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Old 05-07-2012, 05:43 PM   #1
Things could be worse...
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Default We need to talk about Kaiwa.

One of the finest minds of his generation mentioned something impossibly brilliant a few months ago, and I've been pondering on it ever since.

Originally Posted by BigDMcGee
I think you give too much power to narrative in shaping human behavior. I think most of human behavior is shaped at a much lower brain level than the frontal lobe, which is narrative's domain.

It had bothered me since I read it, but I couldn't put my finger on it until yesterday, when I obliterated the red button. And my thumb.

Of course, I knew it already. I had just suppressed it in understandable (but not justifable - and the difference lies at the very heart of the Catholic con) horror. I worked this shit out at a very young age, when I would preach at my IMBECILIC horror show parents; literally drilling them into Hell with their own Bible. Unsuccessfully, of course; because Hell is where is Heaven was going to be installed, prior to the Catholic emotional demolition of the planet.

nb. when I say Catholic, I really mean Religion. They merely have the slickest distribution of the open-sourced code to control imbeciles.

Nothing I could say could even pin-prick my parents' dementia. But one day I was listening to the vomit I normally auto-blocked for reasons of sanity, and the horror at the realisation sent me screaming for the Dept. of Repression. My parents were listening to the vomit, as well. Except they weren't - really - listening. Something else completely different was happening.

They were being entertained. They were having fun. And they were learning how to continue losing their minds.

19. IN INDIA THEY OFTEN HAD CHILD BRIDES AT SEVEN YEARS OF AGE! They can get married at that age! Then they could do all the fucking they want without having to worry about any kids until they are 12 years old!

Maria: And by that time they'll for sure be ready for some!

21. WE'RE GETTING YOUNG TEENAGERS IN THE FAMILY RIGHT NOW WHO ARE OLD ENOUGH TO GET MARRIED & HAVE CHILDREN AT 13, 14 & 15! What are we going to do with these kids? Are we going to prohibit them & inhibit them just the way the System does,& refuse to let them have sex & get married or have anything to do with each other, as I have already heard of in several cases? Why? Why? The kids need it, they want it & they could enjoy it.—Why can't they have it, huh?

22. "OH, SHE MIGHT GET PREGNANT!" SO WHAT? She gets pregnant, she has a baby! She's young enough, strong enough & smart enough to be trained to take care of children at that age, & it would get them serious & sobered down to what life is all about at a nice early age!

23. THAT'S JUST THE AGE WHEN THEY CAN TAKE IT, when they really need it, & they need to start getting trained.

25. OF COURSE THEY WOULDN'T HAVE TIME FOR A BIG EDUCATION EITHER. BUT WHO THE HELL NEEDS IT! See, that's another reason why they don't let them get married: "Oh, you haven't finished your education yet! It's so sad! You're just going to have to take some menial job, some dumb thing & you can't make a huge salary like you could in some big highly technical job!" All of that is not of God anyhow!-Technology is destroying the Earth!

30. THEY DON'T WANT THEIR KIDS TO GROW UP, number one. They don't want them to have babies they're going to have to take care of, & they don't want them just to have an ordinary menial job of some kind that they haven't got to have a big long long education for.

31. IF THEY WANT TO HAVE A LOT OF EDUCATION, THEY SHOULD FIGURE OUT SOME WAY SO the kids could be married & have children & some relative or the grandparents take care of them. By that time the grandparents are old enough to take care of them & have got enough money to take care of them, & can let the kids go ahead & get their education. It's all selfishness, it's just selfishness!

32. MARIA: STRENGTH IS A REAL IMPORTANT POINT,because when they're younger they have a lot more strength to take care of a child that has so much energy & is active every minute of the day.

Goodness gracious yes! Even at Alfred & Sara's age they're much stronger than we, are & can be so active & play with Davidito & everything. He's so full of energy!

33. 15-YEAR-OLD TEENAGERS ARE REALLY STRONG & FULL OF ENERGY & CAN HANDLE IT. It wouldn't get so much on their nerves. They're kids themselves & they could play with them & enjoy it! They know enough to teach that child the simple things of life, growing up.

