We pray for understanding as we all occasionally request back door action by accident, when we tried to call an electrician. It happens, it simply happens.
Fuck no it's a scam, of course. Somoene somehwere (probably a woman) invented the idea to justify forcing her man to keep his mouth firmly planted on flesh that stinks like fish for untold hours "Looking for her magic place." When the inevitable happens and he can't find it, now her incessant bitching is easily justified "You never make me happy"
Fuck no it's a scam, of course. Somoene somehwere (probably a stuffed animal) invented the idea to justify forcing its ape to keep his mouth firmly planted on flesh that stinks like two week old bologna for untold hours "Looking for its magic place." When the inevitable happens and he can't find it, and ends up with a mouthful of slimy cotton, now its incessant bitching is easily justified "You never make me happy"
This is really interesting, it says McAfee had nearly perfected a way to synthesize a type of anabolic steroid that lowered the density of muscles so they could absorb more blood, increasing the ability to burn fat.
Only a guy on bath salts could come up with something like that. Amazing.
I read that nowhere, link to prove this is not a forgery in a thinly veiled attempt to troll me?
Since you made the effort, here I am (woohoo) and it is almost physically impossible to decrease muscle density, though plausible with very high doses of cortisol (mostly through deprecation of anabolic hormones resulting in less muscle, more fat (that is muscle density essentially, how much muscle weight you have in a given unit of volume, less muscle and more fat = less muscle density) and inhibited glucose utilization etc.
That would never equate to muscles absorbing more blood, and even if that did happen, lipolysis does not occur within the muscle to a high degree in the first place (muscles need glycogen and ATP to contract, fat burning for energy/heat is a very slow process, the body just does not work that way) and the premise of increased blood flow leading to enhanced fat loss can easily be achieved through vaso-dilation, and any over the counter Nitric Oxide booster can do that quite effectively (and it's a very cost effective solution at that)
I just hate that you troll me with such precision that I literally couldn't stop myself from responding. You could give a fuck less about building muscle or burning fat, this is so out of character I feel like a complete moron for even responding...not making 408's xmas list = you.
I read that nowhere, link to prove this is not a forgery in a thinly veiled attempt to troll me?
Since you made the effort, here I am (woohoo) and it is almost physically impossible to decrease muscle density, though plausible with very high doses of cortisol (mostly through deprecation of anabolic hormones resulting in less muscle, more fat (that is muscle density essentially, how much muscle weight you have in a given unit of volume, less muscle and more fat = less muscle density) and inhibited glucose utilization etc.
That would never equate to muscles absorbing more blood, and even if that did happen, lipolysis does not occur within the muscle to a high degree in the first place (muscles need glycogen and ATP to contract, fat burning for energy/heat is a very slow process, the body just does not work that way) and the premise of increased blood flow leading to enhanced fat loss can easily be achieved through vaso-dilation, and any over the counter Nitric Oxide booster can do that quite effectively (and it's a very cost effective solution at that)
I just hate that you troll me with such precision that I literally couldn't stop myself from responding. You could give a fuck less about building muscle or burning fat, this is so out of character I feel like a complete moron for even responding...not making 408's xmas list = you.
Cool thanks for the response. NO idea why youre losing it bro. Obviously I misunderstood his post. I had to translate it from Russian.
Can you even say with a straight face you don't want me to trip on bath salts so that I will kill myself?
If you can convince me you can probably convince my connect, so maybe you should try doing so because I have zero other avenues to acquire anything. This person is my connect to the russian maffia, a bonus from having been raised very wealthy, so nothing is ever moving higher up the chain than her.
I am pretty sure you are just very curious about the effects of this stuff, and if you want a very legitimate recorded experience, move quickly on helping the acquisition of such as my life is due to be changing rapidly. I'm going to rehab, and soon. Don't even dream of me trying anything along these lines when I get out and begin my attempt to live life sober cuz it will not be happening.
I have decent connections to equipment, if some work needs to be done converting something I can handle that at least. And you have my address already, or PM me on pfa (since my pm ability here is blocked) and let's get moving.
And I still need a camera, though I might have use of a 12mp fujifilm digital camera, if I can find a cord for the damn thing...if you want this to happen, a little more work on your end is needed than "let's curtail Mike's abilities on an internet forum we think he likes and badger him incessantly until he complies"