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Old 07-17-2012, 07:27 PM   #1
Things could be worse...
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Default Family Love, Christian Hijacks, Narcissism & the Argument for Laws Forcing You Insane

Argentina was bankrupted in the way my sister's impossible imbecilic demented "living in the moment" was taken advantage of by banks who gave her credit cards with 4 figure overdrafts, furniture and appliance stores that advertise 0% deposit, 0% repayment for 12 months, after which something like 38% interest (compounded) comes into effect but my sister is like Mike. How's she going to read the fine print when she cannot even read?

She got friendly with loan sharks instead because "she didn't want to bother me" (i.e. she didn't want to admit that she's an imbecile, she was ashamed to be honest about her imbecility; that's usually the precursor to becoming evil via malicious ignorance and narcissistic hijacking).

My sister Christian Hijacked me.

For someone who has every valid reason and excuse to hate the Christianity that has raped her for two decades (but then it gets very blurred when girls, much like my sister, literally demand to be raped); she sure does use all of them to their full 'capacity' in order to 'justify' her raping of our siblings and everyone she comes into contact with, basically. She has every valid reason to be Rested in Peace but is there ever a valid reason for one's incapacity to be humane?

I don't know the answers to these questions. mea culpa is a head fuck of recursion.

But people have the fucking nerve to imagine I need help when what I need is for unsolicited morons to fuck off with their 'caring', kindly imposed upon me without my ever soliciting such filthy 'concerns'.

I remember being in a pretty dapper mood one day when suddenly the alarm bells were ringing because my sister had just contacted me to "check up on me". I know what that means. This is my older sister who shrugged when I complained, at 15, that her heroin junkie b/f stole literally everything I owned when I was kind of living with her out of some pitiful desire to try and protect her. But I couldn't protect mySelf from her.

Her junkie b/f stole all my shit but thankfully, had no use for my school uniform or textbooks or that could have been the end of that experiment right there. He actually stole very little of value because I had nothing of value; but when you have very little you value it immensely. Feeling zero compulsion to remain in such intolerable lodgings, I stormed off indignant only to realise I had nowhere to live. So I hunkered down in a public park between Surfers and Broadbeach.

I'd done this before and it was fine; except for when people urinate on you for comedic purposes. I didn't mind so much, because I understood. They were just drunk with alcohol poisoning. That's what makes pissing on a child asleep in a public park, totally hilarious. You'll never see a medicated human doing the inhumane things you see poisoned former humans doing every time they're drunk.

You'll never see the things I saw years later living above four superclubs in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley. 3am lockout and the entire nightclubbing district of Brisbane would, in all their creepy wisdom, dump every person onto the street. These are drunk men. Frustrated men. Men who don't understand that women only want to be mind-fucked; i.e. raped by creeps like me. Or more intentionally, exercise their "free will" to ride a Ken doll like my friend Ben. Gosh he gets 'used' like a Manila hooker.

He introduced me to brothels one day and I understood. We're all whores, in reality. Being pimped by powers that we cannot see. Compulsions we cannot understand. Impulses that seem to make us want to be miserable.

We want what we cannot have. If we can have it, we're not that intrigued. It's the recipe to misery. Seems strangely suspiciously dubious. However did it slip past Natural Selection? Our emotional insanity, I mean.

I saw otherwise perfectly decent guys do Horrible things between 3am and 4am on the chaotic streets below my apartment. These are all confused boys. Powerful boys. Angry boys. They don't understand, they don't know why they're miserable. They work all week, then they spend their earnings getting drunk on $7 basics and $15 cocktails and getting rejected by pretty creeps who aren't the least bit interested in lines like "Can I buy you a drink?" or "Hi my name is Who Gives A Fuck". They won't give a fuck if you're doing the presenting.

They want to select from those who are not available. But if you're a pretty girl, literally every guy in the world is available. I'm not that good-looking but then I didn't say these imbeciles were bright. They're too stupid to be functional. I would convince them that I wasn't interested. Oh it's as ludicrous as it sounds. But I dabbled in that insanity long before I was smoking from my Sun Apartment window, watching horror like you wouldn't believe every single Friday and Saturday night.

The emotional rage of thousands of athletic and, quite frankly, very good-looking guys; all going home alone...again. Because their mothers fucked them with filthy lies. She didn't teach them about how girls are, she taught them how she wished she was instead of the whore she was (which was probably like every other whore who thinks they like "bad boys" when the truth is, they just don't like sleazy, compliment-dishing, cliched and nervous creeps). They get that all day, every day. You gotta give them something original.

Or failing that, you gotta fuck with their demented minds. It's a lot easier than you'd imagine. Of course, you'd be raping. Legal sure, but then that's the Law's little game. It doesn't prevent crime, it only encourages criminal insanity.

I would see what I was certain were perfectly decent fellows try to kill each other over misunderstandings, imagined offences, taunts - they were all looking to fight obviously. But then they wouldn't have been if they'd seen what I had seen. The results of what their fights would be. The long-term results that they'll never be able to reverse without a great deal of plastic surgery.

The blood. All spilled on pretexts of emotional insanity. A perceived offence. A rude word. A rude look. A thoughtless bump. Beer bottles smashed into instant deadly weapons. Punches thrown that I could tell were practiced. But what is a bottle or a boxer going to do if I have a gun? Not much.

That's why the Police are mini-gods and I understand, drunk with power. But then it would be remiss of me to suggest that any cops I've met have been beastly; only one cop lifetime and I kind of had it coming to me. In my 'defence', I was trying to impress a girl in a taxi-line and although I do believe I could have been beaten badly, I knew I was an military officer and I used this to extract an apology I didn't deserve from a cop who didn't deserve to be ridiculed at the end of what was probably a long and arduous shift regulating the behaviour of poisoned vassal slaves and their emotional insanity on a weekend night in the Luckiest Country for Slaves! Ask the government, they'll tell you how lucky you are.

