I appreciate the gesture but to be frank, when human beings are being cooked up I would say it's very safe to assume a 20 year or greater expected lifespan (going forward) to be bloody unlikely, so why worry and CJD?
Either some kind of pre-emptive scheming of tasty soft brains for the authors to enjoy or just a pretty gay logical error on an otherwise fine specimen of the realness anyone NOT living aboard your Zombie Cutter out on the lake would likely face.
Wild ride to the BITTER BITTER end though, it's shard not to loook forward to it, at least a little, I think.
"gives you CJD" which rubbish is this? Where did you get this poster and by what authority are they making these moronic statements?
get real with your zombie-posters dude, or you'll be tepidly picking at your meals trying to avoid the bubonic plague whilst I zip on by fueled by a trail of discarded brains and who knows what else.
Youtube Slab City and tell me what you think 408... The vice episode is ok but there are others. Not too far from home, you can stay in Cali.. off the grid.. get your shit straightened out... etc etc
follow me on twitter @SweetBabyGrapes
Originally Posted by Mista Cobalina
Nat Sherman's are better than Dunhill's in every conceivable way
Quoted for Scooter. Give Nat's a try, just two packs, and I swear the next Dunhill you light up you will reflexively spit onto the ground. I literally did exactly that, as I walked back into my local head shop and exchanged the disgusting things for another pack of my beloved Nat Naturals.