34. BY THAT AGE THEY OUGHT TO BE SMART ENOUGH TO TEACH THEM. They say, "But they're too young to train the children!" Why?--Why are they too young to train them? If they've been trained properly themselves at home & been trusted with responsibility & taught to work, they're not too young to take care of them.

Maria: They're actually closer at that age to their training, their beginning training, & it's easier to teach a child.

It's easier for them to remember how it was when they were a kid because they're still kids themselves!

35. I BELIEVE GOD'S SYSTEM IS THE BEST! He made kids able to get married & have children at 12, 13 & 14, & if you ask me, He must have known that was the best age, because then they could kind of grow up with their own kids.

62. MARIA: DO YOU THINK OUR KIDS MIGHT FEEL A LITTLE FUNNY about what people would think?

Yes, but Honey, we're revolutionary! Why worry about what people will think? We live in a different style of life in defiance of the System, so why shouldn't we do it on that score too? If the System won't permit us to let them actually legally get married at that age, why not just let them live together & have children anyhow? So what?

They'd probably accuse us of contributing to the delinquency of minors or corrupting minors!

That's the God-defying System!

That's brilliant. Every single "Mo Letter" was brilliant in the way the Bible is brilliant, because David Berg never - EVER - preached to my parents. He was just a humble vessel, a flawed servant of the LORD. Just like Pope Benedict, who faithfully "toils in the vineyard of the LORD". He's "The Servant of Truth"; just ask him or buy his biography titled "The Servant of Truth."

They never preach. They simply have thoughts maybe you would like to hear? Only if you're into the LATEST and FRESHING BREAKING NEWS from God. The "Mo Letters" allowed my parents - who were loved by Moses more than any other Children of God - in on the Secret thoughts of God. Soon everyone would have God's Word, obviously. But the cult...

They got the Good Word, first. They were ahead of the game. The System was the field, way out behind them struggling to catch up. They had the edge, their man who was in with the Big Guy Upstairs. He got all the goss and passed it along to them. The Children of God (because we are all God's children, but they were His CHOSEN favourites) was fueled by the raw, uncut, cutting-edge, tickertape conversations between Moses and Maria - who were just chatting. Shooting the wind. They didn't even realise anyone was listening! They were just solving the mysteries of God's Words and TRUE Thoughts, working the puzzle out, putting the pieces together WITH the faithful and letting their CHOSEN people get first dibs on smoking, piping hot BREAKING NEWS.

It's a little loose, of course. Just a little raw. When I was 17, I would lose my mind in horror at these imbecilic girls who would literally read the Required Reading list purely to look for supporting arguments for what they already believed, which they'd then 'paraphrase' (cut / paste one after another) into their submitted papers. This is Catholic Toddler logic. Toddlers already KNOW all of knowledge. And they're only interested in validating what they already KNOW. Everything else gets ignored, blocked out. It's irrelevant.

They're a little bit like you. Funny, that.

Indian child brides can fuck all they like without even worrying about children! Wouldn't that be nice. If they get pregnant, so what? It's a good thing.


At that age, they need to start being trained! Of course, at that age they should already be trained and ready to train.


No time for a LONG LONG education and that's a good thing! Who needs that crap. If education is so important, this is what they should be doing to let their children be educated. It's not about education. It's about SELFISHNESS.


But the most brilliant of all tricks, is why you cannot bring logic to a fight against a brainwashed religious imbecile. They've heard all the logic already. It's been sneered at for them, already. They just shake their heads. They knew you would say that.

"They'd probably accuse us of contributing to the delinquency of minors or corrupting minors! THAT'S THE GOD-DEFYING SYSTEM."

They just KNEW you were going say that. Gosh, you're so brainwashed with Wrong. They know Right. They will try and help you, but only if you're capable of being shown the Light. If you don't have an Open Mind, then...what can they do, but pray for you?

The dumbest mistake made by people who try to CONVERT the Catholic Toddlers of the world to Sanity is their - incorrect - assumption that Insane people want to be Sane. They KNOW they are not insane. They KNOW you are blind and nothing you say will even be heard. They Know what they know, and so they Know Everything.