Meanwhile, Big Clive and other mining magnates are polishing off the last of the 'lucky'; and no one asks Why there wasn't an open and transparent auction to ensure the true value of the mineral wealth is achieved for the nation's citizens who kind of own it, don't they? You could ask the same question about each capital city's casino monopoly, but I've noticed that you don't. What about the lottery? You don't care about how you get raped. You just demand to be raped. Then you scream when things go poorly for you. Awwh.

Sane people like children have to endure your malicious apathy and ignorance. But what do you care?

You don't care about those who are sucking the Earth dry; all you care about is your chance/s to suck humans dry. And I'm not talking about Blood. Vampires are more humane than humans who love to suck the life out of their victims, with love.

Human sociopaths (who feel love and empathy, so 'conveniently' selectively when it suits them) are the most terrifying beasts alive. They don't have the decency to kill the carcasses once they suck the life out of them. Cue you.

Looking down at the poisoned vassals in Fortitude Valley, I saw a lot of Blood. I saw what Alcohol does to an emotional human being. I saw Violent things. I saw Horrible things. I saw Vicious and Malicious and Vindictive and Cowardly things. I saw women get raped or at least, I saw women who were 100% going to get raped get physically manhandled into cars. Literally in front of Police but what are police going to do when the girls don't scream. They can't even see what I could see from my creepy vantage point.

I saw a lot of Shameful things and of course, Shame breeds Shame as if Shame were rabbits, or Catholic Toddlers who know sex is naughty. That's why they are obsessed with it.

I said when you make something naughty, Toddlers want to do it.

Do you understand how notoriety works, with the snivelling shrewd minds who are looking for naughty angles and edges and ways to beat the rules? Do you understand anything about the Law?

Do not read anything I write okay!? I command you not to do that.

If only I could convince you I had power to enforce that Prohibition, you'd read it all. Well you might, if I made it naughty enough.

Shame breeds rape which is unlucky for "women children" in a Christian world of shame-filled toddlers, who can't seem to control their 'human' urges but God Bless the Pedophile Priests who exonerate their moments of 'human' weakness.

To sin is Christian. To forgive is (literally) divine. God's Middle Men will rape you for as long as you turn your buttcheeks to be mounted by their purity. Ahem.

But my sister is a very caring and sweet person and she gets very concerned about me, if only when she needs something. She literally needs a bullet I've never had the decency to give her. We're all Catholic Toddlers in one way or another, and it's funny that in a world of inhumane slaughter and genocide, the only decent humans are those who have had their hands tied by their conditioning to be repulsed by violence and killing (so we cannot even defend ourSelves from those who kill us slowly).

We get to survive a life of getting raped so it's not all bad.

At least, it won't be until you start raping. Then it's all bad. This is a Toddler rape Toddler world. I don't think dogs eat dogs but I think Toddlers in Korea do. Toddlers literally are capable of horrors we cannot fathom until we do them. Then they're justified. Such is the logic of the sociopathic mind.

My older sister with the IQ of a shoe and the EQ of a mosquito (Hannibal Lector was impossibly more decent than a true narcissist will ever be) suddenly wanted to know my routine. She was checking up on me; was I getting enough sleep? Was I eating right? Had I found a girlfriend yet? It's not good to be alone, she informed me.

I was unaware she was in a position to be informative, what with being the dumbest fucking whore alive. But she has been kept alive and will be kept alive for as long as her ability to perform a very 'unique' trick, can draw interest in those who appreciate this trick that some girls can do. She turns tricks but she's not a prostitute.

She'll never be that decent. No. My sister is a Whore. She has but one trick she can perform (and will, literally at the snapping of your fingers if you are into that sort of thing and know which invisible buttons to press). It's not a difficult trick. It's not even impressive. A child learns how to do it when they're a toddler, watching Play School.

"Open wide, cum inside. It's Play School."

It's fucking creepy, quite frankly. But then Why have you never asked why people suddenly assert that they have been lying up until now?

That's what those who suddenly disclose that they're being frank are admitting. Why are you okay with anyone who alternates between deceit and frank discussion? You must understand, when they're not being frank they're lying to you. Is it for your benefit? Do they don't want to hurt the feelings they have made you imagine exist, for real; inside that unreal mind of yours?

If your feelings can be hurt by words, you are batshit insane. What's more, you are emotionally exploitable. What's more, this is not an accident. You were made to be this way. You have been prepared to be exploited, for real.

Wars are way too real for any sane reality. But I know you love them. Politicians know this too. They would. They made you feel that way.

In 1914, Europe was teetering towards war in a conflict between an increasingly stronger and powerful German empire and the rival British, French and Russian alliance.

As Britain returned to work after the August Bank Holiday Monday, war was declared on Germany (Germany didn't declare war, but then preemptive striking is optimal when you have the capacity to bully other nations with the implicit threat of your military and they have the fucking nerve to try and seek some kind of equitable parity) and the declaration involved the whole British Empire. Australia's Prime Minister Joseph Cook said: "If the Old Country is at war, so are we".

Australia was in the middle of an election campaign. The opposition leader Andrew Fisher promised Great Britain "our last man and our last shilling" (sounds like fucking Treason to me) in any conflict with Germany. And the Prime Minister responded. 'Our duty is quite clear - to gird up our loins and remember that we are Britons'. (It's never as 'clear' as they would have you believe.)

