Also God could give an absolute shit about you. Dude is an unmoved mover. And you're an insignificant hairless albino ape wasting your God bless you luckboxed into being born an American life whining on the Internet and throwing feces all over your self created cage of fail.
no way bro, jesus is hecka jealous because i read the koran once, just like crystal meth is jealous of all the time mike's been spending with the bath salts
Quick someone give the 32 year old a hug and tell him it will be ok and that whole life thing is just some sorta thing that magically works out and it and success come eventually to those who can buy enough time to wait out the fail by guilt tripping their broke moms into tossing them a few bones to supplement whatever government handouts a healthy youngish American can lie or scam their way into getting (and which are paid for by those of us who took the training wheels off of our lifecycles years ago).