The second dumbest mistake made by people who try to CONVERT imbecilic Toddlers to Sanity, is their - incorrect - assumption that the Toddlers are capable of PLAYING FAIR. It's all a game to Toddlers, and every Christian knows they're not the PERFECT Christian. They'll be the first to admit their flawed HUMAN nature. I'm not the only person quoting Jesus Christ at them. They don't want to forsake all that they Hath. They're not perfect.

They just want to fuck children.

If you cannot understand this fact, Toddlers have fooled you. They've outplayed you accidentally, with their idiotic stupidity. They don't realise how stupid they sound. They think they're being shrewd.

You got fooled. You morons.

Morons never got fooled.

When you understand that, you will understand morons. They never got tricked, or scammed. You have to progress to the point where you can go backwards, to get fooled. Toddlers who live their life as Toddlers, never got to that point. They never learned how to learn. So they learn by being let in on Secrets. Inside information. You have to give them the illusion of shrewd Control or they won't trust you. But if they're shrewdly assessing whether there is any Value in what you're saying...

They'll first make sure you have a clue.

So you give them a little of what they know, just to show them that you're in the Know as well. They will spot it, identify with it, and if you do this well enough soon they won't Need to keep on VERIFYING your bonafides by cross-checking it with what they already Know. You clearly Know the Score. You'll be their Servant of Truth. And then...

Then something happens called Imprinting. And to the imprinted, you can say whatever - the - fuck you like. They will obey. You have been permanently associated in their minds, with truth.

Steve Jobs understood a great deal about the murky dark shit I'm talking about. Every human is capable of being imprinted. We're all victims of our limited exposure whilst impressionable. From that point on, everything is referenced back.

Researchers have noted that computer users exhibit preferences towards the first system they learn, then judge other systems by their similarity to that first system. The result is that "users generally prefer systems similar to those they learned on and dislike unfamiliar systems."

Apple became the largest company on the planet without really producing much at all. They didn't cure cancer. They didn't invent the television. They just fiddled with products that already existed and made them more idiot-friendly. And that's the cold, hard Truth. Idiots be trapped now, of course. It's Commerce 101, for Geniuses.

It gets a little creepy when Religion does it.

It gets horrifying when Religion has been doing it for so long, idiots don't realise everything they Know is a horrifying illusion. A sick, twisted, demented, corrupted abortion of the reality that should have been; were it not for some tortured beasts who screamed at imbecilic Toddlers and made them afraid of ETERNAL TORTURE ZOMG. Frightened by the Bible, and terrified of a VIOLENT God who has no time for questions or complaints (He'd rather just KILL you for your nerve), Toddlers imprint to their version of Terror because He's THEIR Father. And together, they will fucking obliterate you. hahah!

Once they work out TERROR is on their SIDE, they're locked into being a Toddler Victim for life.

If something they read or hear proves otherwise, it's nonsense. It's gibberish. It's poppledock. They will just hear you ramble your stupidity, and they will smirk at you. You don't know what they KNOW, and they KNOW you're stupid because of that.

They don't HAVE to fucking listen to you!

You're no BETTER than them!

Who fucking made you the KING of them?

They don't fucking give a damn about YOU. They don't fucking CARE what you THINK. So why don't you just keep your OPINIONS to yourself.

They don't HAVE to fucking listen to you.

It literally doesn't matter if you're giving them directions when they're driving, or begging them to act in their own best interests. They won't 'fall' for it. They can spot criticism a mile away, and BANG. They're blocking anything you say.

The entire world is populated by Catholic Toddlers who already KNOW what is what. But they don't know what is what. They just strut.

I was saying WHAT THE FUCK until I realised one day how you communicate with Catholic toddlers who already know what is what. You entertain them. You let them in on a Secret. Make them feel privileged. Tell them a story. Let them into an exclusive club. The inner circle. Then you give everyone a little piece of what they Know. You can't hit them with hard and fast rules, you gotta compromise. Give everyone a taste.

