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View Poll Results: Which Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is the best?
Novel 2 33.33%
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Radio 2 33.33%
Film 1 16.67%
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Old 08-17-2012, 08:52 PM   #1
Hillbilly Jim
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Default Which Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is the best?

Which Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is the best?
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Old 08-17-2012, 10:43 PM   #2
Lord Bathrobe
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I havent even listened to the radio one yet, I havent found a spot to download it is why. I voted TV because Sir Alec Guinness, thats why, and I felt a bit crude not voting for the book but seriously, Sir Alec Guinness.
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Old 08-17-2012, 10:50 PM   #3
Hillbilly Jim
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oh and obv meant 1988 radio not 2009 radio

  it was self evident
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Old 08-17-2012, 11:04 PM   #4
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Old 08-18-2012, 01:53 AM   #5
Lord Bathrobe
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Originally Posted by Reppat View Post
left the film after 20mins and im a huge Gary olds fan

ive spent hours with people explaining what an unfortunate interpretation of the original works this was.

or more to the point, how desperate they were to re-interpret it in a way that had as little common ground with the original as possible.

i guarantee there was a version whiteboarded where smiley was a sikh boxer and karla his estranged northern paki lover.

ultimately what i learned was that the best way to ruin it for anyone simply in awe of tattered remains of the original was the provide them the BBC television series in its entirety. this has not failed to accomplish the stated goals yet.
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Old 08-18-2012, 01:26 PM   #6
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Best poll ever.

My entire book collection (what is with collecting books, anyway? it's very costly when air travelling, let me tell you) is displayed below.

Three of the finest books in history are missing but then when friends don't return books, it's the only time failure to return what has been borrowed feels good. I gave The Picture of Dorian Gray to my mate's g/f who raved about it and then blushed having realised what she'd done, and started apologising swearing to buy me a new copy. Hah. It was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done; not her wanting to buy me a new copy but her giving my copy away.

I gave A Perfect Spy to two people; neither of which returned it. I'd buy a third copy of the greatest book ever written in history but then I'm a moreon sometimes, and fail to realise I'm more online than off.

I gave literally 4-5 copies of Gatsby away but I will never give it away again because I will never buy it again. Fitzgerald wrote like a man possessed with brilliance and clues but no genuine solution. Still a hero of Humanity, because he was warning you with Truth. But le Carre is no Fitzgerald. The funny thing is, le Carre probably could write better than Fitzgerald but then even Salman Rushdie is so fucking stupid he doesn't understand the first thing about motive.

Reading the exchanges between le Carre, Rushdie and Hitchens (who I desperately wanted to believe would be on the side of brilliance, but despite being a brilliant man, miserably butchered Sanity, in this instance) is one of the most educational displays of human brilliance v sociopathic Toddler insanity that you could ever learn from.

I mean, Rushdie is an imbecile because he's an addict to emotional validation. He would be as easy to find as any junkie. But the police can't catch those crafty junkies, even though a child could tell you where all the dealers and hookers and junkies are 'hiding' out. That's because they're hiding on the government's corners. The government only pretends they can't take back control of their corners.

You're a moron if you can't understand who owns those corners.

Rushdie is a scraggly old author who can't really hide because he likes the limelight too much. He has a Twitter account, for Christ's sake. I'm a follower of his account but then I'm not going to be for long because he never says anything insightful or intelligent or even fucking sane. He just expresses his approval of things. He's as insane and as interesting as Mike. I don't care what Rushdie approves of, but I would like to. First Rushdie has to make the case but for the emotionally insane, the case doesn't need to be made.

It's enough that they feel that way.

You should feel that way too! You would, if you're insane.

It's what your mother tricked you into doing. Uh oh. I know how Truth offends the emotionally insane.

But the Truth is, we're all stupid. Every single one of us is stupid, even le Carre (and he's the most brilliant man alive). He's still stupid, comparatively.

Compared to how brilliant we'd all be if we weren't victims of our insanity in thinking it's shrewd to lie and shrewd to espouse the virtues of Truth, simultaneously.

It's the Christian thing to do.

It's why we're all so stupid, we cannot comprehend the geniuses we would be if we were sane for the last 3500 years instead of exploiting ourselves. I'm stupid, you're stupid. You know the hallmark of stupidity? They think they know things. But they can't tell you how or why they know, because they don't know how they know. They just know OKAY!?

No. How could it be okay? You know only what you've been told, and you were not convinced. You were not logically shown the Truth. You were just told by someone you idiotically trusted, like the government, your religious exploiters or your parents / friends / professionals you pay because you're too lazy to not put them in a position where they're forced to fuck you over because it's not about conflict-of-interest. It's about competitiveness. They can't be ethical when you won't permit them to be. All your suffering is the fault of your moronic ignorance and incapacity to understand that you literally demand to be made to suffer.

