first place.
This is your answer.
It's the world's answer (or it could be, if we didn't all have ADHD, illiteracy and weren't confused about cultural 'superiority'). So chill, read it whilst you wait for your Boot Camp download to...stop? stall? freeze? speed up? WHO KNOWS? IT'S A SECRET!
It's all a huge joke, played over and over again on you. Do you think it's funny? I don't.
But then I'm on your side; we're all on the same side - or we would be - if we were allowed to be by those who prefer it if some of us were PROUD to ONLY speak Catalan. You understand?
They think they have an interest in a world of misery. They smirk and snicker, creating wars that kill hundreds of millions of confused vassals. It's a great joke!
But it's not a good one. It's ********, actually. You should be angry, intelligently. Try not to kill any innocent vassals in your frustration. It's not in your best interests to commit "crimes of passion", but then the Law won't tell you that. They'll tell you something very different, actually. "Not Guilty by reason of insanity? Nice try. But no. You were perfectly sane to kill your daughters for speaking to boys and bringing shame on your Canadian household name. Into the clink you go, for some deterrence. Naughty, naughty - very cheeky - it was a nice try. But you got caught."
Try not to kill your daughters in your frustration and confusion. Not because it's against the Law. But because it's not in your interests to fall for their - impossibly creepy - game.
Also if someone doesn't raise the max character limit to 25k or 50k / post I'm going to shut this shit down. The site, I mean. Assuming I haven't already given control of it to Vaughn, which I seem to believe I have?
Sir, try to calm down. Getting worked up will only make your AIDS flare up. Try to think of positive, soothing things. Like young Thai whores. Or Africa being nuked. Or a young Thai girl riding a nuke that was headed for Africa.
10 points Gryffendor for Treaty of Westphalia reference.
Do you concur with my read? It's literally the only theory I can possibly imagine; and I've been - imagining - theories for a year, and this is the only one that fits.
I actually logged in from a net cafe because they are crashing the shit out of my computers up here. I lost a huge awesome post I wrote in response to behemoths's referencing Thai girls; comparing them to girls where I am now (AC, Philippines); but meh, I wanna talk about the huge rally for God instead.
It's involves the girls, because they can vote. Not allowed in the choir, loose lips sink ships. But they can vote, so they're useful in a rally for God.
The girls here are nothing like the exploitation in Thailand. Buddism is the exploitation of apathy and fatalism. Catholicism is more...up-beat, in tempo.
Here the girls are:
- child prostitutes or former child prostitutes (and by "child" I mean 4+)
- so stupid it's almost impossible to believe they can function (needless to say, for all of God's Intelligent Design, a great many get culled via the brutality of 'natural' selection - to imagine these young women as what they truly are [the 'winners' of local evolution / 'nurturing] is a feat that would challenge the most imaginative of minds)
- filthy dirty (I'm not talking about 'naughty', but referring rather to the pervasive stench of open sewers that - one assumes - they wade through en route to Fields Ave and/or bathe in)
- butt-fucking ugly (and that's putting it diplomatically - it would be a brave man who fucks their butts; but there are many courageous men in this tragic world of horror)
- exploited almost from the moment their great-great-great grandparents were born
- almost exclusively - pious - Catholics (but that's to be expected, as 97% of the country is piously Catholic).
My point being, the Philippines is the glossy colour brochure / poster for the - product - marketed to self-proclaimed 'sovereigns' and 'dukes' by the Vatican. Optimal exploitation of human cattle. No one does it better.
The day after I landed, the entire city was forced into a standstill as 2,000,000 members of the INC (one of the larger Catholic exploitation vehicles) rallied in protest. Thousands were treated by emergency medical personnel after falling victim to heat exposure, suffocation or run-of-the-mill trampling under the feet of the "praying" mobs.
What were they protesting? They literally don't know, and they don't need to know. They wouldn't understand, if you tried to explain to them. They would just know you're contradicting God.
The correct answer explaining the political rally is
The right to continue to be exploited by corruption.