"You're not a man if you don't kill humans who have done nothing to you but try to defend their homes from your Christian sociopathic invasion. Gird your loins, you pussies. Real men fight and kill innocent humans, and die like heroes without that infernal screaming of girly men who shriek when shrapnel shreds their testicles."

There was almost jubilation at the outbreak of war. Most thought that the war would be all over by Christmas and men rushed to recruiting centres because they didn't want to miss the excitement and adventure. (Why, whatever could have made them feel this way?)

For the war In Europe, Australia raised a new army of volunteers (you can volunteer to kill yourSelf for me anytime you like, but then I would not brainwash you to imagine that it makes sense to exercise your "free will" so insanely 'freely' as suicidal self-sacrifice really tends to be)- the Australian Imperial Force (the AIF). Recruiting began within days of the declaration of war. (The horrifyingly racist propaganda commissioned by none other than the Government began a long time before then. You're prepped to die for them from the age of 0. But the racist propaganda kicks up a notch in war because the government can get away with it, and effectively need it to terrorise humans into killing humans.)

I was ordered to take this down from my wall at ADFA. Can you imagine that? It's government-issued promotional poster, paid for by citizens' money extracted using posters like the ones further below; and I'm not allowed to tape it to the wall of my room.

There are Laws as old as hundreds of years that have not been repealed and can be used to imprison you or even have you shot for treason, but I cannot post a government-sponsored promotional advertisement. What a world.

Is it accurate? If it's not, it's propaganda and they're lying to you in order to get you to kill humans or die trying.

It's not really your war unless you want it to be.

We're all friends now. I literally idiotically thought this until I saw a star of the Japanese Naval Academy and a high-achieving USNA Political Science Third year Midshipman hosting our insulting 'youth symposium' try to kill each other over what I instantly realised was a tragic misunderstanding.

Everyone had been lied to. We had all been lied to. I wrote High Distinction papers about the leadup to VP Day but I realised instantly I'd been lied to about one of the most important events in history. Two of the most important events. I'm not sure I even realised the atomic bombs weren't dropped simultaneously. Ridiculous ignorance but then there would have been a reason for that discrepancy.

I'm only stupid when people have deceived me. When the Japanese cadet and the USNA Midshipman went at each other's throats, I knew instinctively we'd all been the victim of what I later understood (thanks to John le Carre) to be a Confidence Trick. Those we had trusted had lied to us.

History is not written by the winners. It's written by the linguists. They lie to their vassals, fluently. The sociopath warlords work together in tandem, partnered against their domestic victims who need to be lied to in order to be kept miserable so that they can be Confidence Tricked into fighting wars between humans who have no reason to fear each other and every reason not to.

These kids were trying to kill each other. I idiotically believed we were all friends. I was calling for sanity. It was so obvious that everyone had been lied to and knew different versions of 'history', but no one ever listens to me. Well, a Russian genius was listening without my realising; he intercepted me as I stared into the Potomac shell-shocked by the hatred and the stupidity and terrified by what I didn't fully comprehend yet but the curtain which shrouds the true horrors of this world of lies and exploitation had been momentarily drawn aside for a glimpse of the reality.

A reality which was too horrific for me to cope with. But I survived. I always seem to. That day, the Russian kid who was a genius might have saved me. He actually could have told me so much more if I had the capacity to be told; for example, he told me that the Cold War was a hoax but it didn't register until I landed in Moscow in 2005 and immediately understood that the Iron Curtain was not designed to keep Russians from looking out but to keep Americans from looking in and realising...they were the victims of one of the dumbest Protection Rackets in history.

There was no Cold War. The two governments were working together to exploit their domestic vassals, respectively.

The RAF's firebombing of Dresden. The US detonation of two (count 'em, that's 2) atomic bombs on a shell-shocked Japan. I understand they wanted to make the point that it wasn't a fluke. Or something so fucked up...ahh. Fuck you all and your fucking demented exploitation. The wars you fight are the wars you must fight to be exploited or you will realise you have no need for governments to 'protect' you.

Those who were too young raised their ages - and most were accepted. ("If David wants to fight Goliath, let him fight!" - it's so fucking creepy when Christians talk about the 'rights' of children with "free will" and the 'convenient' desire to kill and die in self-sacrifice in battles started by the creeps who brainwash children with this filthy 'heroism', 'romance', 'nobility', 'bravery', 'courage', 'fealty', 'loyalty' - it's all fucking bullshit. Creeps playing Confidence Tricks on their children to get them to think it's a good idea to to die and kill for them, or split their legs a 'little' early in preparation for a life of splitting their legs for creeps who are happy for you to suffer to please them. Children just want to please creeps. How peculiar.)

In little over a month, marches were held in the main capital cities hoping to encourage others to join them. They were called "six bob a day tourists" because their pay was considered high and many thought the war would soon be over - when Britain's navy and army would tackle the German enemy. (Whatever could have made them feel this way?)

The convoy with the Australian Division assembled in late October, and they were then joined by the New Zealanders. They formed the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps - the Anzacs - on their way Europe via the Suez canal. But the Anzacs disembarked In Egypt where they encamped near the pyramids ready for action against Turkey which had joined Germany in the war.

The Russians who were fighting on Germany's eastern front, wanted the British and French to tackle the Turks to reduce pressure on Russia. The Anzacs joined the British and French in a dreadful baptism of fire at Gallipoli. The British commanders (who you must understand, were men of heritage and 'good' breeding; men who rose to their positions not on merit so much as nepotism, in true British / Christian tradition) anticipated that the Gallipoli peninsula would be "open to landing on very easy terms" and Turkey would have a force of only 40,000 to meet them.