You pay the guys who make you suffer. You don't pay the guys that make your suffering go away. How stupid are you all? The answer: As stupid as I've always been.

How happy are you all? The answer: As unconvincing as I was convincingly happy. But we all know the Truth. We're just faking it until we make it. We're lying to others hoping they will make us happy. They're lying to us hoping we will make them happy.

No one is thinking about their Self. It's all Do Unto Others. What a filthy creep!

Why wouldn't he tell you to Do Your Insanity Unto Your Self. Keep your dumb shit away from others. Respect your Self. Do the right thing by you. Be sane. Be Selfish. When you're selfish, you'll understand; others matter.

The Self-less cannot understand. Why aren't people as interested in them as they are interested in themselves? Why can't they be convinced by an argument that screams:


No one is convinced. That's how narcissists become sociopaths. Nothing changes. They just learn how to make the above argument more convincing. They pretend to care about you. It's called love. It's very sweet because it's so dangerously True. You bet your ass it's True. How else can a compulsive liar convince you unless they believe it's True?

Half an hour later, they could be telling the Truth about how much they love someone else, to someone else. That's how sociopaths work. They fool you with Truth. They believe it.

You should run.

But all your suffering is your fault. You literally demand it, because you're too stupid to understand that when you allow people to be unethical to you and lie to you and cause you to suffer - when you reward them and give them a perceived incentive to make you suffer - you will price the ethical out of business. They won't be able to compete. You won't allow them to do the right thing by you; you'll be too busy rewarding the guys who make you suffer and are pleasant as you return time and time again to pay them to make your pain go away.


That's not a good way to play at Sanity. You're batshit insane but then so is everyone. That's my point. We lie to everyone, make everyone insane, then scream in pain blaming everyone we've lied to for making us suffer. We're geniuses, no really.

Why are you imbeciles breeding.

21,000 human children a day die from lack of "Love" and you have so much "love" give you're overflowing with buns in your oven? What's wrong with the 21,000 buns being disposed of every single day? Your buns are better? Really?

Your genetic code is better than 8,000,000 children who die every year. Hmm. How insane are you, exactly? Or are you just so vile, it's implausible.

No question mark. You're a sociopath but then you're in denial. Two words. SELECTIVE empathy. You're not humans. Humans cannot control their empathy. That's the 'skill' of sociopaths who imagine they're shrewd because they're so diabolically inhumane. God, should I kneel before you? You think if I fear you, that = respect?

Pfft. Sociopaths are so easily fooled. I'm no fancy psychiatrist but if I had to guess why, I imagine it's because they're batshit insane and they cannot feel your emotions. They can only pretend to. They're as transparent as anything but then you can't spot them. Hahah. Oh you're 'bright' enough to understand the Truth. I'll let you solve that 'puzzle' your Self.

I know the answer why sociopaths breed their own children in a world where 21,000 children die every day. It's because they're good people; I swear to God, just ask them! They'll tell you how good they are. They care a great deal about you and family. They'll impose their insanity onto you and your family. Have you heard the Good News?

Jesus died for the sins of your innocent children. Will you let them corrupt your children for you?

The Law says you're not allowed to kill creeps who do this. But then the Law isn't worth squat when it's illegal and inhumane. You should kill those who want to rape your choirboys. Oh I have a clue, or two.

1. They've sworn off women for life.

Gosh but do you think...nah, they wouldn't be gays-in-denial would they? Why are you letting priests lie to your face?

I know why. You think you're in on the con. You're just like priests, in that way. Religion is a pyramid scheme and your children get in on the ground floor. By the time they're at your level, they're so miserable they want slaves of their own. It's what every slave in history has ever wanted. Slaves of their own. You love your mother. I understand.

She loved / loves you.

So enjoy screaming in pain. She lied about everything to you and now you're a stupid git who doesn't understand how the definitions of incentive, motive or conflict-of-interest. You pay for your suffering. You guarantee it. It's very lucrative to make you suffer, when you pay for your suffering to go away.

That's perfectly sane. Keep doing that. I have no sympathy for imbeciles that stupid.

Mike is obsessed with hiding his child pornography or shameful shit from the government because he's a moron who doesn't realise his shameful things are LOVED by the government. They know about it all. But they let imbeciles think their stupid VPNs and their stupid anonymous IPs or their stupid - yes, wake up fools - Tor and their stupid encryption protects them. You morons. You don't realise they're free.

This is free and le Carre's work is free. What's the difference. You're a fucking moron.

I just showed you the difference. Unless people tell you the Truth, they're lying to you. Polite free? Run, or kill the person offering it sweetly to you. Don't accept it. Oh boy. You ate that dumb shit up?