The technical answer explaining the political rally is
To flout muscle in support of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, presently facing impeachment in the Senate after breaking the law in his efforts to assist the nation's previous President Gloria M. Arroyo flee the country from corruption charges levied by the country's bravest and brightest hope (current President Aquino, whose father was gunned down whilst fighting corruption decades ago). The Prosecution is literally DESTROYING Corona in the Senate, to the point where corrupt Senators are lambasting the prosecution for - get this lolz - dropping 5 of the 7 charges. So much evidence flooded the Senate of Corona's corruption (enough to put him away for multiple lifetimes), that the Prosecution decided against spending a year on presenting it all and rested their case instead. There is no defence case to be heard; Corona is fighting it out in the Court of Public Opinion instead. The corrupt Senators are making out that the Prosecution had no case, holding one trial lawyer in contempt when he blocked his ears to the vile lecturing down at him for "wasting the court's time" (when, ido, they're doing the opposite by dropping 5 of the 7 charges having already secured multiple convictions). They said as much outside the court, and they were warned by the Senate they would face contempt hearings for "deciding the outcome before the Senate had 'weighed' up the evidence". loll. There's nothing to weigh up. Corona is refusing to testify in his defence.
The official answer for the political rally is
No reason. It's just a rally for God and has nothing to do with politics.
God doesn't need reasons to do things. It's why you need Faith.
MANILA, Philippines — The politically influential Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC) has invited Catholics to attend its rallies to be held simultaneously in Manila and 17 other key cities and towns on Feb. 28.
INC declined to comment on the widespread speculation that the planned rallies are in support of embattled Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona, who is facing an impeachment trial before the Senate, and also of Gatdula, an INC member dismissed by President Benigno S. Aquino III for his alleged participation in the abduction and extortion of a Japanese national.
Many administration officials are wary that the solemn gathering to be attended by millions of faithful nationwide might turn into an anti-government demonstration despite assurances to the contrary by the INC hierarchy.
INC members who declined to be identified explained that the "Bible Exposition" rally is a regular activity of the sect that has nothing to do whatsoever with politics.
The majority of politicians running for national and local positions and even on the barangay level are known to seek the support of the INC come election time because its members vote as one whoever is endorsed by its leaders.
Conservative estimates placed its voting strength at around three million.
The US and the Philippines are alike, in many ways. In every nation, it's the same. You might think they're stupid here, and you're right. But then I'm right, but you don't realise you're a victim just like them. They don't think they're victimised; they're the People Power of Democracy; doing whatever their Middle Men of Religion / Media tell them to do, say, think or feel. It's called Freedom, for imbeciles who cannot spell Liberty.
To give you an idea about the prosecution's case:
According to the president of PSBank itself, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has deposited at least P24.6 million in five peso accounts in the bank between 2007 and 2010.
Corona also has five US dollar accounts with PSBank, but its president refused to divulge the total ending balances. However, evidence obtained by the prosecution and submitted to the Senate this week showed that the initial deposit in one of the five accounts was $700,000.
The prosecution in the impeachment trial argued that Corona's failure to disclose his unexplained hidden earnings in any of his statements of assets, liabilities and net worth (SALN), is in clear violation of the law.
The corruption of the Senate is almost breathtaking:
First, they stopped the prosecution from talking about corruption. Or Juan Ponce Enrile did, disallowing it from taking up 2.4, which dealt with it, because it wasn’t explicitly included in the articles of impeachment. You could talk about 2.3 and show how Corona egregiously undervalued his income relative to his fortune, but you could not go on to talk about corruption. What idiocy is that? The one implies the other, the one adumbrates the other.
Then they stopped the prosecution from opening Corona’s dollar accounts. A horrendous perfidy in every respect. First, the impeachment court surrendered its power to an implicitly acknowledged higher power. Second, the impeachment court surrendered its power to the one group of people who most wanted to see Corona acquitted. And third, the impeachment court added insult to injury, in an abject affirmation of “colonial mentality,” by agreeing that it’s perfectly OK to open peso accounts but not dollar ones.