Seven years old in India! Crazy, but food for thought no? Hey we all know 13 is fine. 14, 15 if you're not into 7 year olds. Let's discuss it for awhile, chew the fat, weigh up the pros and cons and puzzle it out. How about we meet in the middle and go with God's OPINION?

12 years old.

It's really as simple as that.

In the 96% Catholic Philippines, there are 90 million Toddlers.

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Old 05-07-2012, 06:05 PM   #2
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SO much beef in these whoppers.
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Old 05-07-2012, 07:26 PM   #3
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And one of those toddlers is named Kaiwa.

Well, it might be Melca. Or Clara. She has three Facebook accounts because she's so crafty, you would be in awe. No really, she's brilliant. She's a master of shrewd deception and the reason she's important is because she's literally too stupid to be dabbling in deceit. She'd be so much better off telling the truth, but I will let you be the judge of that.

You don't know Kaiwa. Let me introduce you. She's very cute, and I have literally hundreds of photos I could post because all three of her vehicles of crafty deception are friended on Facebook. And every setting is on Public because Facebook are all about Privacy with their default settings. Almost all her photos are her trying to look at SEXY as she can and she fails miserably in all but a few very risque ones; in which she looks more or less how she looks in real life. She's pretty hot in real life. But she looks like a moron in photos because she's TRYING to look SEXY and SULTRY. In real life, she's incredibly hot. And she knows it.

Actually, that might be ALL she Knows. Period.

Because she's Catholic and because she's a Toddler and because she's a girl in a Catholic world of Toddlers who are ONLY interested in SEX. Sex is naughty. That's only half the reason why they are obsessed with it.

The other half of the reason is that Catholic Toddlers don't - get - Fun. For an imbecilic Catholic Toddler, life is 100% about sex for girls and 100% about money (i.e. sex) for guys. Sex = Fun. Fun = Sex. That is what they Know. And that is all they Know about Fun.

This is Kaiwa. Her body screams SEX. It's why we met. She's a victim of Catholic exploitation. She works in a KTV bar in Pasay very close to where I was trying to fix my Catholic SMART phone for four hours with no luck. They swore black and blue they could root the corrupted Android OS, which is shipped with so much filthy junk it's an outrage that outrages nobody. You can't remove it. They don't give End Users that kind of control because you cannot be trusted with your $1000 phone. You could move their moronic apps imposed upon you for your benefit.

They couldn't root my phone. They just wasted four hours of my time.

I was walking to a taxi when I saw Kaiwa standing in front of a bar. The girls stand in front of the bars and scream BLOOD-CURDLING screams for the same reason that hotel staff SCREAM their insults at you softly.

You want to be a celebrity. You love being SPOILED. You love being screamed at as if you were the Beatles or Justin Beiber. You're neither but you enjoy being treated like a VIP because you're not important and you will never be important because you don't want to be important. You just want to be treated as if you were super important. You're a little stupid, of course; because the SCREAMING is so horrifying it's...well, it's you. I blame the market. I cannot fathom the imbecile dementia of the market but I have to because the alternative is that the Catholic imbeciles in Manila KNOW better than you about whether you like your eardrums being shattered by girls screaming at the top of their lungs when you walk past.


Looks like you're off the hook, this time.

Every business in the Philippines is operated like this. They get TOLD by people, I have TOLD businesses how to ensure they will never see me again and they ensured I never returned. They KNOW better than you what you like and don't like. They're Catholic Toddlers who Know Everything. So they starve to death.

I have very little interest in the sex industry here in Manila for no reason other than the girls are mostly demented disgusting creepy mutants and 100% of them are Toddlers who are too stupid to be plausible, which is why you're going to meet a few of the tiny fraction who are - if you are into sex with Toddlers - arguably fuckable.

Kaiwa is not arguably fuckable. There is not a guy on the planet who would care how stupid she is.

Until after they'd fucked her. Then they'd scream, in horror. She's really dumb. She's so dumb, all she does is lie non-stop, because she's so god damn crafty and shrewd. She lies about everything, for no reason. She's a Catholic genius.