Anzac Cove April 1915 - the date of this picture has not been ascertained. Obviously it is the landing at Anzac Cove, but they sustained a loss of 2,000 men on the first day. This picture seems far too relaxed. (Maybe that's why they lost 2000 men? I dunno.)

On 25 April 1915, the Anzacs landed at a difficult and desolate spot on the Gallipoli peninsula and the Turks appeared to be ready for them. The Anzacs made little headway over a series of rocky heights covered with thorny scrub. At great cost the Anzacs, British and French made small advances, but its force was wasted as casualties and sickness took their toll, while the Turks were able to reinforce their forces.

In August another offensive was made against the Turks (if at first you don't succeed, try and try again; that's the secret to redundant insanity, when you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten and ne'er will anyone stop to question why you're doing insanity in the first place or whether or not the failing is a hint that you're doing it wrong), casualties were heavy, but it failed and a defeat was inevitable.

The Gallipoli campaign was a debacle.

Military censorship prevented the true story being told (this is what National Security and Classified Secrets are all about; no imbeciles, they're not hidden from you to keep you safe - it's impossible to be lied to, for your sake. Gosh but do you ever make such wonderful fodder for cannon as when you believe those who lie to you are your friends) but a young Australian journalist, Keith Murdoch (father of Australian newspaper tycoon Rupert Murdoch)** smuggled the story about the scale of the Dardanelles disaster back to the Australian Prime Minister who sent it on to the British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, who was no friend of the British military establishment. It led directly to the dismissal of the British commander, Sir Ian Hamilton who never again was to hold a senior military position.

(That'll learn him. Take that, incompetence! Justice was served to demented vassals who don't understand why they're killed but they feel something should be done about it. They just don't have a clue. They cheer the Queen in their millions, in a routine Jubilee of Stupidity. They don't realise she is the Queen for the same reason that an incompetent imbecile was murdering ANZACs with his tactical noose [not to be confused with nous]. His malicious ignorance and delusional acceptance of the 'virtue' that placed him in the position to send hundreds of thousands of human boys and men to their redundant deaths is not 'solved' by removing him from authority. By all means, get rid of him but why was he in a position that should have gone to a more meritorious human being, in the first place? Promote on genuine merit and you won't have need for filthy emeritus. That's just continuation of the idiotic insanity that created the problem in the first place. Those who hunger for respect are never going to be respectable. Those who demand the deference of others should never be deferred to. Those who hunger for power should never be given any. There is no merit in simply being born. Who gives a fuck what creeps spawned them? Filthy religious Toddlers and your creepy birth 'rights'. They'll be the death of you.)

** Keith Murdoch was a Hero of Humanity for this act but he'd be charged with treason as a traitor in US or Australia in 2012. He'd be locked in a military prison somewhere without trial. No one giving a fuck, what with the new iPhone 5 expected any month now. zomg! Siri might actually work!? But I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you unless you're going to do it underwater with rocks tied to your shoes.

But the sheer irony of a Hero of Humanity fathering a Traitorous Leech who slaughters innocents in their millions. Like father, like son? Only religion sells this imbecilic insanity to vassals who are sons of vassals. Sons of heroes betray their own species. Keith Murdoch would literally kill his son for his Crimes Against Humanity. If you're an imbecile, Rupert Murdoch owns FOX News, amongst other creepy ways to control the minds of imbecilic slaves (who are identical to the slaves slaughtered at Gallipoli on account of their stupidity and naivety in Trusting those who exist only to exploit the victims of their lies and Confidence Tricks). The slaughtering of vassals at Gallipoli was a War Secret Rupert Murdoch's father risked life and limb to obliterate with the Truth; for all the fucking good it did). No one can save imbeciles who only want to open wide the legs of the exploited, and cum inside.

They just want to make little mini-vassals who watch Play School; born and bred as slaves to please imbeciles who don't understand why no one appreciates all the hard work they do. Awwh.

That's what Mother's Day is for. The rest of the time, fuck that Whore.

Fuck your denialist delusions. And fuck you if you cannot see the Truth; if you cared about her, you wouldn't need a reminder day to show her how much you _don't_ care about her the other 364 days of the year, would you? Fuck that filthy Whore. She made a slave out of you. She fucked you.

Getting knocked up is all she's ever wanted. You're the proof.


John Pilger

The illegal eavesdropping on famous people by the News of the World is said to be Rupert Murdoch’s Watergate. But is it the crime by which Murdoch ought to be known? In his native land, Australia, Murdoch controls 70 per cent of the capital city press. Australia is the world’s first murdochracy, in which smear by media is power.

The most enduring and insidious Murdoch campaign has been against the Aboriginal people, who were dispossessed by the arrival of the British (Christian sociopathic murderers, read Numbers chapter 31 for a clue) in the late 18th century and have never been allowed to recover. “Nigger hunts” continued into the 1960s and beyond. The officially-inspired theft of children from Aboriginal families, justified by the racist theories of the eugenics movement, produced those known as the Stolen Generation and in 1997 was identified as genocide. Today, the first Australians have the shortest life expectancy of any of the world’s 90 indigenous peoples. Australia imprisons Aborigines at five times the rate South Africa during the apartheid years. In the state of Western Australia, the figure is eight times the apartheid rate.

