Originally Posted by
I think it is pretty fucking obvious who the biggest embarassment has been, Marti.
408. Not chased out of towns with tail behind his legs.
408. Didn't steal the cocaine from the party, only returning under threat of banning.
408. Has not alienated 90% of the people he has encountered in real life.
408. Not beat up by a group of skinheads and nigs for smartin off.
408. Doesn't get off on his dog killing cats/smaller dogs. (This is really fucking sick, Marti.)
408 has a long way to go.
408. Didn't pee in gatorade bottle of black roommate to "show him"
408. Didn't invite random poker forum people to meet his mother while he did blow in the bathroom.
408. Didn't eat ice for 3 days straight.
408. Didn't go to Druffs pizza party and ruin it because he can't learn to lower his voice.
408. Doesn't claim to have a bachelors that does not exist.
408. Has not setup a fail poker site.
408. Has not setup 5 poker fail sites.
408. Even with meth habit, has all original teeth.
408. Didn't get some dentist from mexico for gringoo special and horrible front plastic incisors.
408. Didn't go to a pokerroom (Limelight) with a body guard to protect him from mean spirited poker forum buddies.
408. Did not try to introduce a hardcore con into a poker forum, completely with heart string pulling backstory.
408. Did not run out of the Rio at the first sight of Hollywood Dave (himself a 5'1 midget)
408. Didn't embarrass his friend when friend went deep into a WSOP tourney by being uncontrollable over the top fanboy creep.
.. maybe some more later..
I can type this shit for days.
All true or closely based on reality.