That shit will kill you. Unfortunately for you, you won't die when they kill you. You think your Hotspot Shield and your Bitlocker protects you but then you don't know that they let you feel that you know these things. But you only know what you know you can explain and you cannot explain how the things you know are even supposed to 'work', in theory. You're literally so stupid that you cannot understand you only know what you've been told by those who, if they told you nothing, would not be in the position to tell you anything. Only le Carre is as brilliant as le Carre. I'll never be in the position to tell you the Truth.

You only listen to those who lie to you. How did Oprah become Oprah-rich? You're kidding if you think it's because she gave you solutions to your suffering. Oprah is like a psychiatrist who treats you with poison that makes you insane. They call them anti-psychotics but sociopaths prescribe them to you in this semi-Orwellian world (because Orwellian would be too easy). It would be so fortunate for you if Power told you absolutely nothing.

But alas. They tell you everything.

It would be so fortunate for Power if they told you absolute Truth.

But alas. They wouldn't want Power if they were sane enough to understand they don't want to control robotic humans they've lied to. If you would prefer to be the brightest of 7 billion people rather than the dumbest of 7 billion people, you are insane.

If you cannot understand why, you should think think think about it. Because you're feeling your thoughts, instead. The above Truth is as pure logic as you will ever read but then logic is always pure. Only fallacy confuses. You're confused because you've been lied to by everyone you Trusted for your entire life. You know a great deal that you would have to un-learn before you'll even get back to Neutral Ignorance.

Newborns are impossibly brighter than you are, presently. And that's the irrefutable Truth.

But if it makes you feel any better (why are you so insane that you fall for that Christian comparative game of insanity?) - you're almost certainly more emotionally sane than Salman Rushdie.

Rushdie and le Carre have been trading barbs for years. Rushdie started it. He always starts it. He's a very emotional guy. You'd sympathise, what with him living under a fatwa but the thing about fatwas (or Salman's fatwa, in any case) is kinda funny; because either:
a) the fatwa isn't actually a legitimate fatwa
b) Muslims aren't actually subscribers to Islam
c) one billion Muslims including powerful sovereign nation-states and their militaries are all too fucking useless to get the job done

Rushdie's fatwa or 'fatwa' is pretty fucking old now. Is it a) b) or c) or is it d) all three?

Rushdie launched the attack on le Carre by expressing his unjustified and unsolicited (i.e. insane) opinion; assuming that le Carre is the sort of creep who craves the approval of emotional Toddlers like Rushdie, or people in general. Rushdie wrote in an unsolicited review that "Le Carre wants to be taken seriously . . . close but--this time anyway--no cigar."


One of the most important words in the English language. It's very nearly as important as leverage or motive.

Rushdie imagines his views on le Carre would be craved by someone like le Carre. Rushdie is emotionally insane. He wants to be taken seriously by the literary establishment so he assumes every author is motivated by Rushdie's motivations. Can you spot the narcissism?

But le Carre is sane. When nominated for the Man Booker prize, which is a very prestigious award (just ask the judges you've never heard of who adjudicate on work they lack the capacity to produce, they'll tell you - their opinions are impossibly prestigious; they have the money to brainwash you to be this stupid); le Carre politely told them to fuck off.

The things you can learn about sanity and genius from this man...and the things you can learn about the horrifying imposition of creeps who assert their superiority or their sovereignty or your right to tell you what you can and cannot do and whether or not you have pleased or displeased them with your behaviour - why the fuck would I care? I care a great deal about others because I'm Selfish. In desiring to be treated well, I treat others well. I'm Selfishly generous. Jesus Christ was a little confused about Self.

Learn from John le Carre. I learned about prestige and awards and creeps and honour a long time before I heard of le Carre because I got an honourable discharge from a military who dishonourably refused to accept my request to NOT kill humans or be killed by those defending their homes from yet another Christian invasion based on lies. I was not willing to be part of that Coalition. I wasn't honourable. I was better. I was Selfish. I don't kill humans because I don't want them to kill me. We both have value. We shouldn't be killing each other. That's a good way to zero ourselves to something below zero. We have such a long way to go to get back to Neutral.

le Carre could show you the way but he will not carry you. It's got to be about your Self.

le Carre is not a Christian. He leads by example. Compare and contrast with Christians. They'll preach at you telling you what you should do. le Carre teaches you by doing. He doesn't preach or seek to denigrate those who are sucked in by what he's too bright to be sucked in by.

The imposition of unsolicited insults of creeps.
John le Carré has been nominated for the Man Booker International prize, which recognises an author's lifetime contribution to fiction, but the British writer has asked to be taken off the shortlist as he "doesn't compete for literary awards". Meaning: He doesn't allow creeps to assert they are in the position to assert they are in the position to announce whether or not his work has value.