And then they stopped the prosecution from presenting Ma. Lourdes Sereno. Hearsay, Serafin Cuevas cried out, when Leila de Lima testified to Corona’s tinkering with the Supreme Court TRO allowing Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to leave the country. Let’s hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. Of course, the horse wasn’t being allowed to stray from the stable—the Supreme Court had banned anyone from its ranks from appearing in the impeachment court—but that was not his fault.
In theory, Corona does not have to appear in court. His lawyers can always crow, after having gotten the court to agree to forbid the prosecution from showing corruption, ill-gotten wealth and bias, that the prosecution hasn’t proven corruption, ill-gotten wealth and bias. And the usual suspects among the senator-judges can nod sadly and say, Alas, that is only too true. Arroyo herself did it before: She banned all public officials from testifying she stole the vote and subsequently got Congress to quash the impeachment bids against her on the ground that no one could say she stole the vote.
But the stunned outrage and routine objections of the defense notwithstanding, the rulings of Senate Majority Leader Enrile notwithstanding, the abdications of the impeachment court notwithstanding, the prosecution has done more than enough to unravel someone, never mind if he’s the highest justice in the land, you would not trust anywhere near Justice.
But of course, Manila is 97% Catholic. And Catholics don't do politics with their human cattle; are you kidding? Religion has nothing to do with politics!
The victims of religion in the Philippines merely rally and vote for, in their millions, whenever and whomever their Catholic Middle Men tell them God wants them to. They're not like actual cows or beasts though; sometimes, when earning $1 / day just isn't enough to buy an apple to keep the doctor who's never going to come, away - and your babies die for want of a couple antibiotics tablets and / or food...the victims of religion nervously query their Middle Men in relation to God's Plan for them.
They have an answer, these Middle Men. They have an answer for everything. It's always the same answer/s: "Your suffering is a test. At times like these, more than ever you must have Faith. After all, God works in mysterious ways."
I'm sure it seems very mysterious to the parents of children who die because their parents were relying on the Big Guy to come through. It's not really mysterious, though.
In the Philippines, the victims of religion rally against themselves. They're selfless, in that way.
In the US, the victims of religion doesn't care. You're selfless, in that way.
Everything you do is for God. You just don't realise it. But what do you care? You're careless, carefree. You're James Dean, but too stupid to realise lots of ugly people die young as well. You cannot connect the dots on why James Dean's stupidity is marketed to you.
You don't realise it, but literally everything you do or think or FEEL is for God. It's the same in Manila. You should care, even if you're an atheist; especially, if you're an agnostic.
You're for God, if you don't instantly recognise the points I'm making. And that's a pity, because nothing God does is for you.
The corruption is just...homicide-sentiment-inducing. These beasts need to be put out of their misery.
To reiterate:
- Senate ostensibly adjudicating on the impeachment trial of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who was charged after he attempted to overrule a Restraining Order preventing Gloria Arroya from fleeing the country.
- Prosecution uncovers tens of millions (USD) in the filthy corrupt Justice's undeclared peso and US dollar bank accounts. They present this evidence to the Senate, who ruled that USD accounts were irrelevant. LOL? They would only allow the peso account deposits and balances to be submitted as evidence.
- Prosecution submits only the peso accounts, undeclared 25 million peso in deposits in last 3 years.
- Prosecution asked about the evidence by media, respond frankly and honestly saying they have proven beyond all doubt that the judge has broken multiple laws.
- The judge is refusing to testify in his defence. Because he has none.
- Prosecution is asked by media whether this should result in a conviction, they say "Yes." lol.
- Prosecution rests their case, having proved corruption beyond all possible doubt. To go further would be redundant as Corona is refusing to testify against evidence which cannot be disputed.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
2 million Catholic imbeciles ordered to rally against themselves.
1 Catholic imbecile ordered to disgrace herself.
An irate Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago covers her ears during a tumultuous moment in the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona on Wednesday after private prosecutor Vitaliano Aguirre III was caught on camera covering his ears as Santiago was berating the prosecution panel. Aguirre, who said his ears “were hurting,” was later cited in contempt for disrespect of a senator-judge.
Private prosecutor Vitaliano Aguirre had had enough of Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago and had the guts to stand up to her.