Political power in Australia often rests in the control of resource-rich land. Most of the uranium, iron ore, gold, oil and natural gas is in Western Australia and Northern Territory – on Aboriginal land. Indeed, Aboriginal “progress” is all but defined by the mining industry and its political guardians in both Labor and coalition (conservative) governments. Their faithful, strident voice is the Murdoch press. The exceptional, reformist Labor government of Gough Whitlam in the 1970s set up a royal commission that made clear that social justice for Australia’s first people would only be achieved with universal land rights and a share the national wealth with dignity. In 1975, Whitlam was sacked by the governor-general in a “constitutional coup”. (That's the Queen's Man down under, showing you how Power feels about the democracy they insult you with when their 'gift' to you spins out of their control.) The Murdoch press had turned on Whitlam with such venom that rebellious journalists on The Australian burned their newspaper in the street.

In 1984, the Labor Party “solemnly pledged” to finish what Whitlam had begun and legislate Aboriginal land rights. This was opposed by the then Labor prime minister, Bob Hawke, a “mate” of Rupert Murdoch. Hawke blamed the public for being “less compassionate”; but a secret 64-page report to the party revealed that most Australians supported land rights. (You fucking morons and your lurid secrets and privacy and creepy classified-in-confidence and personal business and private messages and fuck all you filthy creeps. You're too stupid to be clueless. Privacy is not in your best interests. You have no power. You gave it away. You have no value. Chances are, you're a worthless leech. If you're obsessed with 'privacy', the chances are much improved. No one gives a fuck about your dumb shit but the victims you ostensibly care about. Your tiny circle of family and friends whom you exploit with your demented Confidence Tricks and endless creepy deceit and noose. Stupid Toddlers. They use National Secrets to rape nationalist Idiots. And cover up their occasional butchering of you.) This was leaked to The Australian, whose front page declared, “Few support Aboriginal land rights”, the opposite of the truth, thus feeding an atmosphere of self-fulfilling distrust, “backlash” and rejection of rights that would distinguish Australia from South Africa. In 1988, an editorial in Murdoch’s London tabloid, the Sun, described “the Abos” as “treacherous and brutal”. This was condemned by the UK Press Council as “unacceptably racist”.

The Australian publishes long articles that present Aboriginal people not unsympathetically but as perennial victims of each other, “an entire culture committing suicide”, or as noble primitives requiring firm direction: the eugenicist’s view. It promotes Aboriginal “leaders” who, by blaming their own people for their poverty, tell the white elite what it wants to hear. The writer Michael Brull parodied this: “Oh White man, please save us. Take away our rights because we are so backward.”

This is also the government’s view. In railing against what it called the “black armband view” of Australia’s past, the conservative government of John Howard encouraged and absorbed the views of white supremacists -- that there was no genocide, no Stolen Generation, no racism; indeed, whites are the victims of “liberal racism”. A collection of far-right journalists, minor academics and hangers-on became the antipodean equivalent of David Irving Holocaust deniers. Their platform has been the Murdoch press.

The government 'cares' to insult and patronise "Abos". I nervously tried to explain this to one of my heroes when he was confused on Twitter and asking for clues. Normally, I wouldn't involve mySelf for fear of being "one of those people" but whilst he's a champion and hilarious and his comedy is brilliant, he just didn't get it and whilst a few people were giving him clues no one was spelling it out for him. He was genuinely confused.

If you don't know what Stephen K Amos looks like, you should watch this to get a feel for the context of the horror which confused him over the ID creepy manipulation technique. Even if you know what he looks like, this is one of the finest standup routines in history.

His opening joke is my second favourite opener after Anthony Jeselnik's opener in the ripper routine below. Jeselnik is god.

But here is Stephen K Amos' classic 2005 effort. His closing joke is my all time favourite closer. Enjoy his first joke and last jokes and take note of his apparent age before reading the Twitter conversation over what he experienced recently on a visit to the most racist 'multicultural' country of imbecilic 'lucky' vassals in the world.

I grew up there. I know their horror and their shame.

Anyone know how to reverse Twitter posts so that you don't have to read from bottom to top?





I didn't think it was funny that he was so confused.

This isn't about common sense because everyone's heads are filled with narcissistic nonsense. We don't share our own best interests, we are in conflict with each other by virtue of our unfathomable stupidity in falling for the Confidence Tricks of Creeps Who Get Us To Seek 'Advantage' Over Humans (in lieu of seeking the only possible Advantage, which is a bit more mutual).

I knew the answer. I knew this trick they play. It's not exactly 'complex'; but then Confidence Tricking Toddlers are suckers for reverse psychology. They insult you to get you to want to do what isn't in your best interests. They do it to children to get them to have sex when they're probably too young to be even feeling such creepy desires to be felt up and fucked by creeps. They did it to me and they did it to you to get you to _want_ to drink poison, which is so stupid...

They do it to everyone when they write laws which prohibit things you couldn't possibly want to do unless you were insane. That's how they get you to do them. I know the Truth. I'm a victim of their Tricks; the only difference between me and you is that you don't want to stop being a victim and I always did, and do.

I knew the answer so I told Stephen K Amos the Truth.

I explain as best I can but it's very tricky to tell someone who is effectively an emotional Toddler that Prohibition is designed to induce Demand rather than limit Supply. I did the best I could, in 140 characters.

I needed another 140 to provide the logical Proof which makes my argument irrefutable. That's called evidence that cannot be countered which proves the government's ostensible 'caring' for your welfare is a filthy lie. Connect the fucking dots already. I've connected them for you.

After retweeting an entire discussion and all the idiotic replies, Stephen K Amos did not retweet my answers and proof. I'm not sure why but if you're thinking I need the demented validation, you're too insane to be plausible. I only want to illuminate confusion, I have no need to impress anyone. I'm one of the most impressive people on the planet. I don't need the insane to agree with me; but I would like them to engage my logic or give a sign that they understand the Truth. The discussion ended and I was vaguely hopeful that I had helped, only to cringe at seeing this insanity shortly after.