Le Carré, the author of more than 20 books that helped define the spy genre in fiction and film, including The Spy Who Came in from the Cold and The Constant Gardener, was among 13 writers named as finalists. Meaning: It was the first time the Literary Industry (who fears him, and hates him; because he doesn't give a fuck about them and has said as much on many occasions) was FORCED to nominate him. But it's not an honour to be nominated for an unsolicited insult. It's insulting.

The £60,000 prize (Meaning: It sucks in struggling but irrefutably talented authors who could really use the money. Asserting that le Carre, who's written 20 best-sellers, could possibly be excited at being forced to fly to a moronic affair to receive a 60k quid slap in the face award from people no one has ever heard of because they're worthless jokes who cannot pretty fucking insulting.) is awarded every two years to a living writer for overall contribution to fiction. It is connected to, but separate from, the better-known Man Booker prize for fiction, which is awarded each year to a specific book. But never once awarded to le Carre even though he probably has the top 3 books written in literary fiction's history. And that is not fiction. That is subjective but close to fact.

A panel of three judges chooses writers to be considered for the award, then selects a shortlist and finally a winner. Judge, jury, executioner = all the same guys you've never heard of because they cannot produce.

"I am enormously flattered This is le Carre being so brilliant I could almost gush in insulting fashion. He's not lying. He just understands the definition of flattery and compliments better than the emotionally insane. to be named as a finalist of the 2011 Man Booker International prize," Le Carré said in a statement issued through his publishers "However, I do not compete for literary prizes and have therefore asked for my name to be withdrawn." Meaning: Fuck Off, you insulting creeps. ROFL.

Rick Gekoski, the chairman of the judging panel, respectfully declined the request. And that is all you ever need to understand about the insanity of the Christian impositions, Christian Hijacking and the Christian construct of R.E.S.P.E.C.T. There is nothing more insulting.

"John le Carré's name will, of course, ("Of course we will refuse to honour his wishes." The insanity burns off the page) remain on the list. We are disappointed that he wants to withdraw from further consideration because we are great admirers of his work," Gekoski said. Having never even nominated one of his 20 masterpieces for their dumb award, but just let him lie to you about how much RESPECT he has for the man. He's telling the Truth. If you're confused, that's your Mother's fault. Take it up with her.

Other finalists include American Philip Roth, Australia's David Malouf and Indian-born Canadian writer Rohinton Mistry. Two Chinese authors, Wang Anyi and Su Tong, are also on the list. Nobody. Nobody. Nobody. Nobody. Nobody.

Previous winners include Alice Munro, Chinua Achebe and Ismail Kadare. Nobody. Nobody. Nobody. But I bet they could all use that 60k quid so I'm not criticising them. I'm mocking the insulting award.

The 2011 winner will be announced on 18 May in Sydney.

The prize is sponsored by Man Group PLC (can you guess what the C stands for?), which also funds the annual fiction prize.
Do you understand the brilliance of this man? Do you understand what motivates him? Bullshit. You can only guess at his motives; no one but le Carre can know. But if you're bright you can make educated guesses. Rushdie is a moron, so he can only insult himself. He thinks le Carre will be emotionally hurt by Rushdie calling him "illiterate". What do you think?

Do you think you're hurt by Mike insulting you with slurs?

Rushdie and Mike are the same kind of insane. No one can ever know motive. But the brighter you are and the less emotionally insane you are, the better your guessing at motive will be. I like my chances of guessing correctly at le Carre's. I'd be willing to bet my life on it, in fact. I think he's motivated by Selfishness.

He's the finest human being alive, that I'm aware of, for that reason. He's just not insane enough to be Self-less and think it's shrewd; so he'll wrap truth up in entertainment for morons like me who only ever read to be entertained. So I can rant about people lying to me all I like, but at the end of the day, who gives a fuck? It was all on me and I let people lie to me because I wanted to be entertained rather than Selfish.

I wasn't very Selfish, until the end.

And at the end, the very end, is when I became happy again. I had been Selfish before, but I had forgotten. I knew how to have fun, but I had forgotten. You're in the same position, but you've forgotten. You make people do things they don't want to do, having forgotten how much you hate it when people do the same thing to you.

I can only guess at le Carre's motive but, historically, I've guessed pretty good. Except when it came to the things right in front of my eyes. I fucked all that shit up pretty good. Like, spending a decade feeling guilty for being Selfish when I wasn't being selfish at all. I was alternating between sane cowardice and insane selflessness. And screaming every step of the way.

le Carre told the Man Booker creeps to fuck off. Even you are bright enough to connect the dots on whether le Carre gives a flying fuck about the "literary establishment".