At her KTV bar, she lost her mind. I didn't care how stupid she was. She kept telling me she loved me. She must have gushed her 'love' 30 times. I kept telling her to stop being silly and to take her clothes off. You can't do that sort of thing at a CLASSY child exploitation joint, and because all the girls sleep 6 or 8 to a room above the karaoke rooms where they work, she spent most of her time telling me what she was going to do once we got back to my place after work. She's 18 without an ID but I was cool with that. I was there for a couple hours and spent a few thousand peso (less than $100). She probably gets 1/5th of that, if that.

I gave her my address and staggered home so drunk I passed out fully dressed in a pool of OJ. When I woke up at noon, I had forgotten all about her until this random girl called me 3 times babbling about how sorry she was.

For what, she didn't say. Actually, she didn't have anything to say except "Sorry" over and over and she wanted me to drag the story out of her I guess. I might have but I didn't know who the fuck she was.

I hung up on her twice and got - curt - with her the third time before she texted and I worked it out. The little sex kitten from the night before! Brilliant.

nb. All the Baby Baby shit is perfectly horrifying but I was calling her Baby to remind her that she's 17 - sorry, 18 without an ID - and I didn't even realise she was calling me it back until after awhile, so I changed over to Kid. I'm not actually as faggot as I sound, is my point. Well I might be. If I am, I submit in mitigation the fact that I have to talk to imbecilic Toddlers non-stop.

She's really hot. Like, it's indecent.

She'd spent a great deal of time trying to convince me to "be her boyfriend" and I was trying to explain to her - delicately - that she should stop being silly and take her clothes off. I was unequivocal. There would literally be no point because I am leaving in weeks and she would not be. But what is logic to love? Or 'love'? But then I repeat myself because what is love to 'love', but love? Food for thought.

Look at the times on the messages and kindly tell me what she is apologising for?

We hadn't spoken since the phone calls where I told her to fuck off, but apparently her nose is bleeding from my typing English too fast? Like I said, she's not a very good liar, but she doesn't know that. She just makes up demented lies for no reason. The bullshit excuses don't have to make sense to you because they make sense to her.

She's shrewd. She's playing you. Just accept it. Deal.

You literally have to. There is no other option in this world of imbecilic Catholic Toddlers and their endless shrewd.

  nosebleed is euphemism for not understanding your sharp foreign tongue. not an actual physical event
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Old 05-07-2012, 09:22 PM   #4
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She called me about four times but my phone is...

She's starting to bore me but I'm genuinely torn at this point between her ACTUALLY being too stupid to use a taxi (these are SIMPLE Catholic toddlers and it's entirely possible they have never used one before, who could afford such a LUXURY) or her ACTUALLY being demented enough to wasting all this time PLAYING me. It's a line-ball decision because what's the con?


But my phone...omg. It is literally ROFL_FUCKED. It has a mind of it's own and it's really quite horrifying but then nothing electronic in my apartments (that's plural) WORK after my phone goes crazy. They all worked. Then my phone gets possessed, and my washer-dryer dries with water during the drying cycle (can't be optimal?), neither the cable nor free-to-air work because I'm not as GOOD at pressing a remote control as you are, my refrigerator is a cool dark noisy cupboard where milk goes rotten within two days and lukewarm drinks seem chilled when you have an A/C unit that blows lukewarm air around your sweltering room.

But I'm sure it's all a coincidence and couldn't possibly have anything to do with the 21 computer systems which are unservicable. And my phone which is possessed and calls creeps who cannot be SHOWN the evidence that I am not a creep who prank calls them and writes them text messages of jibberish because they KNOW I prank called them and they KNOW I wrote them messages of jibberish. They received them from my number, didn't they?

So I can show them evidence like I showed Jam and nothing registers. She knows what she Knows. Anything I'm going to show her isn't going to matter. She KNOWS I called her without speaking late one night just to breathe before hanging up, and that's about all she Cares to know.

Jam makes Kaiwa look like a silly child. Jam is adorable. I'm not going to speak to her again because she's a creep.

If I show evidence of something, it's called PROOF. What use could proof be to shrewd Toddlers who know everything?

