Honestly, I cannot get any answers about what happened. It's disturbing, but only in a vacuum. In the list of disturbing inexplicables of my 2011, PokerCrack.com being sold without even a notice from Roy or any response to 3 attempts (on multiple channels of communication) to solicit confirmation that it was, in fact, sold (as the anonymous representative of the buyers claimed - buyers he disavowed knowledge of the identify of, which seems peculiar, on some level)...doesn't even make it onto the front page of WTF.
But if you had a gun to my head and my life depended on my Hail Mary'ing the Motive, I'd hazard an idle hit and hope on it having something to do with the TSA. I had over 30,000 posts on PC I think, 29900 of which were of no value to Humanity. Then I started a thread about the Black Eyed Peas and the next 100 posts were much improved.
Scuter pretty sure you are a dangerous man to know. maybe less so now, but I am going to be very honest about something- when I went to sell my mac, the first time around it wouldn't work. When I booted into recovery I got some faggot "recovery failed, contact applecare" error message. this was the SAME error message you kept telling me you were getting.
then all of a sudden some vietnamese gangster demanded to buy it at fucking midnight. showed up literally in a white porsche cayman with some kid with him and he barely even looked at it. just kept his eyes on me, smiling, then handed me cash and split.
I don't know what to say, but if things have calmed down for you, be careful what you're writing about publicly IMO and be thankful you aren't fucking dead.
The world needs you dude, try not getting killed.
follow me on twitter @SweetBabyGrapes
Originally Posted by Mista Cobalina
Nat Sherman's are better than Dunhill's in every conceivable way
Quoted for Scooter. Give Nat's a try, just two packs, and I swear the next Dunhill you light up you will reflexively spit onto the ground. I literally did exactly that, as I walked back into my local head shop and exchanged the disgusting things for another pack of my beloved Nat Naturals.