Rushdie is emotionally insane, and he still doesn't get it. The insane are the rudest fucking animals alive. He imagines le Carre is motivated by what Rushdie is motivated by, so he asserts that le Carre is trying to do what Rushdie managed (and that was, succinctly, to impress the Christian publishing houses of the world with his perfectly acceptable but one-sided critique of Islam which earned him a fatwa that no Muslim really takes all that seriously or Rushdie would be dead). So Rushdie imagines le Carre gives a fuck about what Rushdie cares a great deal about, and that is identical to Mike's insanity.

No, that is not a compliment for Mike. That's my insulting Rushdie's Toddler stupidity.

le Carre responded to Rushdie's incessant attacks in a letter to the Editor of the Guardian (in response to Rushdie starting another conflict by levelling accusations against le Carre that are slanderous and illegal and even worse, batshit insane and untrue).

Hitchens weighed in, tragically and idiotically, on the side of Insanity. I'll let you be the judge of who is sane and who is not. But first you must keep in mind that America used to have 150,000,000 Americans who were killed by Christians who needed / wanted / were unwilling to compromise and share the land that was being used by the indigenous population.
"The infamous trade of vilifying one's colleagues to earn a little money should be left to cheap journalists... It is those wretches who have made of literature an arena of gladiators."
- Voltaire, in letter to a friend on February 20, 1767

FYI, Voltaire was a fucking idiot who cannot hold a torch to my intelligence. He may not agree with your opinion but he will defend to the death your right to say it; even if your opinion might be that you have the right to kill and rape Voltaire's children. You understand? I'm provably brighter than these 'wise' men of History, but then I was dumber than dogshit until I started reading le Carre's genius.

This is an exchange of letters to the editor by authors Salman Rushdie, John le Carré, and Christopher Hitchens in the British daily The Guardian. Rushdie wrote his initial letter to a speech by le Carré, excerpted in the November 15, 1997, issue of the The Guardian, in which le Carré complains of having been unfairly labeled an anti-Semite the previous fall in The New York Times Book Review. Rushdie, who lives under sentence of death by the Iranian government since early 1989, upbraids le Carré for sympathizing with the Islamic fundamentalists who would seek to murder him.

November 18, 1997,

John le Carré complains that he has been branded an anti-Semite as a result of a politically correct witch-hunt and declares himself innocent of the charge. It would be easier to sympathize with him had he not been so ready to join in an earlier campaign of vilification against a fellow writer.

In 1989, during the worst days of the Islamic attack on The Satanic Verses, le Carré wrote an article (also, if memory serves, in The Guardian) in which he eagerly, and rather pompously, joined forces with my assailants.

It would be gracious if he were to admit that he understands the nature of the Thought Police a little better now that, at least in his own opinion, he's the one in the line of fire.

Salman Rushdie

Novemer 19, 1997

Rushdie's way with the truth is as self-serving as ever. I never joined his assailants. Nor did I take the easy path of proclaiming him to be a shining innocent. My position was that there is no law in life or nature that says great religions may be insulted with impunity.

I wrote that there is no absolute standard of free speech in any society. I wrote that tolerance does not come at the same time, and in the same form, to all religions and cultures, and that Christian society too, until very recently, defined the limits of freedom by what was sacred. I wrote, and would write again today, that when it came to the further exploitation of Rushdie's work in paperback form, I was more concerned about the girl at Penguin books who might get her hands blown off in the mailroom than I was about Rushdie's royalties. Anyone who had wished to read the book by then had ample access to it.

My purpose was not to justify the persecution of Rushdie, which, like any decent person, I deplore, but to sound less arrogant, less colonialist, and less self-righteous note than we were hearing from the safety of his admirers' camp.

John le Carré

November 20, 1997,

I'm grateful to John le Carré for refreshing all our memories about exactly how pompous an ass he can be. He claims not to have joined in the attack against me but also states that "there is no law in life or nature that says great religions may be insulted with impunity."

A cursory examination of this lofty formulation reveals that (1) it takes the philistine, reductionist, radical Islamist line that The Satanic Verses was no more than an "insult," and (2) it suggests that anyone who displeases philistine, reductionist, radical Islamist folk loses his right to live in safety.

So, if John le Carré upsets Jews, all he needs to do is fill a page of The Guardian with his muddled bombast, but if I am accused of thought crimes, John le Carré will demand that I suppress my paperback edition. He says that he is more interested in safeguarding publishing staff than in my royalties. But it is precisely these people, my novel's publishers in some thirty countries, together with the staff of bookshops, who have most passionately supported and defended my right to publish. It is ignoble of le Carré to use them as an argument for censorship when they have so courageously stood up for freedom.

John le Carré is right to say that free speech isn't absolute. We have the freedoms we fight for, and we lose those we don't defend. I'd always thought George Smiley knew that. His creator appears to have forgotten.

