Anywho, a buddy and I were asked to leave a local drinking establishment a few days back and we politely obliged.
Outside, we were debating the situation with the muscle, blah blah blah, when before you could say whore-cocking bitch, the Gendarme appeared.
Even though I was playing the role of mediator, I guess I got the last word in and it cost me a night in the think tank. I've been through this before (years ago) and it was a breeze. Out in a few hours, none the worse......Not so lucky this time.
Shortly after settling in I overhear a conversation between another inhabitant and the man, letting me know I'm in for 8 hours. Despite being "glued" I could not sleep, even though I was afforded two perfectly level concrete slabs. Also, I was not dressed for the occasion and pretty much froze the entire time.
Eight hours doesn't seem like much until you take into account a screeching hangover, below normal body temperature and zero sleep.
By the time the gates of hell were opened I was ready to lick-polish the boots of anyone with a key to my cell.
$$$$ PUNCHLINE $$$$
Funny, but my horoscope didn't come close to predicting any of this.
Also next time call skatz, and we will have core pull some strings to spring you. Kid walks into the belly of the canadian justice system's beast, flashes his pearly white pimp shoes, lights a blunt with his lobster claw lighter, and any and all doors open, seas part, and vestal virgins *use your imagination*.