Oh Stephen. He just doesn't get it. I love his comedy but how do you tell someone who is emotionally insane that when they feel they've just won, the Truth is that's how they lose (without offending them)? I stayed quiet, which felt like the wrong thing to do. But I didn't know what was the right thing to do.

The Truth is obvious. Or it sure as hell should be. But if he just doesn't get it or just doesn't want to accept the Truth, what should I do? I don't know the answers to these questions. I have siblings I care about but don't know how to explain that their emotions are the chains used to exploit them or that those they Love are the most dangerous enemies they have.

If I have to explain why it's stupid to "confront" the insane imbeciles who spew their emotional exploitation at you to desperately attempt to get a rise out of you, I'd rather just let Mike explain to you how to handle bullies. He knew what to do.

Come on Toddlers. Goddammit, what is wrong with you? I know the answer. You don't think you have a problem, but you're really stupid when you feel that way. We all have problems. We're all clueless. I'm just a little less clueless than you.

The next time someone tells you that you cannot do something you were not planning to do, you should think about their motive. You should think about why God commanded you not to covet your neighbour's property. That's what this is all about; the Law's exploitation of your gullibility and inability to question Why you're being told what you can and cannot do; Why you're not being told why you can and cannot do it; or Why they'd even imagine you could ever imagine doing such a horrifying thing.

The answers to those questions will free you. I'm vaguely aware Truth is kind of a big deal, for slaves who have become niggers who think their chains are part of who they are.

The British Government ordered an evacuation. By day, the Anzacs kept up their attacks with more Anzacs observed to be landing - by night the force was withdrawn, broken only by sporadic rifle and gunfire. On 20 December 1915, the Anzac retreat was complete, unnoticed by the Turks who continued to bombard the Anzacs' empty trenches. On 9 January 1916, the Turks carried out their last offensive on Gallipoli, revealing only that the entire force had withdrawn without casualty. The evacuation was the Allies most successful operation in Gallipoli. (It almost always will be, in every offensive military operation.)

A British Royal Commission into Gallipoli concluded that from the outset the risk of failure outweighed its chances of success. The British had contributed 468,000 in the battle for Gallipoli with 33,512 killed. 7,636 were missing and 78,000 were wounded.

The Anzacs lost 8,000 men in Gallipoli and a further 18,000 were wounded. New Zealand lost 18,000 men out of 110,000 and had 55000 wounded. (62% casualty rate is a suicide mission, not a legitimate military operation.)

Boy Soldiers

Amongst the people across the world who greeted the declaration of War in 1914 with enthusiasm were many underage boys, some as young as 12 years old from just about all the allied countries involved. Everyone knew that the 'War would be over by Christmas" and here was an opportunity for great adventure. (They'd been lied to by fucking horrifying sociopaths in Government. They're lying to you in identical fashion.)

Notable amongst these boys was Victor Silvester (who had a successful music career after the war had ended - his orchestra featured in more than 6500 BBC Radio broadcasts and his record sales eventually exceeded 75 million).

Victor Silvester wrote about his experiences in the First World War in his autobiography Dancing Is My Life.

This is his story:

The mood of the country was one of almost hysterical patriotism, and no excuses were accepted for any man of military age who was not in uniform. Rude remarks were made about them in the streets. Sometimes they were given white feathers. (You're a coward and a yella-belly for not wanting to kill humans who have done nothing to you.)

I was fourteen and nine months on the morning I played truant, and went up to the headquarters of the London Scottish at Buckingham Palace Gate. A sergeant in the recruiting office asked me what I wanted, and when I told him I had come to join the regiment he questioned me about my Scottish ancestry. (Confidence Trick: "Why should we even allow you the honour of fighting and dying for us?")

"My mother's father was a Scot," I said.

That seemed adequate, so he asked me my age. (Confidence Trick [used by pedophiles to fuck little girls since the dawn of religion]: "I dunno. Are you even old enough to get fucked?"

"Eighteen and nine months."

"All right," the sergeant said. "Fill in this form and wait in the next room for the medical officer to look at you." (The proof will always be in whether or not they permit you to do what they've Prohibited in order to make you think you could even _want_ to be their victimised mule.)

Victor Silvester soon discovered that the war was very different to what he expected:

We went up into the front-line near Arras, through sodden and devastated countryside. As we were moving up to the our sector along the communication trenches, a shell burst ahead of me and one of my platoon dropped. He was the first man I ever saw killed. Both his legs were blown off and the whole of his face and body was peppered with shrapnel. The sight turned my stomach. I was sick and terrified, but even more frightened of showing it. (Frightened vassals have been known to ridicule the frightened in order to disguise their fears. I'm vaguely aware this phenomenon is called "bullying".)

That night I had been asleep in a dugout about three hours when I woke up feeling something biting my hip. I put my hand down and my fingers closed on a big rat. It had nibbled through my haversack, my tunic and pleated kilt to get at my flesh. With a cry of horror I threw it from me.

In an interview Silvester gave just before his death in 1978, he described how in 1917 he was ordered to execute a man for desertion.

We marched to the quarry outside Staples at dawn. The victim was brought out from a shed and led struggling to a chair to which he was then bound and a white handkerchief placed over his heart as our target area. He was said to have fled in the face of the enemy. (Oh the treason of sanity! This cannot be tolerated.)

Mortified by the sight of the poor wretch tugging at his bonds, twelve of us, on the order raised our rifles unsteadily. Some of the men, unable to face the ordeal, had got themselves drunk overnight. They could not have aimed straight if they tried, and, contrary to popular belief, all twelve rifles were loaded. The condemned man had also been plied with whisky during the night, but I remained sober through fear.