Here I'm getting annoyed, because I don't like to repeat myself so I repeated myself.

I've been repeating myself for 25 fucking years in this Catholic world of imbecilic Toddlers who don't listen to anything you say because if they need to know something, they'll just ask. You could have said it 20 times already but they'll ask when they Need to Know. And they - will - Need to know because they're not listening to you.

It's all ME ME ME. The narcissistic insanity of Catholicism. The universe revolves around them. ME ME ME. It's not shrewd. It's not a winning personality. It's horrifying and batshit insane.

Then she tells me not to worry. What the fuck. I got the shiver I used to get when my imbecilic mother was running one of her crafty deceitful scams on us. Like, "get ready for dinner" when there is no food. And I would be like stalling doing something more interesting and she would yell at me to get ready NOW. And tell me not to worry.

I would freeze and shiver. How could I be worried.


There's no food. hahah. She's a genius. You see?

Well if you don't, you probably wouldn't have understood what the fuck Kaiwa is babbling about. But I know Catholic Toddlers. I was raised by them. I knew what she was saying, in her stupid imagining that I could be AFRAID of getting conned by her shrewd. What's the con, you say?


She wants me to come to her bar because she can make like $20 out of me. Maybe. Probably less. It's big money for a victimised Catholic Toddler in a nation where 70 million Catholic Toddlers live on less than $2 / day. I blasted something like $800,000 into the atmosphere because I couldn't take this endless fucking demented shit. Friends smirking at how shrewd they were when they'd steal chump change from me! Friends smirking pretending to be 'coy' when they'd ridicule me in horrifyingly demented and not-remotely-as-subtle-as-they-IMAGINED fashion, in public. To make themselves look good?

I think?

Who fucking knows with demented morons who cannot understand that if we work together, we could impress. If they wanted to snivel and pretend how cool they were behind my 'back' (i.e. right in front of me, but they're too stupid to realise these things when they're being devilishly 'subtle') then no one can win because I will either just leave in disgust or...

...or everyone gets DESTROYED by my TEETH.

They would snicker and sneer. I had no teeth. They KNEW that fact. This is their logic: If I had teeth, I'd have torn them to shreds already. Geniuses.

And my terrifying teeth I spent my life frantically hiding from morons who are terrified of TEETH, because I don't want to use them or have morons be frightened of them, would start grinding against each other as my FURY crept higher...and higher...watching these sniveling horror shows...MERCURY RISING...higher...

..and I ran, silently screaming, overseas. If I'd had stayed there was going to be some fucking destruction. Why wouldn't I want to destroy them? THIS WAS THE CRUX OF THIER LOGIC. This is what they KNOW is the extent of Fun. Sex and smirking. Sex and sniveling. Sex and slobbering gums all over everyone and everything.

Sex and creeping the entire fucking world (only me, apparently) out.

Kaiwa / Melca / Clara told me not to worry. How could I have been? How could I be? I'm just no longer interested.

Zero chance I'm going. So she just screams messages and phone calls (unanswered) at me all night. Cause that will make me want to go.

I turned off my phone, but at 1am I'm thinking she would look good naked on my bed so I "invested" 40 seconds in a text message. No response.

The next day, she explains her con again (without realising it). I didn't go to her bar. That's why she didn't come. My fault. Dammit. If only I went. Rats! Sigh.

Then, rofl. The big shrewd STING. She has a big problem with her family. "Baby, help me!" She doesn't know how to fix it. No details...! Maybe I have an idea?

Yeah gosh I - think - I can 'work' it out.

Shiver. Toddlers are the creepiest...

I ignore half a dozen calls over the next few days before I decide I will try and help this poor demented child. Lion was being installed for the 140th time on my MBA but you know, I'm not reinstalling for FUN? So with literally nothing to do but stare at a computer taking 40 min to do what Windows 8 does in 5 min, I do some charity here. She will never see me again so I can help her out. It's what I do. I'm serious. I've been helping people like this my entire life.

I think I've helped zero people.