In a hearing marked by high drama, Aguirre covered his ears with his hands while the prosecution panel was receiving yet another a tongue-lashing from Santiago, this time for its sudden decision on Tuesday to rest its case against Chief Justice Renato Corona.
For that “contemptuous” behavior, Aguirre earned the ire of not just Santiago but the entire Senate impeachment court, which cited him in contempt on Day 26 of the impeachment trial, ironically a day after the prosecution had rested its case. There will be no defence argument made, after Corona appeared to have been caught by surprise by the prosecution's sudden decision to rest their case.
“I charge this private prosecutor with contempt of this impeachment court! You cannot make those contemptuous gestures in front of a judge, and get away with it,” Santiago declared.
Santiago made the motion to cite Aguirre in contempt soon after the volunteer lawyer candidly admitted to the impeachment court that he did cover his ears.
“That’s true because my ears already hurt,” Aguirre said, while being questioned by Senate President Pro Tempore Jose Estrada.
Estrada had inquired into Aguirre’s motive for publicly displaying his disdain for Santiago.
"It seemed that you don’t want to listen to her,” Estrada said. “That’s disrespect for a member of this court.”
Aguirre argued that he had to cover his ears because he did not agree with Santiago’s position that it was not usual for lawyers to withdraw, or amend their complaints.
“This happens every day," Aguirre said.
All about respect
Told by Estrada that he should have objected to Santiago’s manifestation, Aguirre retorted that he had “no right to object.” Under the Senate rules, private prosecutors are under the supervision of the prosecution panel and can not debate with the senators.
After the hearing, Santiago, whose blood pressure shot up to 190/90, said it was Aguirre’s problem how to deal with the citation. Citing her colleagues, she said Aguirre had been calling attention to himself during the hearing.
“I’m too old to take this thing personally. I think he has just a mental disorder. A lawyer will never, never aggravate the judge,” she said. “Maybe he just wanted the prosecution to lose, or to publicize himself.”
She said she was “happy” that the senator-judges were unanimous in citing Aguirre for contempt.
Part of ‘dirty tricks’ In a statement later, Santiago said it appeared that Aguirre might have been “planted” to provoke her and raise her hypertension to a higher level, “precipitating either a stroke or a heart attack.”
Quoting her staff, she said that Aguirre had always been seated in the gallery until Wednesday, and “would always sneer at me.”
“All of a sudden, he sat smack dab in the middle of the front row of the prosecution panel,” she said.
“With these tactics, the usual suspects are up to their dirty tricks,” she said.
At the trial, Santiago twice took the rostrum to blast the prosecution over the withdrawal of five of eight articles of impeachment. In both instances, Aguirre, who was seated in the row of the prosecution table, was seen covering his ears with both hands.
At this point, an angry Santiago reiterated her motion for contempt.
“Imagine if all the lawyers did that in front of the impeachment court, if all of the senator-judges took the (floor) to express his opinions … (if) you don’t agree with (us) then don’t listen to us, get out of the courtroom!” said Santiago, a former trial judge known for berating lawyers who did not measure up to her courtroom expectations.
Aguirre swiftly replied: “I was about to leave but …”
“Granted!” Santiago roared. “If that is in the form of a motion, go ahead! You’re challenging me!”
Penalty: Miriam’s speeches
Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile pleaded for the parties to remain “calm in this proceeding and deal with one another in a fashion that will not a create an impression before the people that we are not following the rules.”
Before things got out of hand, Enrile banged the gavel to suspend the session.
But seething with anger, Santiago strode toward Aguirre and confronted him.
“What?” Santiago taunted him, her eyes fixed on Aguirre for a few minutes.
At this point, prosecutors and senators intervened and restrained her.
Aguirre was ushered out of the courtroom by House staff members, while Santiago stayed in her seat during the long suspension in the trial, chatting with other senators.
The majority leader later told the Philippine Daily Inquirer that the senators would take up the penalty to be imposed on Aguirre in a caucus on Tuesday.