The tears were rolling down my cheeks as he went on attempting to free himself from the ropes attaching him to the chair. I aimed blindly and when the gunsmoke had cleared away we were further horrified to see that, although wounded, the intended victim was still alive. Still blindfolded, he was attempting to make a run for it still strapped to the chair. The blood was running freely from a chest wound. (You fucking animals and the most inhumane beasts of all. Not even leeches or slugs are as inhumane as what humanity has been reduced to.) An officer in charge stepped forward to put the finishing touch with a revolver held to the poor man's temple. He had only once cried out and that was when he shouted the one word 'mother'. (The irony. His mother is the reason he was exploited and then killed for not being brave like she told him she wanted him to be.)

He could not have been much older than me. (A 15 or 16 year old boy in a world of horrifying Toddler beasts.) We were told later that he had in fact been suffering from shell-shock, a condition not recognised by the army at the time. Later I took part in four more such executions.

WW1 saw the manifestation of an illness never before experienced; shell-shock. (Do you really believe that's true? Recognised does not equal Experienced / Endured.) The army did not recognize it for some time. Even then, some senior officers took the view that claims of shell-shock were simply cowardice. (They would. Sanity always appears dubious to the insane. "Those who danced were thought to be insane by those too stupid to understand they couldn't hear the music." There were differing views on its cause and it was suggested that the only cure was a complete rest away from the fighting.

Between 1914 and 1918 the British army identified 80,000 men (2% of those who saw active service) as suffering from shell-shock. A much larger number of soldiers with these symptoms were classified as 'malingerers' and sent back to the front-line. In some cases men committed suicide. Others broke down under the pressure and refused to obey the orders of their officers. Some responded to the pressures of shell-shock by deserting. Sometimes soldiers who disobeyed orders got shot on the spot. In some cases, soldiers were court-martialled.

A common punishment for disobeying orders was 'Field Punishment Number One'. This involved the offender being attached to a fixed object for up to two hours a day and for a period up to three months. These men were often put in a place within range of enemy shell-fire. (Fucking Toddlers and Punishment for Crimes which aren't criminal so much as Perfectly Sane. If you do not run when someone is firing at you, you're insane. Humans are not coded to die like robots who are bred to please the parents of slaves.)

You will be exploited if you do not reverse what has been done to you when you were impressionable. In Australia, it's pretty evident in the Children's Programming - sorry, 'Educational Entertainment' - broadcast by the ABC. That's the government's channel. They're not who you think they are. Their existence serves one purpose; the exploitation of you. You have no motive or need to be 'protected' from Humanity. They have no motive to attack you, until 'your' governments go starting preemptive attacks in their quest to create the illusion that is the 'requirement' for their very existence.

It's a Protection Racket.

It's as simple as that.

Those who impose their protection onto you are never going to be acting in your interests. They are imposing their exploitation onto your stupidity. Don't breed for them. Or do. What the fuck do I care. You're all so horrifying, I'm clueless about what I'm supposed to do.

I guess I'll continue talking about Play School because that's so creepy, it might even be evident when the obvious is pointed out to the Blind. I posted the old jingle above. Though it's almost implausible, the new version is even creepier. It's important, because they're getting more and more effective at what they do. That's going to have implications you should care about.

It's so creepy, it's horrifying. Have you ever watched Play School? They literally teach toddlers how to gamble. "Which window will we look through today? Will it be the square window? The circle window? The triangle window? Which one will it be!"

I've seen parents ask their children if they got it correct, after the fact. I've been horrified but now I understand why the children always claim they got it right. You filthy parents. How much of your evil is ignorance and how much is horror? I wonder if even you would know. But parents in that spot that I have seen, will glow with filthy pride.

They like it how their children are lucky. They're too stupid to realise their child just lied to them to get an emotional buzz. Little filthy junkies. Everyone's addicted to emotional exploitation and validation by the age of two.

Play School began back on 18th July 1966 and still to this day entertains and educates children, particularly less than 6 years old. According to an ABC survey in 2003, it is estimated that around 80% of preschool children under 6 watch the program at least once a week.

They have some mass appeal. It's kind of a big deal what they do, because everything is a big deal when a child is impressionable.

It's horrifying that they give children that 'good', lucky feeling. It's a pure setup for future exploitation. Australians are the dumbest gamblers in the world. This isn't my 'opinion'. They lose more per capita gambling than any other Westphalia slaves. It's perfectly understandable; you see, Australians literally know more about everything than you.

No matter how dumb they are, they know more and they know better than you; when it comes to them but especially when it comes to you. They just know what you want or need. They won't listen to you. They'll just impose their demented insanity directly onto you without a single sane thought serving as brakes on their horrifying certainty that everything they do is Right or Correct or Sane or Acceptable, if only because it's made to be those things by virtue of the fact they wanted to do it to you. They'll literally rape you because they know that your "No" means "Yes".

Girls are perfectly horrifying when they get confused about Truth. I have a theory about how so many girls want the opposite of what they say. It involves "No" not working early in the game. What do you think?

I think I'd try "Yes" too. What the fuck does it matter when you're going to get raped either way and it just comes down to Power, at the end of the Religious day. Everyone knows better than you. Might is right. They respond only to fear. They will sneer at you when you're calmly explaining why it's not cool to wake you up in order to give you the opportunity to do them a favour. It's horrifying, but true.

Then they'll lecture you for yelling at their narcissistic insanity. They'll scold you with righteous indignation. It's perfectly insane but fascinating. They'll have wronged you in an absurdly obvious manner, but if you get annoyed then you'll be way out of line. They will tell you, hah. But first they'll raise their eyebrows, roll their eyes, sneak furtive glances at each other imagining they're being subtle; the idea is that you're crazy for not letting them make you miserable with their screaming narcissistic needy.