Salman Rushdie

November 20, 1997

John le Carré's conduct in your pages is like nothing so much as that of a man who, having relieved himself in his own hat, makes haste to clamp the brimming chapeau on his head. He used to be evasive and euphemistic about the open solicitation of murder, for bounty, on the grounds that ayatollahs had feelings, too. Now he tells us that his prime concern was the safety of the girls in the mailroom. For good measure, he arbitrarily counterposes their security against Rushdie's royalties.

May we take it, then, that he would have had no objection if The Satanic Verses had been written and published for free and distributed gratis from unattended stalls? This might have at least satisfied those who appear to believe that the defense of free expression should be free of cost and free of risk.

As it happens, no mailroom girls have been injured in the course of eight years' defiance of the fatwah. And when the nervous book chains of North America briefly did withdraw The Satanic Verses on dubious grounds of "security," it was their staff unions who protested and who volunteered to stand next to plate-glass windows in upholding the reader's right to buy and peruse any book. In le Carré's eyes, their brave decision was taken in "safety" and was moreover blasphemous towards a great religion! Could we not have been spared this revelation of the contents of his hat - I mean head?

Christopher Hitchens

November 21, 1997

Anyone reading yesterday's letters from Salman Rushdie and Christopher Hitchens might well ask himself into whose hands the great cause of free speech he has fallen. Whether from Rushdie's throne on Hitchens's gutter, the message is the same: "Our cause is absolute, it brooks no dissent or qualification; whoever questions it is by definition an ignorant, pompous, semi-literate unperson."

Rushdie sneers at my language and trashes a thoughtful and well-received speech I made to the Anglo-Israel Association, and which The Guardian saw fit to reprint. Hitchens portrays me as a buffoon who pours his own urine on his head. Two rabid ayatollahs could not have done a better job. But will the friendship last? I am amazed that Hitchen's has put up with Rushdie's self-canonization for so long. Rushdie, so far as I can make out, does not deny the fact that he insulted a great religion. Instead he accuses me - note his preposterous language for a change - of taking the philistine reductionist radical Islamist line. I didn't know I was so clever.

What I do know is, Rushdie took on a known enemy and screamed "foul" when it acted in character. The pain he has had to endure is appalling, but it doesn't make a martyr of him, nor - much as he would like it to - does it sweep away all argument about the ambiguities of his participation in his own downfall.

John le Carré

November 22, 1997

If he wants to win an argument, John le Carré could begin by learning how to read. It's true I did call him a pompous ass, which I thought pretty mild in the circumstances. "Ignorant" and "semi-literate" are dunces' caps he has skillfully fitted on his own head. I wouldn't dream of removing them. Le Carré's habit of giving himself good reviews ("my thoughtful and well-received speech") was no doubt developed because, well, somebody has to write them. He accuses me of not having done the same for myself. "Rushdie," says the dunce, "does not deny he insulted a great world religion." I have no intention of repeating yet again my many explications of The Satanic Verses, a novel of which I remain extremely proud. A novel, Mr. le Carré, not a gibe. You know what a novel is, don't you, John?

Salman Rushdie

Worth noting:
* who starts the conflict
* who starts firing emotional insults and doesn't stop until the Last Word is theirs
* who does not resort to emotional insults until he is forced to communicate with Toddlers in the only language they can understand
* who is the voice of reason and pragmatic objectivity
* who is the self-serving martyr
* who is sane
* who is insane
* who can do logic
* who cannot do logic because they've been brainwashed into thinking one distribution of the same Abrahamic kernel is evil when all of history has shown all three to be evil but one has killed 90% of innocents killed by the three religions.
* which one of the three do you feel has been responsible for the deaths of 90% of Humanity, and the deaths of billions who don't realise that they live in the image of their exploited mothers whether they are agnostic, atheist or an almost-genius like Hitchens who was neither an atheist nor an agnostic but rather an anti-theist who made me realise that's what I was as well. He fucked up logic here but then the reason you have heard of Chris Hitchens is because he believes he has to get into bed with evil sometimes to get Truth to be heard.

John le Carre? If you can show me where he has gotten into bed with evil, I'd be interested. He gets published because his initial works were so brilliant, no one realised his agenda. Now they're forced to publish what may or may not be his work. Do you understand how illusions work?

Publishing houses are as creepy as any television station or entertainment portal.

le Carre has won, by the way. Rushdie kept this fight going for decades but Rushdie has had the Last Word. le Carre won.

Rushdie: "John le Carre is an illiterate, pompous ass."

The Last Word. So important to Toddlers. Almost always the Own Goal that wins the match for the other side. Illiterate? That's a KO win for le Carre. Illiterate?

