There is an extremely dangerous, and unseen infection or virus that has been spreading amongst mankind for thousands of years. It is only now starting to take its toll on humanity as we are witnessing it's peak. I don't care if some of the things I say may come off as "crazy" to some people because they are infected and body snatched, preventing them to see the truth. I still speak out on these matters because ever since the alignment a wave of humans have been able to break free from this mind virus and have awoken to the true reality of things. These are dire issues that the world needs to know about. These infil-traitors can run but they can no longer hide. Especially if more people are aware of them. Just because you cannot see them doesn't mean they do not exist. Take a look at certain people's behavior. If they act like their minds have been infected, that means that they are. No doubt about it.
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