Australians are egalitarian so you will be small and petty like them. Or else! Or else they'll cut you down to their their level. It's so low, so far below'll end up in the gutter with them if you respect their opinons or let them assess you for value. That was my mistake.

They don't like "tall poppies" much. They don't like anyone who rises above them.

It's understandable. They don't want to look bad. Tall poppies are the first offenders. The offended will retaliate. Fair is fair. You will have made them look bad if you are not tiny and petty and wretched little racist vermin, snivelling the putrid filth of hatred and exploitation and victimisation as if it were somehow sane or cool or funny. That's what they do and they decide the rules.

Exactly. What they do is Right. What you do is Wrong. It doesn't matter if you've both done the same thing. This is the reality of the horrors of Religious Narcissistic Insanity. And it's why you die and kill and survive a lifetime, confused. I doubt anyone ever really lives. I'm vaguely aware they've gotten you believing you have a life but you have no life except as their clone. Toddlers never grow up. I didn't for a quarter of a century.

That's because no one teaches lessons. No one tells anyone the Truth. Everyone is 'teaching' with Punishment. Threats. Sticks and Carrots. Emotional manipulation. Emotive appeals. There is no reason. No logic. No sense.

You're all insane, and it's hilarious that only the insane feel shame at the idea of being either insane or thought to be insane. It's hilarious that if you feel shame, you're insane. Period. That's fucking logic, you quacks.

Australians are obsessed with shame. They live in shame and spend a great deal of time highlighting the perceived shame of everyone else for this reason. They will assert that it's shameful if you do not subscribe to their shame.

Australians are really into their shame.

But then they're literally brainwashed to feel that way. Here is an example; a Bananas in Pyjamas titled "Bananas Without Pyjamas". If you were a toddler, it would take you literally 55 seconds to learn how to feel icky shame at something which isn't that shameful unless you are a creep.

My sister is shameless. Once I dismissed her 'concerns' for my welfare and diet and romantic status, I got the Truth I was expecting and then some.

She needed money. Lots of money. 5 figures. She told me the story as I tried to stop from screaming because I knew - I just know - how Christians work. She would not have had the tone she was adopting or the nerve to even have the gall to request the money if she hadn't an Ace up her sleeve. I didn't know what the Ace was but when it was shown, I was forced to consider killing her.

In hindsight, I made the wrong decision.

She was telling me not to worry (why do people who create problems for you tell you not to worry? this happens to me all the time) because she'd told the loan sharks that she had a millionaire brother overseas.

Firstly, I was burning my net worth on house edge and if you're interested in the Why, you can read this post again. I was no millionaire; also was owed 6 figures from 'friends', owed 6 figures from casinos which I knew I would have to fight for years or decades to collect on (and I didn't have the mental strength to shower or even go to the bathroom to piss - tragic and embarrassing but true) - I was literally broken by horrors like my sister.

They're never as dumb as they pretend. They're literally just too evil to be for real.

As I was reeling from the insanity and the stupidity of telling loan sharks that you have a millionaire brother, the knockout blow came. She told me they'd asked her for all this weird information. Like where my adorable little sister lived and my siblings. Where they went to school and that sort of thing.

Trying to breathe in the horror of the onslaught of a Christian Hijack, I asked her (stupidly) whether she had given them that information.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Why wouldn't she. She's a narcissist. It's all ME ME ME.

There were some horrifying moments where I wasn't sure if I was overplaying my hand as extricating yourSelf from loan sharks who need to understand that you are busto and the only way you can do that is taking some terrifying risks, over months I dragged out the rescue operation in a way that convinced them that I was really just bragging to my family and that they pretty much got the last of my money.

The misery of living in a world of people like this...

I swear, if I had the power, I would switch off the globe. Nothing could be more sane or humane. But of course, you will disagree.

And not bother to make the logical case for why. You have a right to your (justified) opinions. I have the right to Rest In Peace anyone who asserts they have the right to their inexplicable and unjustifiable 'feelings'. We all have rights. But I wish you would exercise your Right to be sane rather than silent.

To be honest rather than idiotically shrewd.

To be correct rather than entrenched.

To be free rather than the victim of your own _filthy_ ignorance. Niggers sure do love their chains but it's not a sustainable existence; breeding slaves to scream throughout their entire ordeal. Get a life of your own and stop trying to own innocents.

You fucking creeps. You make Sane people want to gut you like a trout. No offence.
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Old 07-17-2012, 07:42 PM   #2
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Speaking of trout...

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Old 07-17-2012, 07:52 PM   #3
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so how old are your sisters?
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Old 07-17-2012, 07:55 PM   #4
Things could be worse...
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Originally Posted by Hillbilly Jim View Post
so how old are your sisters?

I have 7 sisters and 4 brothers. We're all 18 months or 2 yrs apart.
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Old 07-17-2012, 08:02 PM   #5
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Make me the happiest boy in the world Joel. Marry me and make me Ms. Robuchon. <3
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daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang so theres female skyniggers running around THIS SOUNDS LIKE A BONGAROO BONANZA

  dang yall
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Old 07-17-2012, 08:09 PM   #6
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need ages and pics of all your sisters
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Old 07-17-2012, 08:32 PM   #7
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They're all dead.
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Old 07-17-2012, 08:40 PM   #8
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well thats a boner killer
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Old 07-17-2012, 08:48 PM   #9
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your face is a boner killer.
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Old 07-17-2012, 08:50 PM   #10
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thanks, now i know i can go to bath houses and not have to worry about my butthole
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