Rushdie is batshit insane. How embarrassing for Rushdie. Hitchens had a shocker but then everyone knows who Hitchens is, don't they? Do you think they would if he never got into bed with Evil, on occasion? Don't be a fool. Hitchens embarrassed himself but he might just be guilty of pandering to Power's demanding that he support Rushdie in this exchange. But he did himself a great disservice by feigning stupidity, and I would wager anything that he wasn't happy about it.

I won't buy Gatsby again. Fitzgerald was a genius writer but then he was more interested in style than solutions. Le Carre could probably write better than Fitzgerald but then his novels have been getting dumbed down, dumber and dumber. That's because le Carre is getting more and more brilliant. Connect the dots.

Le Carre writes like a man possessed with brilliance, and he has ALL the clues. What's more, he will give them to you for free because he is not motivated by money or he'd have that Scribd link shut down. Scribd respects "intellectual property". Rushdie loves his royalties. I looked for 20 minutes but was unable to find Satanic Verses on Scribd; but fuck if I didn't find a lot of well-researched papers trashing Rushdie's one-sided truthful attack.

The problem with one-sided truth is that it's not the Truth. The Truth is the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. Everything else is propaganda. Rushdie doesn't realise this, or he does but he doesn't care. He's motivated by literary respect and the validation of creeps who only care about commerce. Don't buy that bullshit about supporting the arts; arts that cannot be commercially viable become extinct without a patron and if you don't understand why patrons patronise, then you probably love your dear sweet insulting mother for KISS'ing you stupid. I'm not insulting your mother.

I'm saying she loved you.

That was very unfortunate for you but you have to take the blame for you. You loved her back. I did not. I'm not better than you, but then I've always wanted to be humane.

You've always wanted to appear to be.

It's an issue of perception and if you cannot understand how the exploited are obsessed with deceit, then keep exploiting your mother by letting her think she needs to smear chemicals on her face just to be presentable in public. I'm a feminist, but women think I'm rude.

Those who cannot understand that I'm more of a feminist than Germaine Greer are the rudest misogynists alive. Most of them are women. What do you want me to do, lie to you? I'm not accusing anybody. We're all victims here. But the victimisation is ongoing because you exploit your mother, not I.

Frankly, your exploitation of your mother's insanity (which you tolerate, i.e. indirectly encourage), is a little fucking rude.

You know, that's JMO.

You could learn how not to be so vile and deceitful. Your insanity is reversible. I couldn't manage it with Mike but I could manage it with someone that wants to be sane and Selfish. If you are polite-to-a-fault, you are a sociopath-to-a-degree that equals 360. If you are polite at all, you are a sociopath < 360 but still, ultimately, a sociopath who deceives. Politeness is deception, by definition. It's so fucking creepy, it's horrifying. It's lying to manipulate emotions and validate the insanity of the emotionally insane who imagine the pain of offence inside their demented minds (or pretend to imagine insanity).

Caring about what the insane feel is how insanity went viral.

Do Unto Others. That fucking creep. Do your insanity unto you. Leave others alone. Stop infecting the world with your inhumanity and your Abrahamic religions of lies lies lies.

Read your fucking Bible. Numbers chapter 31. Christians are the rudest beasts alive and you let them feign offence at those who reveal their shameful Truth? They'll thank you by killing you and raping your "women children". They won't redact the insanity. Because being humane is GOD DAMN rude.

It's the Christian thing to do.

le Carre writes about things you cannot and will not ever see unless you read what he writes, because he only writes about things which are right in front of your eyes. I know. It's the last place I looked as well.

That's where all the lies are hidden. But then lies < truth, when it comes to a debate. When it comes to Power, the truth is that if you tell the Truth, you will not have any power; and what's more, you will realise you would be insane to even want power over anything or anyone but your Self. Only the confused want to control robotic humans. The sane aren't motivated by public opinion, but they would like to be.

The Vatican would hate le Carre. I'd literally bet our lives on it. I'd bet your life first. That way, I might not need to be so wasteful of life if I'm wrong.

It's the Christian thing to do. You first. Always, always you first. Then they'll kill and rape you. Hahah.

The Cross of Jesus goes on before; convincing you to be nice / be good / give away your shit / respect others / love first / do unto others / you, you, you GO FIRST. It's what the New Testament and the Vatican and Christianity and the Law is all about. And they know how it will pan out. They're brilliant but they're brilliantly insane. When the Cross of Jesus doesn't make the convincing case, in come the Christian Soldiers marching as to War.

Well you rudely didn't give them what they wanted. You were impolite. Now all bets are off the table.

They know telling everyone to go first results in a world of insanity where billions of confused imbeciles imagine they're being selfish when they scream:


They don't give a fuck about you, but they will tell you what to do. They will preach at you to behave whilst they misbehave, to treat them with respect whilst they disrespect everyone including themselves, to give them your shit whilst they sneer at poverty they have created and they will preach at you to Trust & Love them unconditionally.