I ask her what the problem is with her "family problems". They're BIG. That's all she's disclosed. I couldn't possibly be less interested but I asked her anyway. But she doesn't want to talk about her BIG "family problems", she just wants to make sure I'm not angry. ROFL.

I never called her a liar. Oh she literally lies non-stop but I never once called her a liar. She's just denying that she's lying the way my mother used to deny that she was lying, when she's lying so ludicrously, its of no interest to anyone.

Toddlers will get concerned when they're lying. They panic. They'll start denying it, when no one has accused them. SHE'S NOT LYING! She hopes I understand?

What's to understand?

And the insanity of Catholic Toddler rhetoric that I must have shivered at 1000 times in my life.

SHE'S NOT LYING OKAY! Still, no one has accused her?


I explain how she's failing at the Game. Failing at Life. Failing and will continue to fail because she's demented. I challenge her. MAKE ME CARE.

Nah. She's not able to do that, so she shrugs and moves on to the next prospective 'mark'.

No loss, she figures. Made a COOL $20 (that she would have made regardless)! Keep plugging away. She could have made 40 million in another parallel universe where she was amazing and sane. But nah. She just wants me to just care, when no one could POSSIBLY care whether she lives or dies, aside from fucking her and then kicking her - laughing, I imagine - to the kerb.

JUST CARE! It's what she wants. Kinda hard, isn't it?

You make it very hard to care about you. You lie to everyone you care about, imagining that you're crafty.

YOU NEED TO TURN THIS CATHOLIC SHIP AROUND, or you're all going to drown in your moronic lies.

You Lie to be polite.

You Lie because Truth offends Evil.

You Lie to be cordial; making each other feel cheap and small with insulting small talk.

You Lie to bore guests with proper etiquette.

You Lie to tenderise everyone's tender feelings, in order to shatter them with your 'rude' Truth.

You Lie for the benefit of those you lie to.

You Lie for diplomacy.

You Lie to children with fantasy to protect them from reality.

It's polite to Lie. Everyone knows that. And the Truth offends. Everyone knows that.

7 billion imbecilic Catholic Toddlers are Lying non-stop to everyone they care about, to 'protect' / manipulate / control them. So shrewd! And you Lie to everyone you don't care for; ostensibly to pacify them (until you can exploit / destroy / gain 'advantage' over them).

You all think you're impossibly shrewd and crafty because you KNOW you're better at lying than everyone else. You're better than Kaiwa / Melca / Clara but when people lie to me?

You all kind of blur into the same terrifying stupid Catholic shell. Sniveling Toddler humans who Know how shrewd they are. Smirking at your diabolically moronic 'ability' to fool anyone who isn't INSANE enough to see your 'cunning' insanity coming.

We don't need to talk about Kaiwa. We need to talk about you.

You are as retarded as Kaiwa. It just doesn't seem that way to YOU.

Everyone is lying for peace. Everyone is lying, imagining they're more shrewd than everyone who lies to them.

Not one of you is remotely BRIGHT enough to realise how moronic you are when you lie your way through life, smirking and whispering and shuffling your classified secrets around, stumbling over your endless lies inside lies about lies and CREEPING THE FUCKING WORLD OF DECENCY OUT with your moronic RIGHT to PRIVACY and your moronic SHREWD IDIOCY.

You won't believe me. You'll just keep lying. I can't imagine what could possibly go wrong?

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Old 05-07-2012, 11:35 PM   #5
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kauai is fucking awesome

Humuhumunukunukuapua' AMIRITE FISH LOVERS

hella dank
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Old 05-07-2012, 11:40 PM   #6
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Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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did that just get a little too real for some of you, i felt like i came off a little threatening with my knowledge

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Old 05-07-2012, 11:41 PM   #7
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Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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cuzzzzzzzzzzz yall know i top of the headed that

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Old 05-08-2012, 01:47 AM   #8
rum dick
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I read all that. Except what gay sex wrote.
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Old 05-08-2012, 01:55 AM   #9
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i read none of that except what gay sex wrote
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Old 05-08-2012, 02:13 AM   #10
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Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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and this is where weve landed 3 years later folks

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