“I don’t know if this is serious or not but it is being suggested by Senators Francis Escudero and Panfilo Lacson that we place attorney Aguirre in a room in front of a television set playing the videotape of one of Miriam’s privilege speeches, and Aguirre would not be allowed to cover his ears.”
Frivolous and sham Before the face-off with Aguirre, Santiago slammed the prosecutors for airing charges that they now decline to prove. Santiago claimed this had compromised Corona’s “moral position.”
“I am terribly concerned that this might constitute unethical behavior in this trial court,” she said.
“We have a term of art—‘frivolous and sham’—that can be taken in its technical meaning. A frivolous claim refers to a motion or lawsuit motivated by intent merely to harass, delay or embarrass the opposition. The claim must have no arguable basis in law or in fact,” she explained.
Santiago wondered whether prosecutors “acted in good faith” when they told the impeachment court in a legal compliance submitted in January that they would present evidence and witnesses for eight articles.
“Because now you turn around and say you don’t want to do that,” she noted.
Santiago said some colleagues had read and studied all eight articles in fulfillment of their functions as senator-judges.
“That’s what the law calls frivolous when you say ‘I don’t want to present evidence on eight, I only want to present evidence on five.’ Let me remind you gentlemen, the lawyer’s oath: I will do no falsehood, not promote or sue any groundless, false or unlawful suit or aid or consent to the same,” she said.
Continuing habit Santiago said that her suspicion was bolstered by the prosecution panel’s continuing habit of announcing to media that its evidence can already prove Corona’s guilt.
“I am very concerned that the prosecution has been acting in bad faith all along because you tell so many things to media when you can file an official manifestation in this court. You insist you are already winning the court battle because you have proof beyond reasonable doubt. Good grief, that is contempt of court,” she said.
Santiago reiterated an earlier charge that the prosecution’s discussion in press conferences of charges they planned to prove was a case of trial by publicity and was a clear prejudgment of Corona’s case.
Wednesday’s action-packed hearing was heralded by Santiago’s manifestation virulently attacking the prosecution for dropping five of the eight articles of impeachment against Corona.
She spewed out highly unpleasant remarks, but the House lead prosecutor, Iloilo Representative Niel Tupas Jr., meekly held his peace throughout the tense trial.
She blasted the prosecution, calling it names such as the offensive word, “gago.”
Scolding the prosecution, the senator said the prosecution was “playing games” with senator-judges in dropping the five articles after promising earlier to present about 100 witnesses.
“I was not born yesterday. We will be studied generations from now. This is a travesty,” she said.
Those dirty tricks...! loll. Clearly he wants the prosecution to lose! WHY ELSE WOULD HE TRY AND KILL AN OLD LADY WITH HIS DISRESPECTFUL SNEERING.
It's looking like a huge 'win' for the prosecution, despite the nauseous sickening tripe above. A huge 'win', meaning the highest judge in the country will have to be satisfied with US $ 50 million or whatever; and give the till to one of his patient underlings; who have all been biding their time for...their lifetimes.
That's it. This is about as 'bad' as things get for the victims of Catholicism who victimise hundreds of millions of Catholics.
But you know, they might not get prison or get killed (many do, of course; in the race to the 'top') but it's obvious that they're WINNING.
Thats what we want to see scoots, less of this computer shit and more tales of asian hookers.
As you know i am quite interested in this subject. As a matter of fact i will be in asia for a few months from may onwards. A friend of mine seems to think AC is the nuts but after reading your post maybe i would be better of staying in thailand and give it a miss.
More information is needed including pics of girls, you can do it just stay strong..........
In a statement later, Santiago said it appeared that Aguirre might have been “planted†to provoke her and raise her hypertension to a higher level, “precipitating either a stroke or a heart attack.â€
Quoting her staff, she said that Aguirre had always been seated in the gallery until Wednesday, and “would always sneer at me.â€
“All of a sudden, he sat smack dab in the middle of the front row of the prosecution panel,†she said.
“With these tactics, the usual suspects are up to their dirty tricks,†she said.
lol I just learned today this filthy vile whore is a judge over the road in the Hague. Little spot there on the iCC. How cute.