You really couldn't possibly be that stupid unless you're like a toddler or a newborn child. That's the target market of religion, by the way. You're born into it. It's up to you whether you want to be their bitch.

I chose otherwise. I'm not better than you but if you want to be their bitch, literally every bitch in the world is better than you. Wanted to be exploited and exploit others is how you get trapped by the con. You've remained stupid for life because your mothers imagined they were being shrewd raising you to please and 'teaching' you to follow orders without bothering to explain why their orders are even in your best interests - just Trust them OKAY!? - that, would be a huge mistake. They are exploited. They exploit you. They raised you to serve the (perceived) shrewd interests of others. They raised you to want to impress rather than raising you to want to be impressive.

They raised you with emotional insanity and they did this to make you their slave. Don't kid yourself pretending your mother is as stupid as she pretends to be. There are other ways to raise children than insanity and bumhurt "don't you love your mother? I bring you into the world, take care of you and this is the thanks I get?"

My mother said that so many times to me and I would stare at her horrified. I was a hostage and she was trying to assert that I was ungrateful for being a hostage and a prisoner of one of the most notorious sex cults in the 20th century?

Thanks? She's lucky I didn't kill her. But then not really. So many people, but especially her, would have been luckier to be put out of her misery. My siblings got raped because I wasn't humane enough to do the right thing. I was 5 then 9 then 13 but it's all bullshit excuses. I knew the right thing to do with tortured animals that no one cares to rescue. You put them out of their misery. I failed to be humane. My siblings' suffering is on me.

This world has a huge problem with being humane about those who scream their insanity. You gotta start being humane or...who am I kidding.

It's been too late for 3000 years of slaves breeding slaves to exploit with love. Awwh. It's so sweet how you cringe whilst you feed this shit to children. You aren't bright enough to know the Truth that le Carre knows and gives to you, out of pure Selfishness. To promote himself, he'll promote you.

The rest of the world is somewhat confused about self-promotion. Look at your Twitter and Facebook feeds for a clue.

You serve ME. You should care about ME. You should listen to ME. But fuck you. You're not the boss of ME. I don't care about you. You can't tell ME what to do.

It's how a Toddler feels.

It's how a Christian feels.

It's insane but then, you have to understand something. When you're preaching unto others and cutting yourself (imagining your being shrewd writing laws for others to follow whilst you're a rebel who breaks all the rules), all you are is a real piece of work.

Like an object which has been objectified like a intricate humanoid robot soldier / builder / sex slave. You don't think for yourself. But you tell others what to do, before you force them to give you what you politely requested. They refused. That's rude. Now you can take their shit and rape their children. You asked nicely and they told you to fuck off.

All bets are off the table now. You know they're insane. You were polite and they refused. What can you be expected to do?

You have Power. They didn't respect your Insanity. Uh oh.

You're going to Kill them. Rape them. Burn everything you don't need. It's sweet. You Love it. Love it. Love it. You Love THINGS so much if you can't have her, no one can.

God but do Toddler sociopaths love drilling their innocent children's minds with the lie that is love. God is love. Fear God. God is fear. God is insane. And so are you. You were made to be insane.

It's the Christian thing to do.

Here is my book collection, as it stands. I'm immensely chuffed with it and do not be fooled by the odd one out because there are actually two odd ones out. They're for research. Intelligence. By their Insanity you shall know them. I wonder if you can spot them. snicker.

Show me yours.

That's a god damn order. But then I cannot make you, can I? If I imagined otherwise, I'd be insane like Mike. But I'm not your mother and I'm not Mike. So I will not tell you want to do. I will ask you, instead; pretty please, I showed you mine. Please show me yours.

Have no fear. I do not want to compare literary cock sizes with you. Chances are, you might literally win that one.

And then we'd be tied sfo.

Unless you're Tapper. Then, to have a chance, we'd gonna need it to be Best Out of Five.

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Old 08-18-2012, 04:31 PM   #7
Hillbilly Jim
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i heard a rumour that le carre wrote all the bourne novels
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Old 08-18-2012, 10:58 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Hillbilly Jim View Post
i heard a rumour that le carre wrote all the bourne novels

Um. That's unlikely.

But I have a theory that Eminem and Pitbull wrote literally every hit song in 2009/2010. I have reason to believe this, but it's less interesting than I can be bothered linking together to make the convincing case.

Eminem is god, fyi.

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Old 08-18-2012, 11:01 PM   #9
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i heard he got drunk one weekend wrote all the bourne novels and then gave them to robert ludlum in exchange for a blowjob from his wife
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Old 08-18-2012, 11:18 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Hillbilly Jim View Post
i heard he got drunk one weekend wrote all the bourne novels and then gave them to robert ludlum in exchange for a blowjob from his wife

it was graham greene's wife, nice try troll
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